
Breakthrough Study Uncovers ‘Off Switch’ for COVID mRNA Shots

      Mercola | 1 July 2024   A preprint study led by Dr. Peter McCullough suggests using siRNA and RIBOTACs to target and degrade residual mRNA from COVID-19 vaccines, potentially mitigating long-term health risks associated with persistent spike protein production COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have shown wider distribution in the body than initially claimed, raising concerns about unintended effects and the need for an “off switch” to stop ongoing spike protein production The study proposes using siRNA and RIBOTACsRead More

We Now Have Proof The COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition

    A Midwestern Doctor | 20 June 2024   Subtle and overt neurological injuries are one of the most common results of a pharmaceutical injury.   The COVID-19 vaccines excel at causing damage to cognition, and many of us have noticed both subtle and over cognitive impairment following vaccination that relatively few people know how to address.   For a long time, the hypothesis that the vaccines impaired cognition was “anecdotal” because it was based on individuals observing itRead More

Full Dr. David Martin Alex Jones Must Watch Interview

    19 June 2024       US Government is coordinating a depopulation program against the world. States are preparing criminal charges against Big Pharma.     Source:

Spike Protein and Amyloid Aggregates Found in Recipients of mRNA Transfusions

    As I have been warning about for years, the Spike Protein “Prionifies” multiple proteins, creating amyloid aggregates. They are now in the blood supply.   WMC Research | 19 June 2024   I wanted to post an additional finding this week which was published May 29th. Spike protein contamination and contamination with amyloid aggregates (among other issues) have been found in blood products from those vaccinated with mRNA gene therapies. Please read the entire report.     TransfusionsRead More

What does Moderna know that Pfizer doesn’t?

    “According to my inside sources at Moderna, they are scaling up manufacturing despite no real demand…”   Due Diligence and Art | 29 May 2024       Source:

Astra Zeneca

    The MedGen Spike primers are present in the AZ vaccine   Nepetalactone Newsletter | 28 May 2024       Source:         Why The AZ Vaccine Was Really Withdrawn, What Your Government Isn’t Telling You   Doc Malic | 21 May 2024   Ehden Biber is an information security, cybersecurity, and privacy expert, who in July 2021 exposed on Twitter (via the hashtag #PfizerLeak) the confidential Pfizer/BioNTech Manufacturing and Supply Agreements that governments have agreedRead More

Whistleblower Sasha Latypova Exposes mRNA Vaccine ‘Military Machinery’ in COVID-19 Response

      Asher Press | 17 June 2023       “What we found is [that] the whole representation of what is happening is a lie … The U.S. government is representing to the public that this is a health event and the response to a health event. But in fact, … this is a military operation.”   In this episode, I sit down with former pharmaceutical executive Sasha Latypova. She emerged from retirement during the COVID-19 pandemic toRead More

Dr. Chris Shoemaker – Damaged Hearts Among the Vaccinated

    A COVID-“vaccinated” heart is “a heart that is working…twice as hard as it should…and it does it for 6 continuous month[s] after two vaccinations…These people…weren’t having chest pain…weren’t having a sense of myocarditis, they think that everything’s just fine…”   Canadian Comprehensive Physician Dr. Chris Shoemaker describes for Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson the results of a study performed by Dr. Nakahara Takehiro, et al. at the Keio University School of Medicine in Japan, which found that COVID-“vaccinated” hearts workRead More

Unsafe & Ineffective: The Biggest Lie Ever Sold (COVID-19 Documentary)

          The Biggest Lie Ever Sold   “Even if you think you know, there is more to this story than you’ve been told.”   In December 2020, major pharmaceutical companies rushed to market with new vaccines meant to curb a global pandemic. Produced with unprecedented speed, based on new formulations of previously problematic mRNA biotechnology, the mainstream media hailed these vaccines as a Godsend. Governments around the world held them up as a triumph of innovationRead More

Mike Adams interviews Dr. Bryan Ardis

    Health Ranger Report | 20 April 2024       Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals shocking use of venom peptides in cosmetics and the food supply, with NEW SOLUTIONS for foreign protein detoxification.   – Venom peptides in medicine, including their use in COVID-19 treatment and cosmetics. (0:01) – Toxic weight loss drugs made from venomous lizard’s venom. (7:27) – COVID-19 origins and potential cures. (12:45) – Nicotine as an antidote for various viruses, including COVID-19, with references to scientificRead More

Self-Replicating Nanobots Found in both the Vaxxed and UnVaxxed

      Reese Report | 9 May 2024       Source:


    Gene-encoded vaccines were developed by DARPA       US military, not Pfizer/Moderna, was the origin of mRNA vaccines. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) invested in gene-encoded vaccines since 2012 to pursue a bioweapon and vaccine.      

Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech

    Reese Report | 7 May 2024       Source:

COVID Vaccines — ‘The Devastating Health Crisis in the Channel Islands + Around the World’

      26 April 2024       ‘MP Andrew Bridgen is inviting Government Ministers and officials together with local medical professionals and media representatives from the islands of Jersey and Guernsey to participate in a discussion on the issue of Covid 19 vaccine harms and excess deaths, which he will also be debating in the House of Commons on 18 April 2024.   ‘The discussion will feature a number of eminent professionals within their respective fields.   Speakers:Read More

Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases

      Mercola |  29 April 2024   Mounting research suggests a serious side effect of the COVID mRNA jabs could be dementia, and the prions that cause it may be contagious Frameshifting, as we now know occurs in the COVID shots, can induce prion production and lead to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) Sid Belzberg’s website, which collected data on neurological side effects post-jab, found a notably high incidence of diagnosed CJD cases,Read More

Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan

        Abstract   During the COVID-19 pandemic, excess deaths including cancer have become a concern in Japan, which has a rapidly aging population. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate how age-adjusted mortality rates (AMRs) for different types of cancer in Japan changed during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022). Official statistics from Japan were used to compare observed annual and monthly AMRs with predicted rates based on pre-pandemic (2010-2019) figures using logistic regression analysis. No significant excess mortality wasRead More

All Covid Jab Deaths are Murder or Suicide – Dr Vernon Coleman

      Vernon Coleman | 31 March 2023       The covid jab in the US is now part of the massive childhood vaccine program with children under five being given over 40 vaccinations. Dr Vernon Coleman is a long-term critic of untested vaccine programs which are now made even more dangerous by the addition of the covid-19 jab.     Source:           Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe and Effective is LyingRead More

Dr Lee Merritt: Parasite Protocol: The New Parasite Paradigm

      20 October 2022       Source:       Dr Lee Merritt website

Project Whistleblower

      Part 1         Part 2     Uncover the hidden truth behind Pfizer vaccines with Project Whistleblower, a groundbreaking documentary created and narrated by former Pfizer employee and whistleblower Justin Leslie. This gripping exposé reveals the shocking reality behind the Pfizer vaccines and tells the story of one man’s courage to expose the truth. He also shares his encounters with James O’Keefe, who admitted to attending the infamous Bohemian Grove, further fueling suspicions ofRead More

Shocking Finding: Life Expectancy Continues to Plummet

        Source:       Mercola |  2 March 2024   Provisional estimates and finalized reports reveal a significant decline in American life expectancy with young adults bearing the brunt of excess deaths The gender life expectancy gap in the U.S. has reached its widest point since 1996, primarily driven by COVID-19 and the opioid crisis, highlighting systemic issues in health care and societal structures Contrary to historical trends, the burden of death now falls disproportionately onRead More

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