The Answer

Mitchell Gerber on Live Organ Harvesting in China

  Health Ranger Report | 5 September 2022   Falun Gong is a spiritual practice, not an organisation of any structure, yet the CCP are murdering millions of them every year for their organs. Mitchell Gerber has been on a personal humanitarian quest to help expose the world to the horrific live organ harvesting executions of these peaceful people of China.     Source:       What is Falun Gong?   Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) is an ancientRead More

DENAZIFICATION – Operation Liberation

      “We understood that the situation was different. We fight not just against Ukraine; we fight against several countries on Ukrainian territory”, says military analyst Vladislav Shurigyn. According to him, if Ukraine were alone, the conflict would have ended by May 2022. During the special operation in Ukraine, the Russian army destroyed 16 Ukrainian military airports, 3,363 tanks and other armoured vehicles, 185 military planes and hundreds of other gear, according to the Russian Ministry of Defence. ItRead More

The Truth About Ivermectin – A Short Documentary by Mikki Willis

  PlandemicSeriesOfficial | 29 August 2022       Of all the harmful misinformation spread over the past couple of years, one of the most disturbing false narratives was targeted at the Nobel Prize winning HUMAN medicine, Ivermectin. We produced this short film to correct the narrative and to reveal the motive behind the smear campaign against one of the safest and most effective medicines of this era.   Mikki Willis Father/Filmmaker     Source:          Read More

Dark To Light

        Source credit:         National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators Central to the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) purpose is the promotion and coordination of activities designed to ensure the highest level of public safety communications across the nation. This direct approach improves interoperability and advances long-term emergency communications initiatives. Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (SWIC) strive to enhance the response capabilities of public safety responders by coordinating and collaborating with federal, state, local,Read More

Extreme weather around the world

  Pakistan 04/09/22     India 31/08/22     Las Vegas 11/08/22     Brazil 10/08/22     Seoul 09/08/22     California 05/08/22     UAE 30/07/22     Tehran 28/07/22     Sochi 23/07/22     Pakistan 09/07/22     Moscow 08/07/22     Mumbai 07/07/22       Sydney 05/07/22     Hurricane Bonnie, Mexico 04/07/22     Europe 04/07/22     Craiova 03/07/22     Turkey 03/07/22     Ukraine 22/07/21

Donald J. Trump Rally in Wilkes Barre, PA – 3 September 2022

        Source: Right Side Broadcasting Network         On our watch, we will never let that happen. And we will never let it happen even though we are going to be gone, we are going to set this country up so strong and so powerfully…             Background music: ‘I Am Q‘ & ‘WWG1WGA‘  by Richard Feelgood          

Yes, trans surgeries are being done on minors. Here’s proof.

  By Brandon Showalter, The Christian Post | 29 August 2022   Speak to anyone who has endured an abusive relationship and they’ll tell you that one of the worst forms of psychological manipulation that narcissistic abusers employ is gaslighting, wherein the abuser makes the abused party think they’re crazy. The corporate media has mastered this tactic with so-called “gender-affirming care,” refining it to a T. Legacy press outlets have insisted, in lockstep with a seemingly predetermined narrative, that “gender-affirming surgeries” areRead More

Trump 2022?

  By Clandestine | 29 August 2022     Trump has escalated the 2020 fraud situation with his statement today on Truth Social. Trump is now hinting at the possibility of having a new election. Myself and many others flirted with this idea as a possible remedy to fraud in the 2020 election. I discussed this possibility with Zak Paine, Scott Anderson, and Congressman J.R. Majewski a few months back, and I deferred for the time being, as there isRead More

Watters: ‘The FBI Rigged the 2020 Election’ | Carlson: The FBI Is ‘Actively Working on Behalf of the Democratic Party’

  FOX NEWS | 27 August 2022     JESSE WATTERS: “This election was decided by 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin. If we, the people, hadn’t been lied to, Trump would have won. This was not a free and fair election. The FBI rigged the 2020 election.”           TUCKER CARLSON: “The FBI is not allowed to insert itself into domestic politics. That would violate the U.S. Constitution. It is completely illegal. But for severalRead More

