Patriots rise up

Australian senators speak out

  Senator Alex Antic addresses the problem of the World Economic Forum in the Senate 30 March 2022       Senator Gerard Rennick calls for the vaccine rollout and mandates to end 29 March 2022       Senator Malcolm Roberts calls out the Australian Government and Agencies who colluded with Big Pharma and knowingly rolled out the covid vaccines causing death and injury whilst profiteering from this agenda 29 March 2022

Truckers of the World Demand Freedom

  USA   US convoy circles DC Beltway   Truckers heading towards DC   Hagerstown   A Convoy of Hundreds of Truckers Left California en Route to Washington, D.C.   The People’s Convoy is now 10,000 vehicles strong as they arrived in Indianapolis, Indiana         CANADA                                                              Read More

WWG1WGA Worldwide


U.S. Trucker Contemplates His ‘Founders Moment’ Responsibility

  22 February 2022       Source: Glenn Beck

To Our Magnificent Heroes

  27 January 2022  

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