Amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations: An Annotated Guide
Brownstone Institute | 1 February 2023 Source:
Brownstone Institute | 1 February 2023 Source:
Episode 1. Here We Go Again On Steroids Déjà vu. Beginning the dialogue and outrage of the comparisons of then and now as told by eyewitnesses and relatives. Episode 2. Anyone Who Wants To Start A War Has To Lie Once you see a lie, you can’t un-see it. Survivors and their descendants recognize the weapons of deception and fear mongering propaganda. Episode 3. Breaking The Veil Of The RealRead More→
X22 Report | 3 February 2023 Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst with over 20 years of experience. She’s a contributor to discussion forums and news media with US and global doctors, scientists, and attorneys on the biological effects of the COVID-19 gene editing injections. Karen breaks down what Big Pharma created. They created a bio weapon and the FDA and Big Pharma did not know what would happen if they gave it to people.Read More→
RSBN | 2 February 2023
Project Veritas | 2 February Dr. Jordan Walker: There is something irregular about their menstrual cycles, so people will have to investigate that down the line. Project Veritas Reporter: Yeah. Dr. Jordan Walker: Because that is a little concerning. The vaccine shouldn’t be interfering with that, so we don’t really know what’s going on. Project Veritas Reporter: It shouldn’t? Dr. Jordan Walker: It shouldn’t, no. Project Veritas Reporter: But is it? Dr. Jordan Walker: There’sRead More→
Dr Astrid Stuckelberger (MSc PhD PD) is an international health scientist conducting and directing researches from clinical to epidemiological studies on to science for policy-makers since 30 years. Early on, after a BSc in biology then psychology, she got involved with the World Health Organisation (WHO) Mental Health Division where she conducted a secondary analysis of an international collaborative study on cross-cultural diagnosis with which she obtained a Master of Science at the University of Geneva. She continuedRead More→
Sahra Wagenknecht interviewed by Glen Greenwald 30 January 2023 Source: Sahra Wagenknecht: heroine of German left could become ally of far right The Guardian | 29 December 2022 She has been compared to iconic political figureheads such as Frida Kahlo and Rosa Luxemburg, as much for her strident leftwing views as for her striking looks. Sahra Wagenknecht is a household name in Germany and the best-known figure on the far left. TheRead More→
El Investigador | 22 noviembre 2022 Documental que muestra los casos de cuatro valientes mujeres en España que han dado el paso de hacer visible el calvario sufrido por los efectos adversos de las «vacunas» experimentales Covid y de los protocolos hospitalarios. Fuente:
The HighWire | 27 January 2023 An underreported story of great significance as a top Australian medical society has just given notice to its doctors that they aren’t covered for damages from the Covid shots. Source:
Tremregi | 26 January 2023 Source:
X22 Report | 28 January 2023 Source:
Never Again Is Now Global — A Five-Part Series by Vera Sharav Holocaust survivors, children of survivors and grandchildren — as well as German freedom fighters — express their shock at today’s fear-mongering and divisive dictates that are reminiscent of the prelude to the Holocaust. (to be released 30 January 2023) Source credit:
– Pfizer is conducting gain of function research creating enhanced pathogens a.k.a BIOWEAPONS – Lying to the public and using wordplay to circumvent the law with “directed evolution” – Massive conflict of interest, pharma industry creating “cash cow” by creating viruses – Pfizer exec admits C19 came from a lab Watch the original Project Veritas videos here
Pfizer Director Assaults James O’Keefe & Veritas Staff; Destroys iPad Showing Undercover Recordings 27 January 2023 Pfizer Exposed For Exploring “Mutating” COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines Via ‘Directed Evolution’ 26 January 2023 Project Veritas released a new video today exposing a Pfizer executive, Jordon Trishton Walker, who claims that his company is exploring a way to “mutate” COVID via “Directed Evolution” to preempt the development of future vaccines. Walker says that DirectedRead More→
22 January 2023 Source:
SGT Report | 22 January 2023 Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet Source:
Insiders Expose The ‘Deep State’ A Zero Hour Alchemy production Directed by Roger R. Richards Produced and co-directed by Steve Lucescu Narrated by Sean Stone
Flyover Conservatives | 16 January 2023 Source: The Mel K Show Resources
Project Camelot | 21 January 2023 An interview with Andrew Bridgen, Member of Parliament suspended recently for raising the issue of Vaccine deaths and evidence that they are unsafe. Source: Listen to Andrew Bridgen’s speech in the UK Parliament