
An urgent message from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi

  Prof Sucharit Bhakdi | 12 July 2021   Prof Sucharit Bhakdi MD explains recent findings that fundamentally change the Covid narrative. We already have antibody memory immunity to COVID-19, rendering 99% of us immune. This not only makes vaccination unnecessary, but re-vaccination potentially life threatening.  

Lion Disclosure: The Vaccine Genocide Part 1-3

  Total Disclosure | June 2021   ‘A global communist regime where your freedom is not yours to take but for others to grant. This is war, and, most people don’t know it yet. Some people think World War III is supposed to be between the US and China, but what if, this is it? The third war is about the NWO trying to exterminate over 50% of the world’s population. The purpose is not invading countries or conquering land,Read More

‘Brain Tsunami’ caused by Graphene Oxide and 5G

  Canal 7 Salta ‘Palabras y Verdades’ | 7 July 2021   In this programme aired by Canal 7 Salta in Argentina (with subtitles in English by Orwell City), the biostatitian Ricardo Delgado explains the so-called Brain Tsunami. ‘In the field of nanoscience, neuroscience or biotechnology, when we study all that graphene can do, we realize the ultimate goal of the operation being carried out, and that is that graphene oxide nanoparticles act as nanobiosensors once they are installed in neurons,Read More

UV fluorescence analysis performed on Pfizer’s vaccination vial

  La Quinta Columna | 10 July 2021   La Quinta Columna shared the results of a UV fluorescence analysis performed on Pfizer’s vaccination vial presented by Dr José Luis Sevillano and Ricardo Delgado. See their original report here. The graph was provided by Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra, who has been leading the analysis of the vial using different techniques (optical and electron microscopy, spectroscopy, among others). According to the results of the UV fluorescence analysis, the peak reached byRead More

Graphene Oxide found in Pfizer and AstraZeneca ‘vaccines’

  Stew Peters Show with Dr Jane Ruby First Pfizer, now AstraZeneca. The toxic substance Graphene Oxide that was found in the Pfizer vials by Spanish researchers has now been confirmed to also be the main ingredient in the AstraZeneca vaccine, according to another scientific research group. Link to the original publication by La Quinta Columna in English here.     AstraZeneca Link to the article in Orwell City here.   Pfizer  

As Evidence Grows That Vaccines Do Not Protect Against Infection, the Case For Granting Privileges to the Vaccinated Collapses

  Will Jones, Lockdown Sceptics | 6 July 2021   ‘Creating a two-tier society where freedoms and opportunities are contingent on whether or not you have received a novel (and not fully tested or licensed) vaccine, and having to reveal that fact to strangers, was never a sound approach from a civil liberties point of view. But as the evidence grows that the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission, the medical case against this new medical apartheid falls apartRead More

COVID Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and Safety

  Doctors for COVID Ethics | 30 April 2021   Abstract: COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers have been exempted from legal liability for vaccine-induced harm. It is therefore in the interests of all those authorising, enforcing and administering COVID-19 vaccinations to understand the evidence regarding the risks and benefits of these vaccines, since liability for harm will fall on them. In short, the available evidence and science indicate that COVID-19 vaccines are unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe.  

Expert statement regarding Comirnaty (Pfizer) COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine for children

  Doctors for COVID Ethics | 3 July 2021   Michael Palmer MD, Sucharit Bhakdi MD, Stefan Hockertz PhD This expert statement was submitted by Italian lawyer Renate Holzeisen in conjunction with a lawsuit that challenges the EU’s authorization of the use of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine on children of 12 years and older. The arguments made here specifically reference the Pfizer vaccine, but they apply similarly to the Moderna mRNA vaccine, and many also apply to the adenovector-based AstraZeneca andRead More

The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy

  MDPI journals – Vaccines Published | 24 June 2021 Retracted | 2 July 2021   By Harald Walach, Rainer J. Klement, and Wouter Aukema Conclusions: The present assessment raises the question whether it would be necessary to rethink policies and use COVID-19 vaccines more sparingly and with some discretion only in those that are willing to accept the risk because they feel more at risk from the true infection than the mock infection. Perhaps it might be necessary toRead More

