President Donald J. Trump in Clinton Township, MI
28 September 2023 Source:
28 September 2023 Source:
20 September 2023 Maquoketa Dubuque Source:
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. throws down the gauntlet on rigged DNC, promises to “look at other options” if democrat party bosses won’t allow a fair and free election Natural News | 7 September 2023 Source:
Mercola | 6 September 2023 Source:
Political Moonshine | 5 September 2023 The 2024 election is stacking-up to be a repeat of 2020. Source:
29 August 2023 Source:
Glenn Beck | 31 August 2023 Source:
The Epoch Times | 2 August 2023 Source:
“If a government can censor its critics, that’s a license for every atrocity. It is the beginning of totalitarianism.” – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. testified at a US House committee hearing on censorship and free speech. His fellow Democrats vilified the son of former US Senator and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of President John F. Kennedy for opposing Anthony Fauci and the Covid 19 vaccine agenda. 20Read More→
(The Complete, Unedited Interview – Episode #1999) 15 June 2023 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is an attorney, founder of the Waterkeeper Alliance and Children’s Health Defense, author, and 2024 candidate for the office of the President of the United States of America. 3 hours, 5 minutes. Original Spotify Interview Source: Joe Rogan Interview With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Dr Joseph Mercola | 1 July 2023 Read More→
“Is it any wonder that as America has waged violence throughout the world, violence has overtaken us in our own nation?” “Waging endless wars abroad, we have neglected the foundation of our own well-being.” — Robert F. Kennedy Jr. New Hampshire | 20 June 2023 “Marking the anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s Peace Speech at American University, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announces a fundamentally new direction for American foreign policy. With hisRead More→
Mar-a-Lago | 15 November 2022 Source:
We are in a Information War. Many people have been upset or confused by recent remarks by Trump and the predictable MSM reaction aimed at detracting the public attention away from the rigged elections and the important Republican wins in spite of numeous irregularities. Sundance has written the following article to explain: “DeSanctimonious” is not about the Florida Governor The Last Refuge | 6 November 2022 In December of 2009 the results of theRead More→
From Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States To The Honorable Bennie G. Thompson, Chairperson of The Select Committee 13 October 2022
By Clandestine | 29 August 2022 Trump has escalated the 2020 fraud situation with his statement today on Truth Social. Trump is now hinting at the possibility of having a new election. Myself and many others flirted with this idea as a possible remedy to fraud in the 2020 election. I discussed this possibility with Zak Paine, Scott Anderson, and Congressman J.R. Majewski a few months back, and I deferred for the time being, as there isRead More→
FOX NEWS | 27 August 2022 JESSE WATTERS: “This election was decided by 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin. If we, the people, hadn’t been lied to, Trump would have won. This was not a free and fair election. The FBI rigged the 2020 election.” TUCKER CARLSON: “The FBI is not allowed to insert itself into domestic politics. That would violate the U.S. Constitution. It is completely illegal. But for severalRead More→
Zuckerberg reveals what FBI told Facebook ahead of Hunter Biden laptop story Tucker Carlson Tonight | 26 August 2022 “The FBI had Hunter Biden’s laptop since 2019. So when the FBI told Facebook that on the eve of the presidential election, they knew it was a lie. They interfered in the last presidential election. If ever there was an attack on democracy, it’s the country’s largest law enforcement agency, weighing in in a dishonest way, threeRead More→