Research & Opinions

Mike Adams w/ Dr Tau Braun

  Health Ranger Report | 2 June 2022   Dr Tau Braun is a U.S. National Counterterrorism & EMS Advisor and Trainer, Chief Scientist, CounterBioterrorism Division, Executive Director of the Violence Prevention Agency, and Clinical Psychologist.   In this interesting and highly informative interview, Dr Braun and Mike Adams discuss a wide range of topics including the psychology behind the perpetrators of mass killings, the psychopathy of Bill Gates, the lasting damage done by COVID pandemic measures, and the importance ofRead More

Neil Oliver on DAVOS 2022

  GBNews | 27 May 2022   The social contract has been broken by the few of the State, says Neil Oliver       Nearly 2,000 years ago the Caledonians of the north faced off against a Roman army led by a Roman Governor called Agricola. Among much else, the Roman Empire wantedsubmission from those people they deemed lesser, inferior. According to Agricola’s son in law, Tacitus, the Caledonians were led by one they called Calgacus, which means theRead More

Dr Russell Blaylock: Excitotoxins – The Taste That Kills

  Dr Russell Blaylock, a retired neurosurgeon, and author of the book Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills gives a talk on compounds called excitotoxins. Excitotoxins such as monosodium glutamate (MSG), hydrolyzed vegetable protein, and aspartame are being added to almost all processed foods. There is a substantial amount of evidence that excitotoxins play a critical role in the development of several neurological disorders.   Excitotoxins are proteins which excite brain cells and cause them to die. Other excitotoxins include aspartame andRead More

The Bitcoin Apocalypse w/ David Morgan & John Perez

  The Crypto Conspiracy Podcast – Crypto Crashes… Stablecoin Collapse Sends Tokens Tumbling 18 May 2022 Crypto-currency markets are being rocked after a popular token lost 99% of its value, dragging down a so-called “stablecoin” with it. The Terra Luna token fell from a high of $118 (£96), last month, to $0.09 on Thursday. The collapse had a knock-on effect on a linked token, TerraUSD, which is normally stable. And spooked investors are now pulling out of major crypto-currencies, sendingRead More


  Part 1 William Mills Tompkins is one of the most important witnesses to come forward revealing details about the Secret Space Program and human interactions with ETs. He details the German alliances with Reptilians and Dracos, the infiltration of NASA by these beings as well as the positive contribution by the Nordics to our secret space program over decades since at least the 1920s and perhaps earlier.         Part 2 This interview connects the dots onRead More

“Propaganda Exposed”


Sound & Frequency the major tools of Advanced Ancient Civilizations

  Michael Tellinger | Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference Boulder, Colorado, USA | 2013           Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference 2012       Source: Michael Tellinger Breakthrough Energy Movement

Why Are We Here?

  A Scary Truth Behind the Original Bible Story This information will change the way you think about the history of humanities origins. What implications does this have for us today?   Part 1       Part 2       Part 3         Source credits: Paul Anthony Wallis The 5th Kind

Albert Pike & The Three World Wars

  HelioWave Productions | 30 January 2021     When reading about Albert Pike: The Three World Wars…you have to ask yourself, is it a case of correlation or something more? Well, tonight, we will take a look at one such political figure and a theory, that if ever, could be proven, would indeed become more than a mere inconvenience. The letter that details the three world wars is highly disputed; nevertheless, the letter is widely quoted and the topicRead More

Debunking a Century of War Lies

  The Corbett Report | 8 July 2018   In the modern age of democracy and volunteer armies, a pretense for war is required to rally the nation around the flag and motivate the public to fight. That is why every major conflict is now accompanied by its own particular bodyguard of lies. From false flag attacks to dehumanization of the “enemy”, here are all the examples you’ll need to help debunk a century of war lies.     If,Read More

Full Transcript: “Ryan Dark White”

  The following interviews with “Ryan Dark White” were conducted for Lin Wood in January 2021 and released by Wood March 3, 2021 via Dropbox with an accompanying statement from Wood on Telegram: ‘I think this transcript should be shared far and wide.’ The document has since been deleted from Dropbox.     #BIDEN #PENCE   Source:

Project Camelot – Kerry Cassidy interviews

  29 April 2022 Kerry Cassidy w/ Patriot Underground White Hat COG Strategy – Secret Space         11 March 2022 Kerry Cassidy w/ Patriot Underground Ukraine, Bioweapons, Putin, Trump, and JFK Jr.         31 January 2022 Kerry Cassidy w/ Nico Rodriguez The return of Trump, what Q and team are doing or not doing and why… and the current state of play on Planet Earth         Source: Project Camelot

The American Empire and its Media

    Largely unbeknownst to the general public, executives and top journalists of almost all major US media outlets have long been members of the influential Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Established in 1921 as a private, bipartisan organization to “awaken America to its worldwide responsibilities”, the CFR and its close to 5000 elite members for decades have shaped US foreign policy and public discourse about it. As a well-known Council member famously explained, they transformed the American republic into a globalRead More

Rays of Light

  11 November 2021   This is the first portion of ‘Rays of Light‘ released by TLS (The Light System)       Source:       The Light System & The Pyramid Code Disclosure – Jason Shurka interviews with ‘Ray’

The Universal Antidote

  The Science & Story of Chlorine Dioxide           Source:     You can learn to make your own chlorine dioxide by going to the website:

The Light System (TLS) & The Pyramid Code

  Presented by Jason Shurka         THE PYRAMID CODE There is nothing new under the sun. What was, will be, and what will be already was.             Source:   Watch Jason Shurka’s Disclosure interviews with a TLS member ‘Ray’ here

Royal Raymond Rife and Healing Frequencies

  Royal Raymond Rife was an American researcher and inventor of the 20th century and the first exponent of high magnification time-lapse cine-micrography. He was awarded 14 prizes and an honorary doctorate. In the early 1900s he discovered that microorganisms could be annihilated by subjecting them to the action of specific frequencies produced by a complex electronic device he invented that used a combination of alternating and direct electric current. The power of square wave resonance and harmonics was also used. Using a powerful microscope, also conceived andRead More

Cymatics – Bring Matter To Life With Sound (Full Documentary)

  “This is not unregulated chaos; it is a dynamic but ordered pattern” – Dr. Hans Jenny     Part 1 Introduction by Peter Guy Manners, M.D.     Part 2 The healing nature of sound     Part 3 Application of Cymatic Therapy     Part 4 Experiments In Animation With Sound & Vibration         Hans Jenny and the science of sound: cymatics Hans Jenny (16 August 1904, Basel – 23 June 1972) was a naturalRead More

Jason Shurka warns about Operation Blue Beam

  ‘Ray‘ – a member of The Light System (TLS) – talks to Jason Shurka about the Operation Blue Beam or the Phoenix Light Project. According to ‘Ray’, tens of thousands of people witnessed a hologram generated mile-long craft in the sky. What if they see a thousands of smaller aircrafts all over the world, all projected by hologram? Then attacks will follow with real planes or missiles resulting in mass casualties. This could lead to a worldwide emergency andRead More

Premission to Breathe Freely, Sir?

  Amazing Polly | 19 April 2022   Congrats, they dropped the mask mandates, you got the permission you waited for. What happens when they take it away? Use this time to switch sides in this war between Truth and Lies!  

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