
A Perfectly Engineered Cancer Machine: How the Spike Protein, via SPED, is a Diabolical Inducer of Cancer

    90% of cancers are linked to somatic mutations and environmental factors – the Spike Protein embodies both.   WMC Research | 21 October 2024           Source:       Support WMC Research

“Splintering Babylon” documentary

    “Splintering Babylon” is a provocative documentary that explores the controversial theory of Nazi influence in the founding of major Western institutions such as the CIA, NATO, and the United Nations. The film presents a narrative that Wall Street, along with Prescott Bush—father of U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush—financially supported Adolf Hitler and the Nazi elite prior to World War II.   This film uncovers how the Nazis infiltrated Western governments, shaping modern society underRead More

SITREP >> Alex Christoforou / The Duran

      Germany blames Russia for economic woes 20 October 2024         Germany Merz gives Russia 24 hrs to capitulate. US/NATO, reject Victory Plan. Kamala faces Baier 17 October 2024         Iran diplomacy in preparation for war 17 October 2024         Elensky reveals VICTORY PLAN. North Korea fights WEST with Russia proxy. European QUAD in Berlin 16 October 2024         UK escalation denied. Elensky Plan = MissilesRead More

First-in-the-World Ivermectin, Mebendazole and Fenbendazole Protocol in Cancer has been peer-reviewed and published

      This paper is the FIRST peer-reviewed and Published paper in the world to propose a Cancer Treatment Protocol based on the incredible properties of IVERMECTIN, MEBENDAZOLE and FENBENDAZOLE. This was truly a labor of love. My thanks to lead authors Ilyes Baghli and Pierrick Martinez for their incredible inspired work, FLCCC’s Dr.Paul Marik for his extensive work on repurposed drugs and every co-author who worked hard to bring this paper to life.   Dr William Makis onRead More

Stop poisoning the children!

    The Medical Rebel | 24 July 2024       Listen to this before you take your kids back to school. Consider this an emergency broadcast.     Source:       Dr Lee Merritt website

“STAY ALERT: They Are Planning Complete FINANCIAL LOCKDOWN” – Whitney Webb FINAL 2024 Prediction



    The HighWire | 12 October 2024       FEMA is embroiled in controversy after DHS Secretary Mayorkas made the shocking admission concerning the lack of funds the organization has left to deal with the recent hurricane relief. Jefferey breaks down where these billions of dollars have been spent, and why there are still $7 billion of untapped funds essentially frozen.     Source:          

Clif High videos

      Kozyrev’s Toaster – Part 1 & 2 Toast is all about time… 8 October 2024               First Principles Woo Discussion of thinking about thinking about woo Expand your view to include your own thinking… 7 October 2024           Woo Who? 15 September 2024           How to PEE…………………………………………………………..! 6 September 2024           Source:         Clif High onRead More

HAARP: Holes in Heaven

    30 October 1998       High-Frequency Active Aural Research Project or H.A.A.R.P. is a combined effort of the Air Force and Navy ostensibly designed to influence the weather.   Consisting of large fields of high energy projectors, this brainchild of the controversial Nikola Tesla, has been associated with everything from the breakdown of the ozone layer, to electromagnetic warfare.   H.A.A.R.P. has achieved long range undersea communications, but its clandestine applications as a long range particle beamRead More


    SGT Report | 5 October 2024       Source:      


    SGT Report | 2 October 2024       Source:      


    Jean-Claude@BeyondMystic | 1 October 2024       Source:

Gregory Mannarino ‘The Robin Hood of Wall Street’

    Read Gregory Mannarino’s newsletter here         MMRI (Mannarino Market Risk Indicator)       MARKETS A LOOK AHEAD: “TERMINAL PHASE.” CRITICAL UPDATES. E(CON)OMY And The Markets… 29 September 2024         2025… ARE YOU READY? Critical Updates. POTENTIAL SYSTEMIC MELTDOWN. LIQUIDITY CRISIS 26 September 2024         (Alert!) THE WORLD ECONOMY IS IN COLLAPSE! WAR IS EXPANDING… STOCK MARKETS TO GO HIGHER! 23 September 2024         WARNING!Read More

Silver Runs Wild While Stock Market Faces a Red October. Interview with John Perez.

    maneco64 | 28 September 2024       Source:

WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON AT CERN! Dr. Astrid Stückelberger and La Quinta Columna

          Interview with Dr. Astrid Stückelberger and La Quinta Columna. Top scientists and doctors discussing shocking revelations about CERN and how the world is being ruled from Geneva, Switzerland by demonic entities, who have always been with us, the hidden hand controlling the world in the shadows through secret societies, UN, WHO, CIA …..   Source:

Dr Lee Merritt: Parasite Protocol: The New Parasite Paradigm

      20 October 2022       Source:       Dr Merritt’s PARASITES and the Elimination Protocol           Dr Lee Merritt website

Victor Davis Hanson – How Civilizations Fall

    BASED with Senator Alex Antic | 30 August 2024       Victor Davis Hanson is an American military historian, author, and professor emeritus of Classics at California State University. He has written many books on ancient history and contemporary political issues, and is also a Senior Fellow in classics and military history at the Hoover Institution.   Professor Hanson has been a vocal critic of contemporary progressivism in the United States and published ‘The Case for Trump’Read More


    The HighWire | 20 September 2024       Research is piling up to reveal that the mRNA vaccines increasingly weaken the immune system with each booster. Jefferey dives deeper into what “HighWire” guests Bret Weinstein, PhD and William Makis, MD both detail – multiple vaccinations causing a class switch in antibody production to an overproduction of IgG4, the antibody responsible for dampening immune response, and underproduction of IgG1 and IgG3, the antibodies responsible for cancer surveillance.  Read More

Alien Archons Are Ruling the Earth Since the Dawn of Time

      7 October 2017       They’ve been running this planet since the dawn of time… Dragons aren’t some mythological being. The Draco Reptilians came from the Alpha Draconis star system out of the Draco Constellation.     Source:

SARS-CoV-2 Manipulates All Six Signaling Pathways of Oncogenic Viruses

    The Spike Protein alone manipulates four of them and may manipulate all, as well.   WMC Research | 24 September 2024           Source:       Support WMC Research

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