
SITREP >> Alex Christoforou

    Support Alex @ The Duran     Kamala crushes in polls. EU, freeze Russian assets forever. Ukraine strategy to win over Trump 24 July 2024         Biden calls Kamala, proof of voice. Germany isolated, fears Trump. Ukraine cuts off oil to Hungary 23 July 2024         X coup. Obama, Kamala endorsement on hold. EU/Elensky, bet it all on Biden. Kremlin focus on winning 22 July 2024         ElenskyRead More

Assessing Putin’s and the West’s Peace Proposals for Ukraine

    A Way Forward or A Frozen Conflict?     Michael Rossi Poli Sci | 16 June 2024         Source:           Putin’s Peace Proposal

The New York Times: Ukraine-Russia Peace Is as Elusive as Ever. But in 2022 They Were Talking.

          With Russia and Ukraine locked in their third year of all-out war, there is no clear path to military victory for either side. Nor are there immediate prospects for a ceasefire and an eventual peace plan, with both sides sticking to irreconcilable positions. Yet the issues that would need to be tackled in any future peace settlement are evident, and in fact were at the center of negotiations two years ago that explored peace termsRead More

Emergency Press Conference: The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped

      Schiller Institute | 12 June 2024       On June 3, the U.S. State Department prevented U.S. citizen Scott Ritter from boarding his flight to St. Petersburg, Russia, and seized his passport. Ritter, a former U.S. Marine officer and United Nations weapons inspector who has become a prominent opponent of the current war policy, was traveling to participate in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), which is being attended by an estimated 19,000 people andRead More

Col. Black: NATO Is Preparing For a Nuclear Strike on Russia, And Russia Knows It

      Schiller Institute | 31 May 2024       Source:           The World on the Brink: For a New Peace of Westphalia! 15-16 June 2024     Emergency Press Conference: The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped featuring Scott Ritter, Col. Black and Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Vladimir Putin’s Peace Proposal for Ukraine and Reengagement with Europe – June 2024

    With English subtitles   Michael Rossi Poli Sci | 14 June 2024       Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in which, among a general discussion about the current developments concerning the war (Special Military Operation) in Ukraine, he laid out Russia’s proposed terms for peace that would lead to an automatic ceasefire and beginning of a negotiated settlement.   Source:    Read More

Zelenskyy Unmasked (Episodes 1–5): Exposing the Truth Behind the War in Ukraine

          Zelensky Unmasked is an explosive 12 part series that exposes the truth behind the war in Ukraine, as well as the face of it all. The series reveals who masterminded the cult of Volodymyr Zelensky and why it was created. It also investigates the deep state and corporate interests that have profited off of this war. Who is really benefitting from the over $100 billion dollars the US has sent Ukraine? What’s the Nord StreamRead More

An Angry Russian – The Crocus City Massacre

      Tremregi | 25 March 2024       Stas Krapivnik joins me from Moscow to discuss the latest news on the massacre in Moscow yesterday, also the tone of Putin’s address to the nation, and the significance of his reelection. His angry, emotional comments are understandable, and reflect what a lot of Russians are feeling.     Source:

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern on why America’s leadership is DELUSIONAL…

    Health Ranger Report | 29 January 2024       Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern on why America’s leadership is DELUSIONAL about Russia and the Middle East   – Russia, Ukraine, and Middle East with former CIA analyst Ray McGovern. (0:00) – US-Russia relations and nuclear arms control. (1:01) – US-Russia relations and potential for conflict escalation. (8:22) – US-Ukraine relations and military intervention. (15:22) – Geopolitics, military strategy, and energy politics. (19:52) – US foreign policy andRead More

RIP Gonzalo Lira

      I’m About To Cross The Border   Source:     Gonzalo Ángel Quintilio Lira López (February 29, 1968 – January 12, 2024) was a Chilean-American novelist, film director and war commentator reporting regularly from Ukraine on his YouTube channel.   Gonzalo was arrested on 1 May 2023 charged of ‘production and dissemination of materials justifying Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine’ under Article 436-2 of Ukraine’s Criminal Code, parts 2 and 3, pertaining to wartime propaganda. At theRead More

Biological Warfare Department | RT Documentary

            In March 2022, Russian ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, presented a report that detailed a network of 30 biological weapons labs in Ukraine. With each passing day, volunteers uncover new evidence of illegal activities related to the development of biological weapons in the liberated territories of Donbass. Oksana, an officer from Luhansk, serves in a special unit whose aim is to gather more evidence of the existence of secret US bioweapons factories. ‘TheRead More

Vladimir Putin Speaks at the 20th Annual Valdai International Club 2023

          Russian President Vladimir Putin attends the 20th Annual Valdai International Club and speaks about ““Fair Multipolarity: How to Ensure Security and Development for Everyone.”     Source:           Putin at Valdai, civilizational world order is here to stay   The Duran | 6 October 2023    

Sergey Lavrov Addresses the United Nations General Assembly – September 2023

      24 September 2023       Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov speaks at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Topics include the current geopolitics crises in Ukraine, Serbia (Kosovo), the Middle East, and East Asia.   Subject matter includes the perceived global imbalance of Western representation and influence against an emerging multipolar world and the need for the UN to reform and reflect new geopolitical representation.     Source:

Jeffrey Prather interviewed by Mike Adams

    Health Ranger Report | 20 September 2023       Jeffrey Prather and Mike Adams talk Russia, Ukraine, “woke” military readiness, financial collapse and currency wars     Source:

An Endgame for the Ukrainian War w/ John Mearsheimer

      GlennDiesen | 9 September 2023       Prof John Mearsheimer discusses the Russia/Ukrania war with Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen.     Source:     John J. Mearsheimer website

Alexander Mercouris – The Biden Crime Family – Senility – Is Putin Weak or Wise

      Tremregi | 6 September 2023     A fascinating discussion with Alexander Mercouris about Joe Biden’s criminal history, his present cognitive decline and impeachment. We also discussed whether the USA can sustain the level of support for Ukraine and its vast network of soft power around the world. We talked about Armenia, Georgia, Serbia, Kosovo where the US has been attempting color revolutions and chaos. Finally, how is Russia’s patience in the face of increasing provocations andRead More

Tucker interviews Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán

      30 August 2023           Source:

Tucker interviews Robert F Kennedy Jr. 

      15 August 2023     RFK Jr. explains Ukraine, bio-labs, and who killed his uncle         Source:

A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky

    Scott Ritter | 11 July 2023   As a former intelligence officer, I’ve been wondering why has no one done an investigation about Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine? His rise to power, in my opinion, represents an incredible manipulation of world opinion that will go down in history as a classic case study in social psychological engineering: an ordinary comedian who came to power because he promised a long-awaited peace, who then dragged his fellow citizens intoRead More

The Darkness Ahead: Where The Ukraine War Is Headed

    JOHN J. MEARSHEIMER | 23 June 2023             Prof John Mearsheimer interviewed by Glen Greenwald   30 June 2023       Source:    

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