Gene-encoded vaccines were developed by DARPA       US military, not Pfizer/Moderna, was the origin of mRNA vaccines. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) invested in gene-encoded vaccines since 2012 to pursue a bioweapon and vaccine.      

COVID Vaccine Irrefutably Linked to CLOT Formation – Lee String Theory

      MOST OF THE VACCINES ARE BIOWEAPONS — Dr. Joe Lee   SGT Report | 21 February 2024       Dr. Joe Lee is the founder of Lasik Eye Center with more than 70,000 Lasik procedures under his belt. He knows a thing or two about actual science and Dr. Lee has come up with a novel, quantifiable, and what he believes to be an easily provable way to show that the mRNA experimental vaccine(s) are BIOWEAPONSRead More

Disease X – 20 Times Worse Than Covid 19? | 30 January 2024     In January of 2024 the World Economic Forum dealt with „Disease X“ in a special session. Why is it 20X more lethal than Covid? What do we have to look out for? Dr. Peter McCullough kindly gave Kla.TV the following very insightful Interview. Please watch and share.   Source:           COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Coverup Attempts to Preserve Deep mRNA Pipeline By Peter A. McCullough   InRead More

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign

      By M. Nathaniel Mead, Stephanie Seneff, Russ Wolfinger, Jessica Rose, Kris Denhaerynck, Steve Kirsch, Peter A. McCullough   Published 24 January 2024       Source:

Are COVID-19 Vaccine Babies Toddling and Babbling Normally?

      Preclinical Studies Predict Neurodevelopmental Problems   Dr. Peter McCullough | 23 January 2024     Source:         Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine Caused Autism-Like Behaviors in Offspring of Rats Vaccinated   Children’s Health Defense | 18 January 2024     Source:         Prenatal Exposure to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 Induces Autism-Like Behaviors in Male Neonatal Rats: Insights into WNT and BDNF Signaling Perturbations Published 10 January 2024     Source:

Prenatal Exposure to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 Induces Autism-Like Behaviors in Male Neonatal Rats

    Insights into WNT and BDNF Signaling Perturbations   By Mumin Alper Erdogan, Orkun Gurbuz, Mehmet Fatih Bozkurt & Oytun Erbas Published 10 January 2024     Source:  

Spike Protein Persistence: The Essence of Long COVID and a Danger to All: mRNA Therapy as Respiratory BYPASS

    An examination of three papers reveals Spike Protein from any source is involved in Long COVID   WMC Research | 9 January 2024       Source:     Support WMC Research


      SGT Report | 17 December 2023       Dr. Diane Kazer returns to SGT Report with a personal story about how the mRNA experimental VAX has forever altered a family member’s personality and changed that person into a cold, Zombie-like shell of their former self… and then we quantify why this is happening to many vaxxed people, with the data and science.     Source:         The Indoctrinated Brain by Dr. Michael NehlsRead More

Dr. Michael Nehls: mRNA Injections Erase Autobiographical Memory in Hippocampus

      Daily Clout | 29 November 2023       Dr. Michael Nehls, distinguished author of The Indoctrinated Brain, describes his research and findings on the effects of mRNA on cognitive function, including damage to autobiographical memory.   Source:         The Indoctrinated Brain by Dr. Michael Nehls      

Dr. Chinda Brandolino: “The vaccinated are legal property of the patent holder”

            Dr. Chinda Brandolino is a a legal and forensic doctor from Buenos Aires, Argentina.   Dr. Brandolino explains that according to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling from 2013 a person whose DNA has been modified is patented and in fact property of the patent holder of that DNA modification technology. Furthermore, they are considered trans-human meaning that existing human rights do not apply to them.     Source:      

White House Knew MRNA Shots Caused Blood Clots, Heart Damage

  Internal FOIA’d Emails Show Freakout   DailyClout | 27 September 2023       Dr. Naomi Wolf and The Amazing Amy Kelly delve into FOIA’d emails showing that the White House knew in May of 2021 that the mRNA injections caused blood clots and heart damage. The emails also show the internal freakout among White House officials and a “script” of how to respond to the public.     Source:           46 Pages FOIAed EmailsRead More

What’s Actually in the COVID Vaccines?

    Kevin McKernan Talks COVID Vaccine DNA Contamination, the Monkey Virus SV40 Promoter, and What’s Actually in the Vaccines   American Thought Leaders | 29 August 2023       Source:   Full transcript of this interview:     Kevin McKernan Substack       Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola 30 September 2023   Microbiologist Kevin McKernan and colleagues discovered simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters in COVID-19 shots that, for decades, have been suspected of causing cancerRead More

10 Mice Used to Test the Newest Pfizer COVID Jab

        Source:     Mercola | 26 September 2023   September 11, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced it had approved reformulated monovalent COVID shots by Pfizer and Moderna for the fall for use in individuals 12 years of age and older. The agency has also issued emergency use authorization (EUA) for use of the reformulated jabs in children aged 6 months to 11 years The updated mRNA injections contain a single modified RNA saidRead More

mRNA Shot Is Deadly – Kids, Doctors, Nurses, Pilots, Jocks, Pregnant Mothers & Babies

      Tremregi | 19 September 2023       Dr. William Makis returns with horrifying stories about Turbo Cancers in the young and old alike; stories about kids and adults dropping dead from heart attacks; young athletes dropping dead or dying in their sleep; airline pilots becoming incapacitated in flight and dying; pregnant mothers too. The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccine will kill you. If you had it and you are still healthy it was because you gotRead More

The WHO’s Proposed Amendments Will Increase ManMade Pandemics

        by Meryl Nass, Brownstone Institute | 17 August 2023   This report is designed to help readers think about some big topics: how to really prevent pandemics and biological warfare, how to assess proposals by the WHO and its members for preventing and responding to pandemics, and whether we can rely on our health officials to navigate these areas in ways that make sense and will help their populations. We start with a history of biologicalRead More

mRNA Vaccines Now Headed for Shrimp

    Mercola | 14 September 2023       Source:

Conflicting Evidence of mRNA Technology Raises Serious Concerns About Rush for Use in New Vaccine Development

      EPOCH HEALTH | 31 August 2023       Source:           ‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA       Source:

COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters Were Never Made With mRNA

    The truth behind RNA-based vaccine technology (Part 1)   EPOCH HEALTH | 27 July 2023     Source:           RNA-Based Vaccine Technology: The Trojan Horse Didnʼt Contain mRNA   It contains modRNA that genetically manipulates healthy cells   EPOCH HEALTH | 21 April 2023     Source:

“Turbo Cancer” After mRNA Injection

    Dr. Henry Ealy Reveals What He Thinks Is Causing It   DailyClout | 22 March 2023       “These are definitive bioweapons,” attests doctor in naturopathic medicine Henry Ealy. “There is a zero percent chance Kevin McKernan’s [research] is wrong on that.”   And why are we seeing the emergence of “turbo cancers”? Dr. Ealy believes the answer lies in pseudouridine, a molecule the body makes under stress. “So if the body’s producing a lot of it,Read More

Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda (2022 Wakefield-Kennedy-CHD Documentary)

      10 June 2022       “It is with timely irony that the World Health Organization reveals its true colors as it makes a desperate grab for control of global health,” said director Dr. Andy Wakefield. “This story is a true ‘WHO’ dunnit.” “Infertility” pulls back the curtain to reveal the truth behind WHO’s nefarious collaboration with the Kenyan government in which an experimental tetanus vaccination, later found to be laced with the pregnancy hormone βhCG, wasRead More

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