Billions of People are affected by this & they don’t realise it


A video based on a talk by Dr Robert Malone in which he touches on mass psychology and the corona crisis, and refers to the work by Prof Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, Belgium.





Prof Mattias Desmet, who also has a masters degree in statistics, initially approached the “pandemic” through the eyes of a statistician.  He realised the Covid statistics were wrong and began noticing that the long-term costs of the lockdowns compared to the benefits of using these measures to “flatten the curve” were never discussed.  The field of attention, of the entire world, was entirely on the victims of the “pandemic” as if everything else no longer mattered. So, he switched to viewing the “pandemic” through the lens of a clinical psychologist and came to the conclusion that society was suffering from mass formation.

According to Prof Desmet, mass formation is a type of mass hypnosis and has a huge impact on an individual’s intelligence and cognitive functioning.  Around 30% of the population will succumb to mass formations while 30% will not.  The remaining 40% will realise something is wrong, but may not understand exactly what, and remain silent.

Four conditions need to be present to create mass formation:

  1. There needs to be a number of socially isolated people or people who experience a lack of social bonds.
  2. There needs to be a number of people who experience a lack of ‘sense making’ and who are unable to come to sensible conclusions.
  3. There is a lot of free-floating anxiety in society. Free-floating because there’s nothing to connect their anxiety to – no focal point, people are unable to identify what’s causing it – and so have no way to deal with it.
  4. Additionally, there is a lot of free-floating psychological discontent where people feel their daily lives are lacking any purpose or meaning.

Disconnected people in society, who also suffer from free floating anxiety, connect their anxiety to a specific object, in this case Covid, and a new solidarity emerges.

To show solidarity to the newly formed group, people within this mass formation need to participate, for example: in lockdowns; wear masks; social distance; or, accept injections. It is almost as if the measures to defeat the object of anxiety – Covid – are really a way to prove to everyone else that they are a part of the new social group.

Mass formations are similar to religious groups and the symbols of the new social group, mask wearing for example, are similar to religious rituals which members will “push” to ensure their continuation. However, mass formation differs from a religion or cult in that its members do not recognise that their symbols are rituals. 

A cult is a group or movement held together by a shared commitment to a charismatic leader or ideology. It has a belief system that has the answers to all of life’s questions and offers a special solution to be gained only by following the leader’s rules. It requires a high level of commitment from at least some of the members.  (The Daily Expose)



Why people willingly give up their freedoms 

Prof Mattias Desmet | Aubrey Marcus




In the video below, Prof Mattias Desmet explains ‘mass formation‘ to Dr Reiner Fuellmich and other lawyers from the Corona Investigative Committee.








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