Analysis of Pfizer vaccine confirms presence of graphene nanoparticles

  2 July 2021     Spanish researchers put the Pfizer vaccine under an electron microscope and found it contained 99% graphene oxide nanoparticles (image above left), or something very similar. The evidence so far shows that it contains extremely small quantity of genetic material, such as mRNA or DNA or spike protein, to be able to suggest that this “vaccine” is gene therapy. It also appears therefore that this was developed not to protect us from the so-called SARS-CoV-2Read More


  The High Wire | 25 June 2021   Robert W. Malone, M.D., M.S. is the discoverer of in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and the inventor of mRNA vaccines, while he was at the Salk Institute in 1988. His research was continued at Vical in 1989, where the first in-vivo mammalian experiments were designed by him. The mRNA, constructs, reagents were developed at the Salk institute and Vical by Dr. Malone. The initial patent disclosures were written by Dr. MaloneRead More

Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products

  This “Guidance for Industry” report issued in August of 2015 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research shows quite clearly that the U.S. Federal Government knew that “shedding” of these Biologics Blood Vaccines would occur.  

FDA Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines to Prevent COVID-19

  Updated 25 May 2021  

Dr Richard Fleming: It’s a Bioweapon

  SGT Report | 26 June 2021 ‘”IT’S A BIOWEAPON,” says Dr Richard Fleming referring to the virus and the genome of the virus. Dr. Fleming also asserts that new research indicates that the genetic sequences that are in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines do not match the source code CoV-2 virus genome, but are spot on with the prion-like domain region which produces what the general public refers to as mad cow disease. This interview will chill you toRead More

Dr Lee Merritt with COVID ‘vaccine’ updates

  Health Ranger Report | 24 June 2021   Dr Lee Merritt discusses with Mike Adams the latest information on the spike proteins including the range of vascular diseases they are causing those vaccinated and their apparent transmission to the unvaccinated. Topics also include SPIONs (Superparamagnetic Ion Oxide Nanoparticle) and Magnetofection.  

The COVID vaccine and depopulation; the beginning of the trail

  By Jon Rapperport | 14 June 2021   Since the rollout of the COVID vaccines, reports of bleeding, irregular menstrual cycles, and miscarriages have surfaced. Children’s Health Defense, February 3, 2021: “Health Officials Push Pregnant Women to Get COVID Shots, Despite Known Risks” [1]: “…as of Feb. 12, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had already received 111 reports of adverse events experienced by women who were pregnant at the time of their Pfizer or Moderna injection…” “TheRead More

MASS HYPNOSIS: The disturbing psychology behind the global vaccine SUICIDE CULT

  Mike Adams | 14 June 2021   (Natural News) The global vaccine suicide cult is very real, and it’s a product of mass hypnosis combined with a widespread desire for self-annihilation. Driven to the point of insanity by crazed culture and the psychological terrorism of the mainstream media, many people are now either consciously or unconsciously seeking to end their own lives — global suicides have skyrocketed since the covid lockdowns began — and now they’ve stumbled upon theirRead More

More Shocking Evidence of the Depopulation Agenda

      Jacqui Deevoy is a UK investigative journalist who has interviewed over 50 whistleblowers who believe their parents or partners were euthanised while in hospital. In these interviews, she discusses the UK government’s recent policies on Care Pathway, DNR, assisted suicide, as well as their use of Midazolam on the elderly patients.     Journalist Jacqui Deevoy has an explosive story, a story of state Euthanasia Gareth Icke | 4 June 2021     Source:    Read More

Dr Tom Cowan on New Findings on the Spike Protein Toxin

  4 June 2021    

Robert F. Kennedy Jr sounds the alarm over genocidal crimes of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates

  Health Ranger Report | 11 June 2021  

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