Patriots rise up

Zia Yusuf Full Speech – Rally for Reform UK 30th June 2024



      The HighWire | 10 May 2024       Sen. Ron Johnson discusses the official letter signed by all 49 members of the Senate GOP, demanding President Biden reject the WHO’s Pandemic Agreement, which could surrender US sovereignty and why all Americans should be concerned about this dangerous treaty.     Source:

Doc Malik interviews Andrew Bridgen MP

          About this conversation: This was going to be a paywall episode for my paid subscribers but I think it is too important a conversation and should be heard by all. Please support me if you can.   Andrew Bridgen is someone almost everyone knows about. A crazy anti-vax conspiracy theorist to some while to others he is a hero. I’ll be honest I’ve been sitting on the fence when it comes to Andrew. Sure heRead More

WHORES FOR WARS — Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet

      SGT Report | 24 April 2024       Ok, so ya’ll know what’s up at this point. The criminals in the US Federal government and our BRIBED “representatives” have sold out the American people at every turn and in every possible way. And now people are starting to see demons around the world. You can expect things to get even creepier as the lost among us move further away from God and Christian values. Attorney ToddRead More

Farmers Rise Up 2024

    Wales 29/02/24       Spain 28/02/24       Spain 26/02/24         Switzerland 25/02/24       Poland 10/02/24       England 09/02/24           Europe 09/02/24       Spain 08/02/24       Spain 07/02/24       Italy 07/02/24       Spain 05/02/24       Dublin, Ireland 05/02/24       USA 02/02/24       Belgium 29/01/24


      SGT Report | 27 February 2024       “Lord” Jacob Rothschild is dead and with Lucifer now – his trillions couldn’t save him or his soul. The old guard is dying off while the Great Awakening goes global. Bix Weir joins me to discuss the very latest.     Source:

TRAINWRECK: AMERICA 2024 — Dr. Lee Vliet & Todd Callender

      SGT Report | 26 February 2024       Attorney Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet are back to expose the lawfare, open borders and violence which is spreading across the United States thanks to the millions of invaders the Biden administration and United Nations are ushering into our once great nation.     Source:

A LINE IN THE TEXAS SAND — Attorney Todd Callender

      SGT Report | 27 January 2024       Treacherous lecher Joe Biden and the US Supreme Court just jumped the shark regarding the Texas border, and now Governor Greg Abbott and as many as 24 red states have drawn a line in the Texas sand by agreeing to support Texas’ right to defend its own border. Attorney Todd Callender helps me break down the Constitutional crisis and the resulting good news.   Source:      Read More


      SGT Report | 16 January 2024       Klaus Schwab’s evil side kick Yuval Noah Harari worries that if Trump is re-elected the globalist’s satanic “world order” will finally come to an end as we know it. Such a thing would literally help to save humanity as the pedo puppet-in-Chief along with the UK launches a new war in Yemen to cover up for the atrocities in Gaza. Harley Schlanger is back to help break downRead More

The Daily 302 -Patrick Byrne & Juan O Savin

      28 December 2023       Source:

Tucker Carlson interviews Steve Bannon on the Irish situation

      What’s happening in Ireland will happen in USA, at scale.   27 November 2023         Source:

Col. Douglas MacGregor warns: US diplomatic incompetence will nudge Israel…

      Health Ranger Report | 10 November 2023       Col. Douglas MacGregor warns: US diplomatic incompetence will nudge Israel toward catastrophic consequences     Source:       OUR COUNTRY OUT CHOICE

WHO WILL STOP THE TRAITORS? — Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet

      SGT Report | 7 November 2023       Source:

The Reclaim Party & Andrew Bridgen MP have secured a date in Parliament for a debate on Excess Deaths

      Reclaim The Media | 14 October 2023       Laurence Fox and Andrew Bridgen chat this week’s news.   Source:

Viktor Orbán – Hungary is a sovereign country

    ‘Hungary is a sovereign country. We will not become a migrant ghetto and we will not give up our right to have our own foreign and economic policy.’       Source: @PM_ViktorOrban

Australian Senator Alex Antic Utterly Obliterates the “Man-Made Climate Change” Hoax

        Source:         Senator Alex Antic, Senator for South Australia

Ron Paul’s Heroic Struggle To End the Fed

    “…The need for the Fed to shove billions into the repo market to keep that market’s interest rate near the Fed’s target shows the Fed is losing its power to control the price of money. The next crash will likely lead to the end of the fiat money system, along with the entire welfare-warfare state. Those of us who understand the Fed is the cause of, not the solution to, our problems must redouble our efforts to educateRead More

All The Real News They See Fit To Omit — Matt & SGT

      SGT Report  18 September 2023       SGT Report contributor Matt is back to help us break down all the REAL news the mainstream mockingbird whore media sees fit to omit.   Source:

Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet – DEVOLUTION

    SGT Report | 14 August 2023       Attorney Todd Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet are back to discuss current events, the Karen Kingston situation and the possibility that DEVOLUTION is real. Pedo Joe Biden is the President of the bankrupt US Corporation and Donald J. Trump is the rightful President to the Republic of the 50 states. And the evidence and truth about the 2020 election coup will soon be known to all.     Source:

SGT Report w/ Mike Adams – THEY ARE TRULY WICKED

    SGT Report | 1 May 2023         Source:  

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