Spike Protein

La gran mentira de la «spike» y el fracaso de las terapias génicas

  Lo que ocurre cuando nos pasamos de frenada   Biólogos por la verdad | 11 noviembre 2022         Fuente: https://biologosporlaverdad.es/la-gran-mentira-de-la-spike-y-el-fracaso-de-las-terapias-genicas/            

Todd Challenger – The SYNBIO “Borgification” infiltration of human physiology exposed

    Health Ranger Report | 1 November 2022       The SYNBIO “Borgification” infiltration of human physiology EXPOSED by Todd Callender – The lawsuit against the DoD over vaccine mandates – Why vaxxed people may be PROPERTY of the pharmaceutical cartels – Details on Robert v. Austin, which sued HHS, FDA, DoD – Upcoming 10th circuit hearing in Colorado – The Truth for Health Foundation – The global #TRANSHUMANISM push and the war against humanity – Gene deletionRead More

The Real Anthony Fauci Movie

  A full-length feature documentary based on the bestselling book “The Real Anthony Fauci” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.   18 October 2022       Pharma-funded mainstream media has convinced millions of Americans that Dr. Anthony Fauci is a hero. He is anything but.   Fauci could be the biggest war criminal in history, as his fingerprints are now all over the biggest genocide/democide on record.   Source: https://rumble.com/v1oizll-the-real-anthony-fauci-everyone-deserves-to-know-the-truth.html             Rilley Waggaman aka Edward SlavsquatRead More

Dr Ryan Cole – Summary of 50 Autopsies with Spike Protein Images

  Better Way Conference, Vienna, Austria | 19 September 2022         Source credit: Dr Natalia Prego Cancelo https://rumble.com/v1mbi8e-conferencia-de-prensa-resumen-de-50-autopsias-con-protena-spike.html           Dr. Ryan Cole’s Images Showing How The Spike Protein Decimates The Body’s Major Organs And Circulatory System   BLOOD VESSELS, CAPILLARIES and ARTERIAL WALLS Here is one of the endothelial cells that lines the inside of your blood vessels. Most of these cells have ACE2 receptors. On the left side, note the nice smoothRead More

Pfizer mRNA Spike Protein Found in Deceased Man’s Brain and Heart: Peer-Reviewed Report

    “We know it goes to the brain, it goes to the heart, it produces the spike protein, which damages those cells, causes inflammation… it travels… causing damage to blood vessels and blood clots.”   Kanekoa The Great | 3 October 2022   Dr. Michael Mörz from the Institute for Pathology in Dresden, Germany, published a case study of an autopsy of a 76-year-old deceased man in the journal Vaccines. In the report, spike proteins specifically attributed to COVID-19 vaccinationRead More

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