The Answer

Vladimir Putin addresses entire world on Ukraine

  17 March 2022   Vladimir Putin addressed the entire world regarding the Special Military Operation in Ukraine stating genocide in Donbass, terrorist attacks, Kiev obtaining nuclear weapons, and military biological laboratories in Ukraine supported by the Pentagon.   “In Ukraine there was a network of dozens of laboratories led by and financially supported by the Pentagon. They were carrying out military biological programs experimenting with strains of Coronavirus, Anthrax, Cholera, African pig plague and other deadly lethal pathogens.”  

Joe Crushes American Energy While Hunter Gets Rich From Chinese Fossil Fuels

  15 March 2022 Hunter Biden invest the Bank of China’s money in Chinese oil, coal, and gas companies while his father skyrockets the price of energy in the United States telling Americans that we need to fight climate change. Joe Biden blames Vladimir Putin for gas prices, but Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, banned new drilling on federal land, and declared war on American energy production long before Putin invaded Ukraine.           Source: Kanekoa TheRead More

China asks questions about US funded biolabs in Ukraine

  14 March 2022   China is continuing to ask questions about US funded biolabs citing a 2005 agreement between the US department of defense and Ukraine. “Once again we urge the US to act responsibly, offer a clear account of its biological military activities at home and abroad.” China wants US to open biolabs to international experts; demands proof that biolabs are not misused.      

Red Cross Money Laundering Operation

      Q Posts = Red Cross     Source:

Revealing Ukraine

  A Film by Igor Lopatonok Executive Producer Oliver Stone   “Revealing Ukraine” (2019) by Igor Lopatonok continues investigations on of the ongoing Ukrainian crisis following “Ukraine on Fire” (2016). In addition, it analyzes the current political backstage and its dangerous potential for the world. The main protagonist Viktor Medvedchuk is now a political prisoner of the Ukrainian Regime.  

Donald J. Trump Rally in Florence, SC – 12 March 2022


The NATO Expansion Since 1949 to 2022


FULL SEND PODCAST NELK Boys Full Interview of Donald J. Trump

  Donald Trump on WW3, Talking to Putin and Joe Rogan 9 March 2022 (The interview removed from YouTube)       Source:   NELK Boys  

VoterGA Provides Conclusive Evidence Showing Fulton 2020 Election Results Were Electronically Manipulated

  7 March 2022   VoterGA emphasized that while one or two of these may be procedural issues, the electronic tampering found so far is not limited to Fulton. Co-founder Garland Favorito said: “In fairness to Fulton County, they did preserve enough of their ballot images to make some of our research possible. Other counties, like Cobb, destroyed most or all of their original November 2020 images despite federal and state law. This tampering and destruction is proof positive whyRead More

Russians Accuses U.S. of Bioweapon Program

  Becker News | 10 March 2022   Russia has requested a meeting of the UN Security Council over purported U.S. military-biological activities in Ukraine. Igor Kirillov of the Russian Defense Ministry, and head of the Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection of Troops, presented alleged evidence regarding the Pentagon-funded “Biological Threat Reduction” program in Ukraine.     Read the full article here         Russia demands US explain support of alleged bio-warefare labs in Ukraine 9 March 2022Read More

Putin explains the military situation and why Ukraine might lose its future

  7 March 2022       “My question concerns the current situation in Ukraine. We all support your actions and the special operation that is underway there. Naturally, the most important question, which, one way or another, all of us have asked ourselves, is why this special operation has started. Could it not have been avoided? Rationally, we do understand and support your actions, but as women we cannot help but worry: for our family, relatives, for those whoRead More

Klaus Schwab & Hunter Biden Connected To Ukraine Bio-Labs

  10 March 2022       How Much Did the Bidens Make in the Ukraine Biolabs? The Russians have asked for a U.N. Security Council meeting on March 11 to discuss the military-biological activities of the US in Ukraine. Exclusive translation and analysis shows the U.S. research allegedly involved anthrax & coronavirus. WHO advised Ukraine to destroy pathogens in “health labs” to prevent “any potential spills” into the population. The World Health Organization would not say whenRead More

Tucker Carlson: Why Are We Funding Biolabs In Ukraine?

  10 March 2022  

Vladimir Putin’s Speech on Ukraine, US Foreign Policy, and NATO

  24 February 2022   Address by President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation on the military intervention in Ukraine and a critique of US-led foreign policy in Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, and Iraq (video with English subtitles)         Full transcript: Citizens of Russia, friends, I consider it necessary today to speak again about the tragic events in Donbass and the key aspects of ensuring the security of Russia. I will begin with what I said in my address on February 21, 2022. I spoke about our biggest concerns and worries, and about the fundamental threats which irresponsibleRead More

Orange Man Bad – Putin Bad

  Stew Peters Network | 7 March 2022 As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, we face a real possibility of a global nuclear war if the deep-state-run NATO succeeds in imposing no-fly zones. In the meantime, the corrupt politicians and the MSM are escalating their campaign to inflame hatred against Putin based on so much disinformation.    

Ukraine On Fire – A documentary by Oliver Stone

  Ukraine. Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black Sea. 2014 s Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator by Western media. But was it? Ukraine on Fire by Igor Lopatonok provides a historical perspective for the deep divisions in the regionRead More

Truckers of the World Demand Freedom

  USA   US convoy circles DC Beltway   Truckers heading towards DC   Hagerstown   A Convoy of Hundreds of Truckers Left California en Route to Washington, D.C.   The People’s Convoy is now 10,000 vehicles strong as they arrived in Indianapolis, Indiana         CANADA                                                              Read More

Dissecting Ukraine Biolabs with Dr. Lee Merritt

  Unrestricted Truth | 2 March 2022   The world has been attacked by racially targeted biogenetic weapon. We are in the darkness before the tunnel.       Dr. Lee Merritt

President Donald J. Trump Full Speech at CPAC 2022 in Orlando

  26 February 2022  


  DEFCON Levels What are DEFCON levels? This system of identifying threat levels that the United States military may need to respond to is a system intended to communicate a specific level of required military readiness for an attack which may include nuclear weapons. DEFCON levels are specifically tied to the likelihood of a nuclear threat, and since current laws of armed conflict do not prohibit the use of or development of nuclear arms, the Defense Department relies on theRead More

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