International Military Tribunals to be Held in Mariupol, Ukraine

    United States on the State Department’s statement on the upcoming Tribunal in Mariupol 24 August 2022     Source:         The Kremlin announced the collection of materials for the tribunal 25 August 2022 In the Russian-controlled Ukrainian territories, crimes of “nationalist elements” are recorded, the collected data will allow the criminals to be tried, said presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, RBC correspondent reports. So he commented on the proposal of the head of the Investigative CommitteeRead More

The 10th Moscow Conference on International Security

  16 August 2022   The opening of the 10th Moscow Conference on International Security took place at Avangard Centre for Military and Patriotic Education of Youth within the framework of ARMY 2022 IMTF.     President of Russia – Vladimir Putin     Ladies and gentlemen, Esteemed foreign guests, Let me welcome you to the anniversary 10th Moscow Conference on International Security. Over the past decade, your representative forum has become a significant venue for discussing the most pressing military-political problems. Today, such an open discussion is particularly pertinent.Read More

The Storm Has Arrived – The Military Was Always The Qnly Way

  28 August 2022     Source:–the-storm-has-arrived-the-military-was-always-the-qnly-way.html     This video is based on Jerome Corsi‘s prophetic speech from 2018. Read Michael Sala‘s article on the speech here         Dr. Jerome Corsi Gives his Advice to President Trump Dealing with the Mar-a-Lago Raid     Source:       Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. is currently the founder and CEO of He worked as a Senior Staff Reporter for For over 25 years, Dr. Corsi workedRead More

Raid on America: A Special Documentary Report | Official Trailer

  EpochTV | 24 August 2022       Watch the full documentary here

My Son Hunter – The smartest guy Joe knows…

  Breitbart presents an Unreported Story Society Production A Robert Davi Film   Coming September 7th    

FBI Interfered in the 2020 US Presidential Election

  Zuckerberg reveals what FBI told Facebook ahead of Hunter Biden laptop story   Tucker Carlson Tonight | 26 August 2022     “The FBI had Hunter Biden’s laptop since 2019. So when the FBI told Facebook that on the eve of the presidential election, they knew it was a lie. They interfered in the last presidential election. If ever there was an attack on democracy, it’s the country’s largest law enforcement agency, weighing in in a dishonest way, threeRead More

Recap of Moment of Truth Summit

  ConservativeDaily | 22 August 2022       Source:         The Moment of Truth Summit by Mike Lindell in Springfield MO 8-20-2022 – DAY ONE   The Moment of Truth Summit by Mike Lindell in Springfield MO 8-21-2022 – DAY TWO


  Originally published 15 January 2021   Written by Adam Riva and edited by filmmaker Mouthy Buddha, SUICIDED takes a closer look at the curious lives and deaths of those who sought to expose the silent epidemic of child trafficking.           Source:

Federal Mission Resilience Strategy 2020

    On 7 December 2020, after the election was stolen, Donald Trump signed Executive Order 13961: Governance and Integration of Federal Mission Resilience (FMR EO). This Executive Order was released simultaneously with the Federal Mission Resilience Strategy 2020 (Strategy) which called “to preserve our constitutional form of government under any and all conditions”. The strategy and execution describe the actions needed to create devolved forms of continuity in order to preserve the constitutional form of government and ensuring theRead More

Special Report: Behind the Trump Raid

  EPOCH TV | 12 August 2022   What was really behind the raid on former President Donald Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago? The unprecedented event has sent shock waves across the nation and raised many questions. Why did the FBI target Trump now, and what are the bigger implications for the country and people’s trust in its institutions? Get to know all the details, as well as the bigger picture, in this joint special report by The Epoch Times and NTD, featuring keyRead More

The Democrats’ Favorite Line: People Will Die

  American Firebrand | 18 August 2022   Having giving up on persuading and appealing to voters, the Left now has one catch-all strategy: fear. This supercut shows their greatest hits.         Source:

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