The Answer

To Our Sons and Daughters

  Amazing Polly | 27 August 2021  

Steve Quayle warns of imminent catastrophic COLLAPSE of America as we know it

  Health Ranger Report | 13 September 2021  

Arizona Election Audit Results Published

  Stew Peters Show | 8 September 2021 Liz Harris and Seth Keshel joined Stew Peters to release canvass findings and real numbers for the first time since the Arizona audit efforts began. Harris told Stew, “This is the day America has been waiting for” as she presented numbers that would destroy the margin Biden claimed in the 2020 election, supposedly defeating President Trump in Arizona. Keshel discussed the trends and gave insight about the pathway forward, who can help,Read More

Sean Stone interviews with Juan O Savin

  11 August 2021     1 September 2021

Mike Adams interviews

  Brighteon Conversations   1 September 2021 Dr David Martin          29 August 2021 Dr Michael Salla   

Eric Clapton – This Has Gotta Stop


Bannon’s War Room – Extraction Under Fire

  29 August 2021           28 August 2021      

CORNERED DEMONIC Enemy becomes fierce! Fog of WAR surrounds us! PRAY!

  And We Know | 25 August 2021  

Citizens’ Grand Jury – Prosecutor Larry Klayman Presents the Indictment of Dr. Anthony Fauci

  Freedom Watch | 22 July 2021     The Citizens Grand Jury prosecutor Larry Klayman seeks the indictment of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Dr. Fauci will be indicted on grounds of collaboration with the Communist Chinese in sending and then funding gain of function research by supplying the seeds of Covid-19 to the lab in Wuhan. This research would have otherwise been illegal in the United States. Regardless of Dr. Fauci’s intent to commit a crime, what he did constitutesRead More

Katherine Austin Fitts on how to move away from the centralised economy

  The Highwire | 19 August 2021   Katherine Austin Fitts explains that the COVID plandemic was a means to reshape the world economy by transferring wealth from local businesses to a handful of corporations and restructure the way we live by imposing a total surveillance and financial control system via smart grid.  

UFC President, Dana White, will not be mandating anything for his employees, or his fighters

  The Highwire | 18 August 2021   Dana White, the President of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, is the latest public figure in USA to make it clear that he will not be mandating COVID vaccines for his employees, or his fighters.  

Covid crimes against humanity

  Health Ranger Report | 19 August 2021   Reiner Fuellmich interviewed by Mike Adams: Covid crimes against humanity and the coming war crimes tribunals  

Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium

    Sioux Falls, South Dakota | 10-12 August 2021         YOUR WAKE UP CALL         SCIENTIFIC PROOF   Dr Douglas G. Frank, internationally renowned physicist absolutely proves 2020 Election was biggest cyber-crime in world history    

Scott Kesterton interviewed by Mike Adams

  Health Ranger Report | 6 August 2021  

Your Wake Up Call

  Movie presented at Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium Sioux Falls, South Dakota | 10-12 August 2021

Dr Dan Stock address to the Mt. Vernon School Board in Indiana

  9 August 2021   Dr Dan Stock addressed the Mt. Vernon School Board in Indiana over the futility of mask mandates and Covid-19 protocols in most schools and why discriminating based on vaccinated status is simply ignorant at the very least. Moreover, he provided the board with a flash drive with documents to back up the information he presented.      

$500 TRILLION Lawsuit against the FEDERAL GOVT and over 140 MONOPOLISTS

  Friends of the Original Consitution | 6 July 2021   In this video, Scott Workman exposes the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT as a fraudulent FOREIGN CORPORATION masquerading as our government and introduces the Declaration of Restoration that calls for a Constitutional Convention & Court to prosecute the Defendants in We the People’s $500 Trillion Lawsuit: to get back our money, our health, our Liberty and the original Constitution that they have stolen from us; to re-found our government and base itRead More


  SGT Report | 8 August 2021   Crrow777 returns to SGT Report to present the most important choice you will ever make, and it’s a choice you must make now: Will you fight to remain a free man or woman, or will you accept the offer to be enslaved?         Friends of the Original Constitution lawsuit    

The World Is Waking Up!

  Military 2020 Election Sting Operation Leading to Trump 2nd Term Landslide   Scott McKay – Patriot Streetfighter | 11 December 2020   The 2020 Election for the US Presidency was a Military Sting Operation to entrap the perpetrators of the largest widespread criminal voter fraud involving the Democrat Party and their Republican collaborators involving a number of foreign governments and the Biden Campaign. Global Unity Bridge – Come and join the global Patriot Revolution and be a part ofRead More

Military 2020 Election Sting Operation Leading to Trump 2nd Term Landslide

  Scott McKay – Patriot Streetfighter | 11 December 2020   The 2020 Election for the US Presidency was a Military Sting Operation to entrap the perpetrators of the largest widespread criminal voter fraud involving the Democrat Party and their Republican collaborators involving a number of foreign governments and the Biden Campaign. Global Unity Bridge – Come and join the global Patriot Revolution and be a part of bridging worldwide patriots together. Be connected with an international Patriot Zoom PalRead More

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