US Elections


  Premiers 20 August 2022       Was 2020 stolen? It’s deeper than that. You’ve heard it said “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.” What about those who code the vote? What if our leaders aren’t actually being elected by us, but instead… selected? [S]ELECTION CODE follows world renown investigative journalist Lara Logan on her most important assignment to date. For over 35 years investigative journalist Lara Logan has been on the frontRead More

Donald J. Trump Rally in Prescott Valley, AZ – 22 July 2022

          Source: Right Side Broadcasting Network

‘BLOODY HILL’ – The Seven Deadly Sins of January 6th

    FOR OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS THAT ARE THE PROSECUTED   Presented by JUAN O SAVIN, DAVID SUMRALL, and TRENISS EVANS Directed by ANDREW MULLINAX         * Share Far & Wide * Source: Juan O Savin   Learn More > Take Action  

Donald J. Trump Rally in Anchorage, AK – 9 July 2022

          Source: Right Side Broadcasting Network

C Engelbrecht – Mules Tracked To NGO’s, Evidence Building, Constitutional Sheriffs Are In Position

  X22 Report | 2 July 2022   Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote tracked the cheaters in the 2020 election. Catherine begins the conversation explaining why and how they used geofencing to track the mules. The technology allows anyone to get back in time to build a pattern of life to track the cheaters. The mules were tracked to NGO’s where they picked up the ballots and got paid. Catherine is now teaming up with Sheriffs to catch theRead More

How Do You Catch A Criminal? Build The Pattern Of Life, Map The Cheaters

  X22 Report | 25 June 2022   Gregg Phillips works with Catherine Engelbrecht protecting the people vote. Their organization is called True the Vote. Gregg begins the conversation explaining how he is able to track people using geofencing, this is the same technology that the police use and the FBI. They wanted to know how the cheaters were stealing the election so they thought to themselves how do you catch a criminal, map and track them. Now they haveRead More

Donald J. Trump Rally in Menden, IL – 25 June 2022

          Source: Right Side Broadcasting Network

Something Strange Happened in Georgia

  Vernon Jones Is Latest Trump-Endorsed Candidate to Lose Run-Off Election in Peach State — A Clean Sweep for Never-Trump By Jim Hoft | 21 June 2022   Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who could not win his own district as a representative to the state convention, surprisingly won his primary two weeks ago over a popular Republican with 52% of the vote.  Raffensperger was polling around 25%.  Raffensperger is also a committed Never-Trumper who was caught lying about a call PresidentRead More

Sean Hannity interview with Former Secretary of Defense Chris Miller and Kash Patel

  Fox News | 7 June 2022   On January 4th, Trump authorized 20,000 Troops There was a meeting on January 4th that United States Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley attended. Milley was told with a few others (including Patel and Miller) that President Trump was authorizing 20,000 troops to be used in Washington D.C. at the Capitol for the January 6th protest. Although never reported on the MSM, both Patel and Miller told the JanuaryRead More


  Was 2020 stolen? Tina Peters: “These people are selected, not elected.”       [S]ELECTION CODE follows world renown investigative journalist Lara Logan on her most important assignment to date. For over 35 years investigative journalist Lara Logan has been on the front lines of history’s deadliest conflicts. Yet no assignment to date has put her career and life in more danger than this one. Her investigation goes to the heart of the current Information War, revealing yet anotherRead More

Donald J. Trump Rally in Casper, WY – 28 May 2022

          WY Congressional Candidate Harriet Hageman Speaks at President Trump’s Rally in Casper, WY         Source: Right Side Broadcast Network

Patel Patriot interviews Gregg Phillips from True the Vote

  Devolution Power Hour | 27 May 2022   Gregg Phillips says that he has irrefutable evidence, that he’s been involved in a major counter intelligence operation, and that once we get to where this is ready to go its going to make everybody forget the Mules and cause people to question everything people think they know about elections.         Watch 2000 Mules here    

“2000 MULES”

  A new film by Dinesh D’Souza     This Is Not The End This is only the beginning. Buckle up, we’re about the pull the #RIPCORD.     “Highly respected Dinesh D’Souza, working together with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote, just released a trailer to their new movie, ‘2,000 Mules’, that shows the world exactly how the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen. The movie exposes the lies of the Democrats, RINOs, and Fake News who sayRead More


  Last updated 4 May 2022   If the 2020 US presidential election was rigged against Donald Trump, is it possible the military was prepared well in advance of this election to monitor for fraud? Is there any evidence to indicate that white hats in the American government knew Biden would steal the election and caught him, triggering a continuity of government plan to save the republic? Based on the research of Patel Patriot, DEVOLVED is a series investigating theRead More

Donald J. Trump Rally in Greenwood, NE – 1 May 2022

      President Trump: “Their whole party is based on misinformation. Everything from Russia Russia Russia – that hoax – to the laptop from hell, to the impeachment hoax #1, impeachment hoax #2, the Mueller bullshit… They are the party of misinformation.”   Joe Biden clip at 25:12    

‘Devolution’ series by Patel Patriot

  Last updated 25 Aptil 2022   Patel Patriot has published a series of articles on Devolution in which he explains how a shadow government was formed around Trump following the 2020 Presidential election steal, with the aim to defeat the Washington DC ran by the globalist cabal and win back America for its people.   Part 1 – How Did We Get Here?  ​07/02/21 [article] [reading] [links]   Part 2 – The Defense Intelligence Agency and the Defector​ 07/07/21 [article] [reading] [links]Read More

Full Transcript: “Ryan Dark White”

  The following interviews with “Ryan Dark White” were conducted for Lin Wood in January 2021 and released by Wood March 3, 2021 via Dropbox with an accompanying statement from Wood on Telegram: ‘I think this transcript should be shared far and wide.’ The document has since been deleted from Dropbox.     #BIDEN #PENCE   Source:

Jeff O’Donnell – The Election Fraud Pattern Has Been Discovered. This Will Not End Well For The [DS]

  X22 Report | 30 April 2022   “They started counting ballots on the 19th of October and these were mail-in ballots that had come in at that point and over the next three days until halfway through the 21st, they had counted a little over 25,000 mail-in ballots at that point and what happened at 2 o’clock or so in the afternoon some code woke up inside the machine. This was not caused by anything the clerks did, thisRead More

France elections: the ballots for Marine Le Pen were deliberately spoiled

  This video shows how the ballots for Marine Le Pen in specially sealed voting bags were already torn, which would automatically be recognised as unsuitable for counting.  

2000 MULES – Never Before Seen Security Footage (Trailers)

  A new film by Dinesh D’Souza > To be released on 2 May 2022   The new trailer       The original trailer     “Highly respected Dinesh D’Souza, working together with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote, just released a trailer to their new movie, ‘2,000 Mules’, that shows the world exactly how the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen. The movie exposes the lies of the Democrats, RINOs, and Fake News who say it wasRead More

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