By Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross SwitSSerland is the centre of all evil; the base of the Per-A Pharaohs of Octogon Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n3UTxnVfdk The Pharaoh Show https://seanhross.blogspot.com/
By Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross SwitSSerland is the centre of all evil; the base of the Per-A Pharaohs of Octogon Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n3UTxnVfdk The Pharaoh Show https://seanhross.blogspot.com/
Mar-a-Lago | 15 November 2022 Source: https://rumble.com/v1urrhw-full-speech-president-donald-j.-trump-makes-special-announcement-at-mar-a-l.html
New Templers | 10 March 2022 Mentioned in the video: The Phoenix Journals, Free Online Archive: http://phoenixsourcedistributors.com/html/phoenix_journals.html Cult of Baal – D.S.M.P. (info page): https://www.dylanlouismonroe.com/cult-of-baal.html Deep State Mapping Project Site & Store : https://deepstatemappingproject.com/ Veil Removed Official Site & Store: https://veilremoved.com/ The New Templars are: Dylan Louis Monroe : https://lnk.bio/deepstatemappingproject VeilRemoved : https://linktr.ee/veilremoved Subscribe to New Templars on all of our video/social platforms! All Links here 👉🏻 https://lnk.bio/4GsT New Templars Merch Store: https://teespring.com/stores/new-templar-armory Join theRead More→
The Swiss Mafia Spiritual Origins & Jesuits Source credit: Dylan Louis Monroe’s Deep State Mapping Project https://deepstatemappingproject.com/ New Templers https://rumble.com/c/c-351215 Octogon Empire of Darkness – Sean Hross https://youtu.be/6n3UTxnVfdk The Pharaoh Show – Sean Hross https://youtu.be/WXaXnAvEpB8
v1.0 **FULL DOCUMENTARY Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QUuCWNyvv8
The Mel K Show | 13 November 2022 The Khazarian mafia is trying to negotiate a peace agreement with the rest of the world as their top man Evelyn de Rothschild dies and their empire collapses. Germany and the EU appear to be turning their backs on NATO and begin negociations with Russia and China. After the election fiasco in the US, even if the Rockefellers can keep their Biden clown show going on for aRead More→
CDR Communications | 13 January 2017 CLIMATE HUSTLE is a groundbreaking documentary that leads viewers on a fact-finding and often-hilarious journey through the propaganda-laced world of global warming claims. Hosted by award-winning investigative journalist Marc Morano and produced by CFACT and CDR Communications, CLIMATE HUSTLE tears the cover off of global warming hype and exposes the myths and exaggerations of this multi-billion dollar issue. CLIMATE HUSTLE reveals the history of climate scares, examines the scienceRead More→
Lo que ocurre cuando nos pasamos de frenada Biólogos por la verdad | 11 noviembre 2022 Fuente: https://biologosporlaverdad.es/la-gran-mentira-de-la-spike-y-el-fracaso-de-las-terapias-genicas/
La Gaceta | 14 octubre 2022 Por Rafael Bornstein Sánchez (Jefe de Servicio de Hematología y Hemoterapia del Hospital Central de la Cruz Roja, Madrid) Fuente: https://gaceta.es/espana/son-las-vacunas-covid-19-verdaderamente-seguras-20221014-1021/
We are in a Information War. Many people have been upset or confused by recent remarks by Trump and the predictable MSM reaction aimed at detracting the public attention away from the rigged elections and the important Republican wins in spite of numeous irregularities. Sundance has written the following article to explain: “DeSanctimonious” is not about the Florida Governor The Last Refuge | 6 November 2022 In December of 2009 the results of theRead More→
Health Ranger Report | 12 November 2022 Alex Krainer lays out the global, multipolar restructuring of trade and finance, WITHOUT dollar domination Source: https://rumble.com/v1tubn6-alex-krainer-lays-out-the-global-multipolar-restructuring-of-trade-and-fina.html A report from Eurasian Integrations conference A new world is rapidly taking shape, with great confidence and optimism By Alex Krainer At the end of October I travelled to Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan located on the western shore of the Caspian Sea. I went there toRead More→
X22 Report | 11 November 2022 Kash Patel served as the former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and is responsible for leading the Secretary’s mission at the Department, including his executive staff and providing counsel to the Secretary on all matters concerning the Department’s operations. Kash oversaw the execution of several of President Donald J. Trump’s top priorities.Kash begins the conversation explaining that the red wave worked, we are got theRead More→
The Mel K Show | 10 November 2022 Source: https://rumble.com/v1td6oq-mel-k-and-alex-krainer-geopolitical-update-exposing-the-banking-cartel-11-1.html Alex Krainer https://isystem-tf.com/
David Wilcock announces “The Michael Prophecies” project Health Ranger Report | 9 November 2022 Source: https://www.brighteon.com/9396bde6-4c74-4f4e-9045-dd5858ddb262
Children’s Health Defence | 9 November 2022 Source: https://rumble.com/v1t0608-the-elephant-in-the-room-vaccine-vs.-covid-fatality-data-breakdown-with-ste.html
Source: https://rumble.com/v1sdkne-full-speech-president-donald-j.-trump-holds-save-america-rally-in-vandalia-.html Trump: “I am going to be making a very big announcement on Tuesday, November 15th at Mar a Lago—in Palm Beach, Florida!”
Health Ranger Report | 7 November 2022 Dr. Ed Group and Mike Adams discuss secrets of SYNTHETIC PARASITES and what works to eliminate them – Dr. Ed Group of GlobalHealing.com – Thoughts on clean food, clean supplements – Discussion of synthetic parasites – Heavy metals, conductivity and disabling non-human tech – Hybrid synbio nanoscale computational systems – How the 5G kill grid interacts – Your body’s natural resource for restoring genetic integrity – EliminatingRead More→
Source: https://rumble.com/v1s249o-donald-trump-save-america-rally-in-miami-florida-full-speech.html
Source: https://rumble.com/v1rukfq-full-speech-president-donald-j.-trump-holds-save-america-rally-in-latrobe-p.html At 9pm eastern, each night, those in jail for J6 sing the National Anthem together, from their jailcells. During the Trump Rallly, the crowd at Latrobe sang the National Anthem in solidarity. #SING4FREEDOM
Source: https://rumble.com/v1rty7q-full-speech-president-donald-j.-trump-holds-save-america-rally-in-sioux-cit.html