American Presidential Bloodlines
Eric Dubay | 13 July 2023 Source:
Eric Dubay | 13 July 2023 Source:
Doctors For Covid Ethics | 28 July 2023 Prof. Konstantin Beck is an expert on medical statistics from Switzerland. For more information, please visit Dr. Beck’s book, “COVID in Switzerland,” is available for download at You can also read his articles and book, “Der Corona Elefant,” at Source: Increase in Miscarriages, Stillbirths Directly Linked to COVID Shots, Data Show — Health Officials ‘Should Have Known’ Read More→
Dark Journalist | 20 July 2023 Source: Previous Dark Journalist interviews with John Warner: Secret Navy UFO File Timeline 15 October 2022 The UFO File Patriot Act 17 October 2022 Truth UFO Disclosure 29 May 2021 The Elite Files 5 June 2021 Source:
Mercola | 27 July 2023
SGT Report | 24 July 2023 Guess what? The enemies of humanity who prey on us and on our children are driven by a darkness and evil so all consuming that it can only inhabit those who are no longer human. Dustin Nemos joins us with the quantifiable, Biblical proof that ‘they are not human’. When you are ready to go down the rabbit hole, begin here: Source:
KanekoaTheGreat | 24 July 2023 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discusses the federal government pressuring social media companies to censor Americans, the CIA’s role in providing a constant pipeline of new wars to enrich the military-industrial complex, and the Biden-Burisma bribery scandal: “The White House had deployed an army of federal agencies, including the CIA, FBI, DHS, IRS, and many others, to threaten Facebook, Google, and Twitter with withdrawing their Section 230 immunity, which isRead More→
American Crime Journal | 25 April 2021 In August 2019, Tim Ballard summoned his most trusted OUR associates and partners to a clandestine meeting which required each individual to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) . It was at this very meeting that Ballard laid out a secret plan to monetize his child sex slave rescue nonprofit, Operation Underground Railroad and to use his plan to proselytize prospective converts for the Mormon church. On aRead More→
18 November 2022 Del Bigtree gave a presentation at a Liberty and the Divine fundraiser event hosted by PERK in California exposing the real pandemic, a pandemic of lies surrounding vaccine safety and policy in the U.S. which The HighWire and ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) have been investigating since its founding. COVID may have opened your eyes, but this talk will help you learn why COVID was just the tip of the vaccineRead More→
“If a government can censor its critics, that’s a license for every atrocity. It is the beginning of totalitarianism.” – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. testified at a US House committee hearing on censorship and free speech. His fellow Democrats vilified the son of former US Senator and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of President John F. Kennedy for opposing Anthony Fauci and the Covid 19 vaccine agenda. 20Read More→
A flavonoid which not only prevents cell entry of the Spike Protein, but also inhibits its ability to induce cancer WMC Research | 21 July 2023 Source: Support WMC Research
The Spike Protein’s Suppression of p53 and BRAC May Mimic a Second Hit Walter M Chestnut | 20 July 2023 Source: Support WMC Research
Dane Wigington | 8 June 2023 Global climate engineering operations are the most massive untold story of all. How are such obvious and extensive operations kept from public awareness? How toxic are the climate engineering elements that are being dispersed into our skies? How can the illegal climate intervention operations be fully exposed and halted? All of these issues and more are discussed in this exchange between US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. andRead More→
SGT Report | 16 July 2023 Dr. Lee Vliet and attorney Todd Callender return to SGT Report to document and catalog the coordinated global genocide via bioweapon masquerading as “vaccine” which the mainstream whore mockingbird media continues to ignore, and lie about, at their own peril. Source:
Scott Ritter | 11 July 2023 As a former intelligence officer, I’ve been wondering why has no one done an investigation about Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine? His rise to power, in my opinion, represents an incredible manipulation of world opinion that will go down in history as a classic case study in social psychological engineering: an ordinary comedian who came to power because he promised a long-awaited peace, who then dragged his fellow citizens intoRead More→
Daily Clout | 7 July 2023 Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Risch, and colleagues were censored by the formerly respected scientific journal The Lancet: their paper, removed within 24 hours, found that 74% of the deaths following mRNA vaccine injection were likely caused by the injection. Source: Dr McCullough: “The government narrative is still that people do not die after COVID-19 vaccination. And now we have the largest series ofRead More→
West Palm Beach, FL | 15 July 2023 Source:
A COVID/Spike Protein Therapeutic… and a Witness WMC Research | 14 July 2023 Source: Support WMC Research
Gary Wayne | 1 August 2019 Source: There are giants among us, passing largely unnoticed, intent on carrying out a secret plan to enslave all humanity. They may not look like giants today, but their bloodlines extend all the way back to the Nephilim-the offspring of angels who mated with human women-described in Genesis 6 when giants roamed the land. Gary Wayne, author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: How Secret SocietiesRead More→
SGT Report | 13 July 2023 It’s all upside down and only the dumbest among us don’t know it. Treason, trans insanity and child trafficking – which the CIA’s mercenary Project Mockingbird mainstream whore media MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Scarborough says “does not exist”. Twitter’s Liz Churchill joins me to discuss the latest. Source: