The Answer


  MAJIC EYES ONLY    LAW OF WAR: THE STORM (Series 2) – The Core Theory (in 10 small proofs)       DoD LAW OF WAR MANUAL     Other videos from the series: LAW OF WAR: THE STORM (Series 1) – SUPER-PROOF LAW OF WAR: THE STORM (Series 3) – MILITARY TRIBUNALS LAW OF WAR: THE STORM (Series 4 – III) The Essential Proofs 1/2 – Chapter 11 LAW OF WAR: THE STORM (Series 5) – The EssentialRead More

The Time Is Now

  24 December 2021 Dr. Ben Tapper, a small town chiropractor who is black labeled as a member of the “Disinformation Dozen” during the COVID-19 pandemic, rallies together healthcare professionals across America to share an alternate view point of the global narrative. Dr. Robert W Malone: The underlying truths of the grossly mismanaged globally coordinated response to the COVID-19 outbreak are becoming increasingly apparent to common citizens throughout the world. The United States Health and Human Services (HHS) system, onceRead More


  USA Department of Defense | June 2015 (Updated December 2016)       Key Chapters: – Chapter 11 > Military Occupation – Chapter 4.3 > Unprivileged Belligerents – Chapter 18 > Implementation And Enforcement Of The Law Of War     LAW OF WAR MANUAL DECODE  by MAJIC EYES ONLY    

Clif High explains Art of War and Trump’s narrative about the ‘vaccine’

  24 December 2021   What everyone is missing about how the vaccine saved the world from a 10-year lockdown and massive millions of deaths Trump and the patriots are now maneuvering two disparate social order groups into a convergence The narrative will shift once the core audience demonstrates they are beginning to understand the bigger picture When the narrative does shift, the war will become out in the open This ‘convergence’ of awakening & social order coherence will accelerateRead More

Gates, Fauci, and Daszak charged with Genocide in Court Filing

  by Justus R. Hope, MD, The Desert Review | 20 December 2021   In a stunning 46-page legal filing to the International Criminal Court on 6 December, an intrepid attorney and seven applicants accused Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 53.   Besides theRead More

President Trump Christmas speech at First Baptist Dallas

  19 December 2021  

A Physicians’ Declaration read by Dr Robert Malone

  Global Covid Summit | 12 September 2021   Over 3,000 Doctors and Scientists signed a Declaration accusing COVID policy makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’    

Mike Lindell’s Historic Interview With President Donald J. Trump

  Frank Speech | November 2021        

Dr David Martin: The TRUTH About COVID + HIV

  The ReAwaken America Tour | 10 December 2021       More presentations from Clay Clark’s ReAwaken America Tour     Attorney General Document      

Attorney Tom Renz Releases More Damning Whistleblower Data

  The ReAwaken America Tour / Dallas TX Attorney Tom Renz | 12 December 2021     Renz Reveals DOD Document that tracks vaccinated people by their race. It shows that the Covid vaccine is even less effective in minorities but carries all the risks –  Are The Jabs responsible for the Covid Spike in Minority Groups? Is the jab causing an increase in Covid? Renz Reveals 2004 CDC Document which lays out Big Gov & Big Pharma’s Plan onRead More

Mike Adams interviews

  Health Ranger Report   James Martinez James Martinez exposes Omicron “trigger word” mass hypnosis PROGRAMMING Operation Mind Control by Walter Bowart (pdf download here) 9 December 2021       Steve Kirsch Steve Kirsch warns of “incomprehensible” conspiracy among government and science academia to push deadly covid vaccine 3 December 2021       Sean Stone 28 October 2021       John Moore 27 October 2021       Dr Richard Fleming 26 October 2021      Read More

X22 Report Spotlight with Sean Stone

  X22 Report | 4 December 2021 Sean Stone is a filmmaker, media host, author, actor, poet, speaker, and above all, truth-seeker and spiritual activist. He has a new documentary out called Best Kept Secret, this documentary lays out the hidden agenda of the dark elite in a six-part documentary series. The documentary visits the dark world of Human trafficking, pedophilia. Sean begins the conversation explaining why he created the documentary Best Kept Secret and explains that the pedo worldRead More

This Pivotal Moment

  Why Vaccine Passports will lead to a Totalitarian Surveillance State The proposed global rollout of Vaccine Passports has nothing to do with your health. Vaccine Passports are a Trojan horse being used to create a completely new type of controlled and surveilled society in which the freedom we enjoy today will be a distant memory. It’s time to stop this plan in its tracks.   Episode one  


  22 October 2021 The members of the European Parliament took a joint stand in defence of the fundamental rights of all EU citizens, which they say are under threat now due to mandatory vaccination and abusive use of the Digital Covid Certificate.         30 October 2021 ⁣German politician Christine Anderson is serving as an Alternative for Germany Member of the European Parliament. During the press conference “EU Parliament Opposes Mandate Agenda” held on October 30, 2021,Read More

Message for ‘Truth for Health Foundation’

    Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò | 4 December 2021       Dear Friends,   Allow me to address you as you denounce the most controversial and disturbing aspects of the experimental gene serum with great and commendable commitment. Your battle for scientific truth, coupled with increasingly coordinated action by countless scientists and doctors around the world, is opening the eyes of many people who have allowed themselves to be misled by the false promises of health authorities, byRead More

Steve Kirsch warns of “incomprehensible” conspiracy among government and science academia to push deadly covid vaccine

  Health Ranger Report | 3 December 2021       Related links:

Archbishop Viganò Launches Appeal for Anti globalist Alliance

  17 November 2021 Archbishop Viganò: We are witnessing a Global Coup D’etat… It is the plan of the New World Order.    

The Moment of Truth – David Wilcock and Mike Adams

  14 November 2021   This is a fascinating two-part documentary put together by David Wilcock‘s team, after his recent conversation with Mike Adams on the Brighteon channel. It includes a number of clips from his earlier research material relevant to the topics of their conversation and hence to the situation we currently find ouselves in.   Part 1         Part 2      

Dr David Martin: Clear Evidence Of Premeditated Biological Warfare

  5 November 2021   David E. Martin PhD says that the mandatory injection was planned in 2015. – There is NO SARS coronavirus 2 – There is a Bioweapon paid for by Anthony Fauci in 1999 – This Bioweapon was engineered to destory humanity – There is NO COVID-19 – There is NO “Vaccine” – Clear evidence of 5 premeditated felonies        

Mike Lindell Lawsuit Headed to Supreme Court

  Stew Peters Show | 1 November 2021   Mike Lindell announces a lawsuit vs The United States of America, which will hit the nation’s High Court. The lawsuit framework will force the Court’s Justices to align with or betray the will of the American People. Also he will be hosting a 5-day LIVE event revealing specific state fraud.  

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