The Answer

Is a New World War About to Begin?

    THE ENTIRE ISRAELI-PALESTINE CONFLICT EXPLAINED     Source:         Mercola | 19 October 2023   The globalist cabal behind The Great Reset plan desperately wants war — the bigger the better — as this will facilitate the transition into their “new world order” War destroys supply chains, the energy sector, food supply and the workforce, which creates dependency on government, which in turn will be taken over by private interests and central banks through theRead More

Donald Trump: The World Health Organization ‘Deserves To Be Completely Abolished And Replaced’

      18 October 2023       Source:


      Stop World Control | 16 October 2023         Source:

“They sacrifice children”, says financial elite insider Ronald Bernard

      Stop The World Control | 2022   Ronald Bernard was directly working with the highest people of the financial elite, who effectively rule the world. He was very good at moving their massive money flows, in such a way that nobody could discover their criminal practices. At a certain point they invited him to join their Holy Mass in the Churches of Satan. Bernard found it amusing to see the naked women, and enjoy the drugs andRead More

Pierre Poilievre – How do you like them apples?

    14 October 2023   Pierre Marcel Poilievre PC MP (born June 3, 1979) is a Canadian politician who has served as the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the leader of the Official Opposition since 2022. Poilievre has served as a member of Parliament (MP) since 2004     Part 1     Part 2

Tucker Carlson interviews

        Tucker Carlson’s Media Startup Gets Big Boost From ‘Anti-Woke’ Investment Firm 18 October 2023 Tucker Carlson’s media startup got a big boost on Monday as a venture capital firm has reportedly agreed to invest $15 million in his budding business. Read the full article here       Trans, Inc: Genital mutilation is not just a fad 6 October 2023           Donald Trump appeared in court today, but it wasn’t a legalRead More

Israel Is Isis – Isis Is Bolshevik

      The Crowhouse | 17 October 2023       Source:

President Donald J. Trump in Iowa

    16 October 2023   Adel, IA         Clive, IA       Source:

Truth About The Rulers Of The Darkness — Harley Schlanger

      SGT Report | 17 October 2023       Source:

Shadow Government Exposed

    The Consequences of the Iran-Contra Scandal   Badlands Media | 16 October 2023   The Shadow Government was established and entrenched over many decades. It had become so powerful that many people inside and outside of the country feared the consequences of trying to buck the system. But there were moments in time when this corrupt CIA controlled shadow government actually seemed vulnerable.         Source:    

Israel’s 9/11 Is A False Flag – The Hidden Hands Behind It And Their Plan

      Tremregi | 17 October 2023       There can be no doubt that Israel and Hamas are one and the same, both funded by the Satanic, evil money changers. Same with every war, every conflict around the world, including Ukraine. Their plan is to create so much murder, chaos, instability, and fear that we will beg for them to save us. World subjugation and domination is their grand solution (illusion), a one world government. Go readRead More

There Is No Such Thing As ‘Palestinians’

    PJ MEDIA | 14 October 2023   By Rabbi Michael Barclay   (This column is Part 1 of a series of articles explaining the fallacies that have led to the world’s leftists supporting Palestine, Gaza, and Hamas’ horrors.)   The patterns of the anti-Semitic/Marxist/”Palestinian”/LGBTQ/BLM/hate-filled alliance are nothing if not predictable. After expressing shock and dismay that their Palestinian friends in Gaza specifically targeted civilians, in under a week, they have quickly shifted back to their repeated old rhetoric.Read More

How Could Israeli Intelligence Miss the Hamas Invasion Plans?

      CSIS | 11 October 2023   An intelligence failure is like a plane crash: it is never just one thing that goes wrong, it is instead a series of things that add up to a disaster. Hamas pulled off a complex, multifront assault on October 7—the kind of coordinated attack that takes months to plan and execute. Moreover, tens if not hundreds of Hamas militants were involved in the combination air, land, sea, and rocket assault, suggesting thatRead More

Steve Shultz interviews Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes

      Elijah Streams | 12 October 2023       Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes discusses the compromise of Congress on both sides, her thoughts on the next Speaker of the House, instigators on social media, and more.     Source:       Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes substack

Women, Children … and Terror

    Who’s Pulling the Strings in the Middle East?   Badlands Media | 13 October 2023   By Erik Carlson       Source:

The Reclaim Party & Andrew Bridgen MP have secured a date in Parliament for a debate on Excess Deaths

      Reclaim The Media | 14 October 2023       Laurence Fox and Andrew Bridgen chat this week’s news.   Source:

Martin Armstrong warns: Terror attack on Israel…

      Health Ranger Report | 12 October 2023       Martin Armstrong warns: Terror attack on Israel a joint intelligence operation to draw RUSSIA into World War III     Source:           More Evidence Hamas is Targeting Civilians on Both Sides   Posted Oct 13, 2023 by Martin Armstrong   Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) are prohibiting Gaza residents from leaving. Israel has provided evacuation notices and warned civilians to flee,Read More

Efrat Fenigson – Israel-Hamas War: An update & the tough questions

      8 October 2023         7 October 2023       This is Efrat Fenigson and I’m here to share an update from Israel-Hamas War which started this morning. I’m going to share some key details and concerns, mostly based on Israeli citizens’ voices from the ground, and on official statements. This is a very tough day for me and for us in Israel. It is tough for people of Palestine too, especially now thatRead More

Catastrophe in Nagorno Karabakh – 100,500 Forced To Leave

      Tremregi | 2 October 2023       Natalia Saghiyan with an update on the crisis in Armenia. 100,500 residents of Nagorno Karabakh – Artsakh – an independent republic – were force to leave their homes after millennia on this land. How can Armenia cope with so many? Armenia has become a flashpoint for the world with the following players competing for land and resources: Azerbaijan supported by Turkey, Israel and the USA. On the other hand,Read More

Vladimir Putin Speaks at the 20th Annual Valdai International Club 2023

          Russian President Vladimir Putin attends the 20th Annual Valdai International Club and speaks about ““Fair Multipolarity: How to Ensure Security and Development for Everyone.”     Source:           Putin at Valdai, civilizational world order is here to stay   The Duran | 6 October 2023    

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