Tucker Carlson: Why I’m interviewing Vladimir Putin
TCN | 6 February 2024
TCN | 6 February 2024
SGT Report | 7 February 2024 Author and researcher James Fetzer returns to SGT Report to discuss the empirical evidence of the destruction of our justice system and Republic. Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/r250qEFnV0E3/
Additional evidence of how repeated infections and Spike Protein exposures destroy major organs WMC Research | 7 February 2024 Source: http://tinyurl.com/4a8yh9s9 Support WMC Research https://wmcresearch.org/donate/
SGT Report | 5 February 2024 Dr. Robert Young and Matthew Hazen join me to share some very bad news: there’s graphene oxide in all of us now. And some very good news… here’s how you can get it out! Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zNPGo3EYwQYo/
TCN | 2 February 2024 Ozempic – is this drug too good to be true? Tucker Carlson and Calley Means discuss. Source: http://tinyurl.com/mry7xx39
European Journal of Medical Research | 23 February 2023 By Roya Hosseini & Nayere Askari Abstract Following the COVID-19 virus epidemic, extensive, coordinated international research has led to the rapid development of effective vaccines. Although vaccines are now considered the best way to achieve collective safety and control mortality, due to the critical situation, these vaccines have been issued the emergency use licenses and some of their potential subsequence side effects have been overlooked. At theRead More→
Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience | 22 February 2023 By Josef Finsterer SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are not free of side effects and most commonly affect the central or peripheral nervous system (CNS, PNS). This narrative review aims to summarise recent advances in the nature, frequency, management, and outcome of neurological side effects from SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. CNS disorders triggered by SARS-CoV-2 vaccines include headache, cerebro-vascular disorders (venous sinus thrombosis [VST], ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid bleeding, reversible, cerebralRead More→
The lives of the Amish in the US | DW Documentary Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9He5DVePvk Mercola | 3 February 2024 The documentary, “The Lives of the Amish in the U.S.,” shares how “an encounter with the Amish is like traveling back in time” and why, in this day and age, this could be a very smart move The Amish typically avoid technology and other modern-day conveniences like electricity and cars There are significant benefits ofRead More→
Its proven effects of reducing IL-6 may be among the mechanisms at work WMC Research | 2 February 2024 Source: http://tinyurl.com/v6sx9fac Support WMC Research https://wmcresearch.org/donate/
Dark Journalist | 27 January 2024 Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ_Gw0whW20
EU recommends vaccination priority for pregnant women Christine Andersen EUP Press Conference | 19 October 2022 Just a few days ago, the Pfizer bomb burst in our EU Special Committee. Now I also received the new EU Action Plan for 2023. What is written there is just sick. Now pregnant women are to be increasingly “vaccinated”! Anyone refusing will be considered anti-Western and anti-EU. At the same time, now the narrative will be expandedRead More→
17 August 2023 80-minute documentary film about the threat Google and other tech companies pose to democracy and human autonomy. Directed by M.A. Taylor. Produced by Peter Schweizer and others. Featuring Dr. Robert Epstein, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, Barry Schwartz and others. Source: https://vimeo.com/855431620 America’s Digital Shield: A New Online Monitoring System Will Make Google and Other Tech Companies Accountable to the Public Written Testimony by Robert Epstein,Read More→
18 December 2023 Source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/12/18/press-release-notice-on-the-continuation-of-the-national-emergency-with-respect-to-serious-human-rights-abuse-and-corruption/
Health Ranger Report | 31 January 2024 – Texas-US border crisis and potential collapse of global economy. (1:14) – US military capabilities and geopolitical tensions. (10:32) – Post-collapse recovery efforts and geopolitical tensions. (14:47) – Geopolitics, military technology, and potential conflicts. (19:36) – US military obsolescence and profit-driven defense policies. (24:45) – Military technology and incentives for engineers. (30:04) – US military spending and foreign policy. (34:50) – US Empire collapse triggers and geopoliticalRead More→
Mercola | 31 January 2024 Routinely disinfecting your body and surroundings may actually cause more harm than good in the long run. Not only do they promote the development of drug-resistant bacteria, antibacterial compounds such as triclosan and quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs or “quats”) have also been linked to a number of harmful health effects Research has shown triclosan is a potent endocrine disruptor that interferes with thyroid function. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals can promote a variety ofRead More→
The Spike Protein simultaneously enhances LPS damage while removing an inhibitor WMC Research | 31 January 2024 Source: http://tinyurl.com/xa35xesw Support WMC Research https://wmcresearch.org/donate/
SGT Report | 30 January 2024 The actionable information shared in this interview has the power to change your life for the better. Activist and researcher Christopher James returns to SGT Report to expose the income taxation scheme, NWO service corporations masquerading as governments, breakthroughs in light technology medicine which is curing people with chronic pain, and much more. Don’t miss this one. Thanks for tuning in.. Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/kyGoQplsoiWI/ Read More→
Are the Jews God’s chosen people? For over 1800 years, the Jews were scattered throughout all nations without a homeland. Then in 1948, the impossible happened. The State of Israel was founded, and the Jews once again possessed the promised land. Many Christians have proclaimed this to be a miracle and a blessing from God, but was this really the blessing of the Lord, or were darker forces at work? This film has theRead More→
Health Ranger Report | 29 January 2024 Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern on why America’s leadership is DELUSIONAL about Russia and the Middle East – Russia, Ukraine, and Middle East with former CIA analyst Ray McGovern. (0:00) – US-Russia relations and nuclear arms control. (1:01) – US-Russia relations and potential for conflict escalation. (8:22) – US-Ukraine relations and military intervention. (15:22) – Geopolitics, military strategy, and energy politics. (19:52) – US foreign policy andRead More→
Tremregi | 26 January 2024 Lawyer, activist, blogger, Dimitry Lascaris breaks down the ICJ ruling today and explains the significance for today and going forward. It’s historic, but will the rest of the world and the Arab neighbors act to boycott and isolate this evil entity in Israel? Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/SdLXOBw0Ki3L/