The Answer

Donald J. Trump Rally in Columbia, SC – 28 January 2023


Tucker Carlson breaks down the Project Veritas Pfizer videos

        – Pfizer is conducting gain of function research creating enhanced pathogens a.k.a BIOWEAPONS – Lying to the public and using wordplay to circumvent the law with “directed evolution” – Massive conflict of interest, pharma industry creating “cash cow” by creating viruses – Pfizer exec admits C19 came from a lab                 Watch the original Project Veritas videos here

Nuremberg (2000)


Lara Logan – Watch Ukraine & China, The Patriots Are Winning The 5th Generation War

    X22 Report | 16 January 2023       Lara Logan is an Award-winning investigative journalist. Lara begins the conversation talking about Ukraine and how Ukraine is [DS] base of operation, human trafficking and money laundering and many of other criminal activities takes place there. Zelensky is a puppet. The border crisis is not just a coincidence it is be directed by China. We are in a 5th generation war and the patriots are winning the narrative fight.Read More

UKRAINE (Deep State Stronghold)

          To understand the context of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine we must look into the facts and not media sensationalism. This comprehensive analysis breaks down all the factors that led to this military intervention and what the west is covering up.     Source:

Christopher James w/ Mike Adams – A Warrior Answers The Call

    A Warrior Calls | 22 December 2022         Source:  

Mel K & Attorney Tom Renz | Unity, Focus and Resolve in 2023

    The Mel K Show | 19 December 2022       Source:

Bill Browder – Con Artist, Convicted Tax Evader in Russia

    Tremregi | 12 December 2022       Convicted of tax evasion in Russia, ran off with millions. Singlehandedly with the help of anti-Russian Democrats passed the Magnitsky Act to punish Russians. His anti-Putin, Anti-Russia lies played right into the hands of the US Deep State, CIA, State Department narrative. Browder did more to harm the US than anyone. His lies led to Russiagate, The Mueller Report, and the lost election and amplified the intense Russophobia, disinformation andRead More

The War No One Knows About – Geopolitical Events Moving at Lightspeed

    Tremregi | 13 December 2022       Radio journalist Don DeBar discusses major geopolitical events nobody is talking about. Can the hegemon sustain it? What will it take for Americans to wake up?     Source:

Tucker Carlson: Break Down of the Biggest ‘Crisis’ in America


Tucker Carlson

    On release of Twiter censorship data 7 December 2022  

Raland J Brunson Federal Lawsuit

  27 November 2022 Lon Brunson, Juan O Savin, and “Ghost” discuss the potential outcome of the Brunson Federal Lawsuit, hosted by David Nino Rodriguez.     * The defendants include 385 members of the U.S. House and Senate plus Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Pense. * Will the House try to pass a bill before January that would limit SCOTUS’s term of office to 18 months? * What ramifications would a positive ruling from SCOTUS have on federal Continuity ofRead More

Be Wary of the Balenciaga Satanic Psyop

    Reese Report | 30 November 2022         Source:

The Sequel to The Fall of The Cabal

  Last updated 29 November 2022     by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter This sequel to the documentary The Fall of The Cabal has been created by the same Dutch researchers and further exposes the Deep State Cabal.   PART 1 Ancient origins of the Cabal – Sumer to Babylonia, to Canaan and Khazaria. Then onward to Europe, from the Knights Templar to the Jesuit Council       PART 2 The Cabal’s Plan to subjucate the world andRead More

Trump Mar-a-Lago Speech Full Transcript and Analysis

          Full transcript of the speech           Derek Johnson analyses Trump speech  

Kash Patel: Let’s prosecute CORRUPTION and RESTORE America!

  Kash Patel interviewed by Mike Adams   Health Ranger Report | 25 November 2022           Source:

General Flynn – The State Of Our Republic

    Jovan Hutton Pulitzer interviews General Flynn 21 November 2022         Source:–nov-21-2022-gen-flynn-sitrep-the-state-of-our-republic-the-people-must-get.html      

Excerpt from A Joel Osteen & Kanye West Conversation

  23 November 2022         Source credit:   Original video:

US Marine Corps Apprehending Traitors | USNG Deployed | Trump Speech Misdirection

    SGAnon | 17 November 2022       Source:  

Hunter Biden probe launched by GOP: Joe Biden ‘lied’ to Americans

  17 November 2022         Source:

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