
Vatican Connection To Plandemic Exposed > China Pays Vatican Billions

  1 February 2022   Vatican taking in billions to push Plandemic and Pro Vaccination Agenda     Source: The Church Militant   Letter from Archbishop Vigano to Church Bishops

Silence: The story of COVID vaccine victims

  20 January 2022     Video of the silenced vaccine victims. Lyrics and vocals by Julie Elizabeth who is vaccine injured. Produced by the staff of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. If you aren’t crying by the end of the video, you aren’t human.   Source:

Texas judge orders the FDA to accelerate release of Pfizer vaccine data

  6 Janyary 2022   A federal judge in Texas ordered the Food and Drug Administration to publish the data it relied on to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, imposing a dramatically accelerated schedule that should result in the release of all information within about eight months.  


  Mercola | 16 July 2021   Dr Vladimir Zelenko discusses an incredibly serious concern, one shared with at least two other highly credible experts – Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a life science researcher and former vice-president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, and professor Luc Montagnier, a world-renowned virologist who won the Nobel prize for his discovery of HIV – that there is a very distinct possibility that everyone that receives the COVID jab may dieRead More

The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good

  Canadian Covid Care Alliance | 16 December 2021  

What Trump is really saying about the vaccine

  X22 Report | 21 December 2021      

Clif High explains Art of War and Trump’s narrative about the ‘vaccine’

  24 December 2021   What everyone is missing about how the vaccine saved the world from a 10-year lockdown and massive millions of deaths Trump and the patriots are now maneuvering two disparate social order groups into a convergence The narrative will shift once the core audience demonstrates they are beginning to understand the bigger picture When the narrative does shift, the war will become out in the open This ‘convergence’ of awakening & social order coherence will accelerateRead More

President Trump Christmas speech at First Baptist Dallas

  19 December 2021  

Mike Lindell’s Historic Interview With President Donald J. Trump

  Frank Speech | November 2021        

X22 Report Spotlight with Dr Zev Zelenko

  X22 Report | 30 October 2021 We Are Living Through A Global Bio Weapon Attack, People Have The Cure To Fight It         X22 Report | 25 September 2021 Forget Class Action Lawsuits There Will Be Tribunals, What If Cures Already Exist?          

Message for ‘Truth for Health Foundation’

    Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò | 4 December 2021       Dear Friends,   Allow me to address you as you denounce the most controversial and disturbing aspects of the experimental gene serum with great and commendable commitment. Your battle for scientific truth, coupled with increasingly coordinated action by countless scientists and doctors around the world, is opening the eyes of many people who have allowed themselves to be misled by the false promises of health authorities, byRead More

Dr Andres Noack explains graphene hydroxide in the injections

  On 23 November 2021, Dr Andreas Noack posted this video about graphene nanoparticles that act like razor blades – ‘the sharpest structure imaginable’ – inside blood vessels and cut up the epithel. This could explain why so may top athletes are dying from internal bleeding because they have fast-flowing blood. The faster the blood flows, the more damage the razors will do. The article published in June 2021 by Prof Pablo Campra referred to by Dr Noack in thisRead More

Billions of People are affected by this & they don’t realise it

  A video based on a talk by Dr Robert Malone in which he touches on mass psychology and the corona crisis, and refers to the work by Prof Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, Belgium.         Prof Mattias Desmet, who also has a masters degree in statistics, initially approached the “pandemic” through the eyes of a statistician.  He realised the Covid statistics were wrong and began noticing that the long-term costs of theRead More

House of Numbers – Full Documentary

  In House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic, an AIDS film like no other, the HIV/AIDS story is being rewritten. This is the first film to present the uncensored POVs of virtually all the major players; in their own settings, in their own words. It rocks the foundation upon which all conventional wisdom regarding HIV/AIDS is based. House of Numbers could well be the opening volley in a battle to bring sanity and clarity to an epidemic gone awry.Read More

Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial

  BMJ Investigations | 2 November 2021   Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight.  


  SGT Report | 5 November 2021   The combination of quercetin and zinc is an effective prevention/treatment not only against coronavirus (e.g. COVID-19) but also against influenza virus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).        

SGT Report with Dr Zev Zelenko: Opposition to the tyrrany

  SGT Report | 17 October 2021   Dr Zev Zelenko debunks the lies surrounding COVID ‘vaccines’, analyses the WHO recommended treatment protocols which are producing devastating results in hospitals around the world, and explains life-saving alternative treatments available to us.        

COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey

  Heatlth Ranger Report | 8 October 2021   Dr Peter Breggin, the author of newly published COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, interviewed by Mike Adams         The book is available from Amazon   COVID-19 and the Global Predators is much more than an analysis of the current exploitation of humanity under cover of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. It discloses for the first time the actual blueprint and master plan that that was ten years inRead More

The Pandora Papers – Exposing The Global Cabal

    ICIJ – International Consortium of Investigative Journalism | 3 October 2021   The Pandora Papers reveal the inner workings of a shadow economy that benefits the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of everyone else. Millions of leaked documents and the biggest journalism partnership in history have uncovered financial secrets of 35 current and former world leaders, more than 330 politicians and public officials in 91 countries and territories, and a global lineup of fugitives, con artists andRead More

Del Bigtree talks about vaccines and the plandemic

  Health Ranger Report | 23 September 2021   Del Bigtree of The Highwire interviewed by Mike Adams about vaccines and the plandemic  

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