
Vaccine Bioweapons

Health Ranger Report | 5 May 2021   Project Coast proves existence of self-replicating vaccine DEPOPULATION bioweapons     Project Coast used self-spreading infertility vaccines to target Blacks for genocidal extermination     Source:

Dr Mike Yeadon full interview

Planet Lockdown Dr Mike Yeadon former Chief Scientific Officer and Respiratory Expert at Pfizer for 16 years, completely exposing the whole agenda and desperately calling for society to wake up.  

Were COVID-19 Vaccines Made To “Self-Spread” To Non-Vaccinated People?

InfoWars | 29 April 2021   Documents from Pfizer, Johns Hopkins and others discuss the potential for COVID-19 vaccines to “self-spread” to non-vaccinated individuals coming in contact with a recently vaccinated person. In fact, a 2018 report by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Center for Health Security floated the idea of using this type of vaccine to intentionally spread to others for “protection” against disease. Under the section, “Self-Spreading Vaccines,” the Johns Hopkins document states, “Selfspreading vaccines are genetically engineeredRead More

French drug assessment center demands removal of all four widely used COVID vaccines

Life Site News | 22 April 2021 According to the CTIAP, all of the vaccines were put on the market and actively used on human beings before ‘proof of quality for the active substance and the finished product’ was produced.     Original article by CTIAP:

Critically Thinking – IS THEIR “SHOT” PUTTING YOU AT RISK?

23 April 2021 An urgent discussion on the question that is on everyone’s mind, with Dr Tenpenny, Dr Larry Palevsky, Dr Christiane Northrup, Dr Carrie Madej, and Dr Lee Merritt. The points covered include: Shedding vs Transmission and why there is a difference Unknown Transmissions Blood clots and Bleeding Potential infertility and more    

Pfizer Vaccine Zoomed with Microscope

This footage has been going around in the social media. Although we cannot verify its authenticity or explain what’s been shown at this time, it is worth having a look.     Tim Truth | 20 April 2021  

Dr Richard Fleming’s warning concerning COVID vaccines

Expert cardiologist Dr Richard Fleming says the vaccine companies own data, from Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, all show their vaccines make zero difference in stopping COVID. ‘In the animal model, they develop spongiform and Mad Cow disease,’ Fleming says. ‘We also know 2 weeks afterwards they develop…what causes Alzheimer’s and neurological disorders.’ The vaccines have ‘no statistically significant benefit,’ but cause ‘inflammation and blood clotting, Lewy bodies (associated with dementia), Mad Cow disease, and nothing to benefit.’ FlemingRead More

SGT Report – Not Knowing This Could Kill You

  12 April 2021    

HRReport on COVID vaccines

9 April 2021   9 April 2021   8 April 2021

mRNA vaccines may unleash a wave of “zombie” prion disease deaths, known as “Mad Cow Disease” in humans (CJD)

  Mike Adams | 8 April 2021   The spike protein outer shell of the coronavirus contains “prion-like regions” that give the virus very high adhesion to ACE2 receptors in the human body. This has been documented by a study entitled, “SARS-CoV-2 Prion-Like Domains in Spike Proteins Enable Higher Affinity to ACE2,” published by the Human Microbiology Institute: The presence and unique distribution of prion-like domains in the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domains of the spike protein is particularly interesting, since although theRead More

Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance Statement on Weak Guidance on Ivermectin from the WHO

  31 March 2021   WHO ignores significant data, including several large clinical trials, while claiming insufficient evidence to recommend the use of Ivermectin to prevent and treat COVID-19     Source:

Doctors for Covid Ethics

Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns     Reply from the European Medicines Agency to Doctors for Covid Ethics, March 23, 2021     Rebuttal letter to European Medicines Agency from Doctors for Covid Ethics, April 1, 2021  

Interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

BardsFM 30 March 2021    

Estudio Vacunas COVID-19

Médicos por La Verdad / Biólogos por La Verdad En el presente documento, firmado por 60 médicos y 36 biólogos, se presentan argumentos de peso avalados por estudios científicos previos y reportes de casos reales sobre muertes y efectos adversos registrados a las agencias del medicamento de todo el mundo; información empírica y objetiva en la que los abajo firmantes nos respaldamos, para pedir el CESE INMEDIATO DE LAS CAMPAÑAS DE VACUNACIÓN destinadas a implementar productos génicos en la poblaciónRead More

Matt Hancock Grilled By Tory MPs Over Vaccine Effects Data Collection Failures

25 March 2021 Two Conservative Party backbenchers asked Health Secretary Matt Hancock how many people have died after having a coronavirus vaccine. Surprisingly, he had no answers.       Also read the article by Richie Allen here  

The Coming Witch Hunt Against Anti-Vaxxers

by Bill Sardi | 26 March 2021 ‘You see the mindless, frightened masses dutifully wearing face masks while walking their dog and not a human being within 100 yards, and while driving in their car alone.  And while shopping, if a face mask of another shopper droops below their nose they fearfully run to complain to the store manager.  Yet few people know of anyone who is reported to have died of COVID-19 personally. Where I am headed with thisRead More

Why should current Covid-19 vaccines not be used for mass vaccination during a pandemic?

    ‘Immediate cancellation of all ongoing Covid-19 mass vaccination campaigns should now become THE most acute health emergency of international concern.’   Presentation slides and notes by G. Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD Independent Vaccine Research Consultant         Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM, is a vaccine research expert. He has a long list of companies and organizations he’s worked with on vaccine discovery and preclinical research, including GSK, Novartis, Solvay Biologicals, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Read More

Dr Sherri Tenpenny and the vaccination agenda

BardsFM | 27 April 2021 With update on the growing number of reported cases of adverse effects from the so-called COVID vaccine, as well as suspected ‘transmission’ from those who have been injected to others who have not.       BardsFM | 11 March 2021 Undertanding ‘COVID-19 vaccines’ – mRNA and CRISPR technology; original antigenic sin; 10 adverse effects, and more.  

Dr Sherri Tenpenny and Dr Andy Wakefield discuss COVID vaccines

12 March 2021     Source: |


Prof. Dolores Cahill | 15 January 2021 Prof. Dolores Cahill PhD is currently the most censored Irish citizen. Videos of her presentations and interviews are being censored by the media and major websites like Google/YouTube/Facebook/RTE/BBC/Sky.     Source:

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