
SITREP >> Alex Christoforou

    Support Alex @ The Duran     Kamala crushes in polls. EU, freeze Russian assets forever. Ukraine strategy to win over Trump 24 July 2024         Biden calls Kamala, proof of voice. Germany isolated, fears Trump. Ukraine cuts off oil to Hungary 23 July 2024         X coup. Obama, Kamala endorsement on hold. EU/Elensky, bet it all on Biden. Kremlin focus on winning 22 July 2024         ElenskyRead More

West Sleepingwalking into Major Wars – Alastair Crooke, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen

    The Duran | 16 June 2024       Source:  

NATO Escalation & Propaganda – Glenn Greenwald, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen

    The Duran | 5 June 2024       Source:  

John Mearsheimer: Why Israel is in deep trouble

    The four options available for Israel: Democratic Greater Israel (Green Line Israel + Gaza + West Bank) Two-state solution Apartheid Ethnic cleansing     CIS | 17 May 2024       US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on 29 September 2023 that “The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades.” That all changed on October 7 when Hamas attacked Israel, which unsurprisingly invaded Gaza to destroy Hamas.   After moreRead More

Max Blumenthal : Palestinian Hostages in Israel

      Judge Napolitano | 1 May 2024       Source:         The Grayzone

‘Kill them all’: inside the Israeli blockade on Gaza aid

    The Grayzone | 21 March 2024       Journalist Jeremy Loffredo goes inside the grassroots Israeli campaign to block desperately needed aid to the besieged Gaza Strip and elicits the shockingly candid views of the Jewish Israeli nationalists manning the barricades.   Setting out on a bus caravan through illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, Loffredo arrives at the Kerem Shalom crossing to Gaza, filming Israeli citizens as they physically block trucks loaded with flourRead More

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern on why America’s leadership is DELUSIONAL…

    Health Ranger Report | 29 January 2024       Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern on why America’s leadership is DELUSIONAL about Russia and the Middle East   – Russia, Ukraine, and Middle East with former CIA analyst Ray McGovern. (0:00) – US-Russia relations and nuclear arms control. (1:01) – US-Russia relations and potential for conflict escalation. (8:22) – US-Ukraine relations and military intervention. (15:22) – Geopolitics, military strategy, and energy politics. (19:52) – US foreign policy andRead More

Dimitri Lascaris ICJ Ruling Against Israel

      Tremregi | 26 January 2024       Lawyer, activist, blogger, Dimitry Lascaris breaks down the ICJ ruling today and explains the significance for today and going forward. It’s historic, but will the rest of the world and the Arab neighbors act to boycott and isolate this evil entity in Israel?     Source:

Trump, King Cyrus, The Third Temple And The Mass Movement Of People

        The Bridge   American President Donald Trump has been placed on an Israeli coin, a half shekel (shakel), he is portrayed as today’s version of the Babylonian King Cyrus 600-530BC, the king that ordered the building of the second temple which as a fraud, was demolished by the Jews after being derided by Jesus.   It was the Scythian (Hebrew) Queen Tomyris who would eventually chop off the head off the Persian King Cyrus which showsRead More

Dean Henderson: Middle East Israel Gaza, U.S. And The Crown Involvement

      Project Camelot | 22 November 2023       Source:

Psychopaths Govern This World

      The Crowhouse | 22 November 2023         Source:

Maria Zeee interviews Mike Adams on Israel, Gaza, vaccine genocide…

      Health Ranger Report | 22 November 2023       Source:

“Why Israel REALLY Invaded Gaza” – Dr Vernon Coleman

      The Shocking Truth behind the Genocide   Vernon Coleman | 17 November 2023       Source:         Dr Vernon Coleman website

Col. Douglas MacGregor warns: US diplomatic incompetence will nudge Israel…

      Health Ranger Report | 10 November 2023       Col. Douglas MacGregor warns: US diplomatic incompetence will nudge Israel toward catastrophic consequences     Source:       OUR COUNTRY OUT CHOICE


    TheCrowhouse | 7 November 2023         Source:

Jeffrey Prather warns Mike Adams that Israel-Hamas war could explode…

      Health Ranger Report| 8 November 2023         Source:

The Truth About the Middle East Conflict

    Jason Shurka | 1 November 2023         Source:

The Hitler … or Obama Youth

    It’s Getting Harder to Tell the Difference   Badlands Media | 3 November 2023   By Erik Carlson     Let me preface this article by saying I understand the readers all have different beliefs about what is real and what is not real in the Israel/Hamas conflict. Some believe no one has been killed and it is all fake. Some believe all of it is real. Others believe some of it is real and some is propaganda.Read More

Lascaris – Gigantic US Military Base Masquerading As A Country

      Tremregi| 28 October 2023       Just returned from the Lebanon Israeli border, retired attorney, activist, and journalist, Dimitri Lascaris reports on what he found during his week-long stay.     Source:


      SGT Report | 30 October 2023       Harley Schlanger is back with a warning for the warmongers and blood thirsty killers who rule America, Israel and the West. This won’t end well for them OR for we the people. May God bless the truth tellers and those who fight for PEACE among nations.     Source:

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