Brian Rose interview w/ David Icke
Source credit: London Real
Source credit: London Real
Three Days That Will Live In Infamy December 5-7, 2022. The WHO will be meeting to discuss the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.” Please share this article with everyone you know, especially with members of the alternative media. James Roguski Health Ranger Report | 5 December 2022 Source: James Roguski – PANDEMIC TREATY UPDATE
Source: Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare by Peter Gøtzsche
Elon Musk’s startup hopes to start human tests in six months for its implant that connects computers to brains. Stephen Shankland | 30 November 2022 Neuralink, the startup Elon Musk founded to link our brains directly to computers, showed progress Wednesday in two medical areas: helping blind people to see and helping people with spinal cord injuries to walk or use their hands. The company, one of five that Musk leads, is working on technologyRead More→
27 November 2022 Lon Brunson, Juan O Savin, and “Ghost” discuss the potential outcome of the Brunson Federal Lawsuit, hosted by David Nino Rodriguez. * The defendants include 385 members of the U.S. House and Senate plus Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Pense. * Will the House try to pass a bill before January that would limit SCOTUS’s term of office to 18 months? * What ramifications would a positive ruling from SCOTUS have on federal Continuity ofRead More→
Reese Report | 30 November 2022 Source:
Last updated 29 November 2022 by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter This sequel to the documentary The Fall of The Cabal has been created by the same Dutch researchers and further exposes the Deep State Cabal. PART 1 Ancient origins of the Cabal – Sumer to Babylonia, to Canaan and Khazaria. Then onward to Europe, from the Knights Templar to the Jesuit Council PART 2 The Cabal’s Plan to subjucate the world andRead More→
Clandestine | 26 November 2022 The world’s eyes will shift to Geneva, Switzerland, beginning Monday, November 28th, 2022, and the Conference will last to mid-December. This is where countries of the UN can propose changes to the current Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). These conferences have been occurring every 5 years since 1972, and has been nothing more than ceremonial. This year however, given the recent allegations put forth from Russia against the United States,Read More→
GBNews | 27 November 2022 Source:
Marco Polo USA Founder Garret Ziegler interviewed by Robert Gouveia 22 November 2022 Source: BIDEN LAPTOP REPORT `* This report contains 644 pages and may take some time to load. Source:
Full transcript of the speech Derek Johnson analyses Trump speech
”AGENDA is the most powerful expose of the communist, socialist, progressive attempt to take over America produced so far.” – Ted Baehr, MovieGuide Source credit:
Parte 1 Source: Parte 2 Source:
Kash Patel interviewed by Mike Adams Health Ranger Report | 25 November 2022 Source:
Health Ranger Report | 23 November 2022 Dr. Robert Malone talks mRNA, FDA criminality, depopulation and WEF agendas with Mike Adams – Why Dr. Malone invented key mRNA technologies decades ago – How the tech has been exploited by today’s pharma companies to harm billions – Dr. Malone unloads on FDA criminality and other sensitive topics – Dr. Malone answers false accusations about links to the CIA – How the mRNA tech really works and WHYRead More→
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer interviews General Flynn 21 November 2022 Source:–nov-21-2022-gen-flynn-sitrep-the-state-of-our-republic-the-people-must-get.html
23 November 2022 Source credit: Original video:
Stew Peters Network | 26 October 2022 Karen Kingston joins Maria Zeee to explain the way humans have now been connected to the demonic realm through the nanotech in COVID-19 injections and the quantum field – but there’s more. The patents show that nanotechnology is embedded into everyday products and every single human has been exposed. Karen Kingston’s Substack Source:
Stew Peters Network | 22 November 2022 Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them. The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer. They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES,Read More→
Sean from SGT Report & Dave from X22 Report discuss current events SGT Report | 15 November 2022 Source: