
An Endgame for the Ukrainian War w/ John Mearsheimer

      GlennDiesen | 9 September 2023       Prof John Mearsheimer discusses the Russia/Ukrania war with Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen.     Source:     John J. Mearsheimer website

Alexander Mercouris – The Biden Crime Family – Senility – Is Putin Weak or Wise

      Tremregi | 6 September 2023     A fascinating discussion with Alexander Mercouris about Joe Biden’s criminal history, his present cognitive decline and impeachment. We also discussed whether the USA can sustain the level of support for Ukraine and its vast network of soft power around the world. We talked about Armenia, Georgia, Serbia, Kosovo where the US has been attempting color revolutions and chaos. Finally, how is Russia’s patience in the face of increasing provocations andRead More


    SGT Report | 31 August 2023       Harley Schlanger returns to SGT Report to discuss the panic in the Rothschild’s City of London as the BRICS expands and the move away from the Dollar accelerates. Will the demons take us into WW3 after they take out Donald J. Trump? Join us as we dig in to the REAL news.     Source:         National American Renaissance Movement     Mission Statement  Read More

Tucker interviews Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán

      30 August 2023           Source:

Tucker interviews Robert F Kennedy Jr. 

      15 August 2023     RFK Jr. explains Ukraine, bio-labs, and who killed his uncle         Source:

Glenn Diesen: Economic Forum – Russia Africa Forum – US-Saudi Peace Conference

      Tremregi | 9 August 2023       Professor Glenn Diesen, explains what transpired at the St. Petersburg International Forum and it’s significance in these times. We also discussed the immense importance of the Russia – Africa Forum also in St. Petersburg. The multipolar world is being demanded by 80% of the rest of the world who want to be treated with respect and equals. Finally, we discussed the Saudi US Peace Conference that wasn’t.    Read More

Prof. Dr Viseslav Simic: Rarely told History of Serbia (in brief) and what we can all learn from it

      QNewsPatriot | 7 August 2023       In Anon Audio Chat 11, SG Anon sits down w/ Dr. Simic (Sima) to discuss the importance of incorporating alterations of history in our overall perspective, and actually verbalizing Truth as oral tradition for the future generations. It was a stimulating discussion. Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average “Normie” or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through thisRead More

Join the Infowar Against the US Propaganda Machine

      Tremregi | 5 August 2023         Friends Of Crimea   Friends of Crimea – Friends of Russia              

Trinity A-Bomb Test vs The Christian Trinity of Three Persons in One God

      Tremregi | 26 July 2023       Ed Curtin joins me in an in-depth look at the symbolism of this test that has overshadowed humanity since July 16, 1945. Robert Oppenheimer chose the name for this test which flies in the face of Christian theology. Man, with this weapon, now replaces God with the power to end all life on the planet. What does this mean? What are the consequences? Is this really a war againstRead More

A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky

    Scott Ritter | 11 July 2023   As a former intelligence officer, I’ve been wondering why has no one done an investigation about Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine? His rise to power, in my opinion, represents an incredible manipulation of world opinion that will go down in history as a classic case study in social psychological engineering: an ordinary comedian who came to power because he promised a long-awaited peace, who then dragged his fellow citizens intoRead More

The Darkness Ahead: Where The Ukraine War Is Headed

    JOHN J. MEARSHEIMER | 23 June 2023             Prof John Mearsheimer interviewed by Glen Greenwald   30 June 2023       Source:    

Max Blumenthal addresses UN Security Council on Ukraine aid

    The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal addressed the UN Security Council on the role of US military aid to Ukraine in escalating the conflict with Russia and the real motives behind Washington’s support for Kiev’s proxy war.   The Grayzone | 30 June 2023       Full transcript:   Thank you to Wyatt Reed, Alex Rubinstein and Anya Parampil for helping me prepare this presentation. Wyatt has first hand experience with the subject as a journalist whose hotel inRead More

Putin’s speech, post mutiny

    Address to Defence Ministry, National Guard, Federal Security Service, Interior Ministry and Federal Guard Service units which ensured law and order during the mutiny   Speaking on Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin, the President addressed service personnel from the units of the Defence Ministry, the Federal Service of National Guard Troops, the Federal Security Service, the Interior Ministry and the Federal Guard Service, which ensured law and order during the mutiny.   The Kremlin, Moscow | 27 June 2023    Read More

Putin speaks on Prigozhin

      Address to citizens of Russia 24 June 2023   “I am addressing citizens of Russia, the personnel of the Armed Forces, law enforcement agencies and security services, and the soldiers and commanders who are now fighting in their combat positions, repulsing enemy attacks and doing it heroically – I know this as I spoke once again with the commanders of all sections of the frontline last night. I am also addressing those who were dragged into this criminal adventureRead More

Edward Slavsquat – Russian Alt Media – Chess Masters – SMO

      Tremregi | 10 June 2023       Edward Slavsquat, aka Riley Waggaman, compares Russian Alt Media vs US Alt Media; He played chess with 10 yr olds and got whooped then took lessons from a Russian Grandmaster. Finally, we discussed the SMO and dissent among Russia’s elite class.     Source:         Edward Slavsquat

Putin Reveals Secret Peace Agreement Between Russia and Ukraine

          Source:           Richard Medhurst | 19 June 2023     Source:      

How to Destroy Russia – CIA’s decades of propaganda war

        Glenn Diesen – U.S. Think Tanks – Soft Power & Hard Power   Tremregi | 6 June 2023       Glenn Diesen, professor at South Eastern Norway University, regular contributor on RT, expert at Valdai Discussion Club and the St. Petersburg Economic Form discusses how the U.S. Think Tanks hijack EU policymakers; his new book: The Think Tank Racket-Managing The Information War with Russia; and how the U.S. uses its military in 90 countries aroundRead More

Dragana Trifkovic – Serbia Kosovo – History, Background & Trouble Brewing Watch

    Tremregi | 31 May 2023       Dragana Trifkovic joins me in an important history lesson about the origins of Serbia’s problems today and with Kosovo. The dirty hands of the USA are visible everywhere. Nothing knew, but Serbia is not what you think it is and the people don’t like it.     Source:

Ben Toth – Hungary – Cracks in the EU/NATO – Drones Over Moscow

    Tremregi | 30 May 2023       Ben Toth joined me in an important and informative interview ranging from Viktor Orban in Hungary not toeing the US/NATO line; cracks in the EU/NATO; Russia’s goals for the SMO repeated; where did the drones come from that attacked Moscow today, May 30, 2023 and who is behind it?; Serbia/Kosovo tensions rising; Avian flu from US biolabs in Ukraine attacking Russia.     Source:

Sergey Lavrov Address at United Nations Security Council

    New York | 24 April 2023       Speech by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov at the UN Security Council: “Effective Multilateralism through the Protection of the Principles of the UN Charter”   Source:   Original video:       Full transcript from    

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