STUDY: Long term mask use breeds microbes that infiltrate the lungs and contribute to advanced stage lung cancer

Science.News | 15 January 2021  


Dr Vernon Coleman | 27 January 2021  

Knut Wittkowski | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown

    World Class Epidemiologist, Knut Wittkowski last worked at Rockefeller University in NY as Head, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design, Center for Clinical & Translational Science. He is the CEO of ASDERA LLC, a company discovering novel treatments for complex diseases from data of genome-wide association studies.        

Mass Vaccination Of Healthy Adults Is A Sham

EXCESS DEATHS NOT CAUSED BY COVID-19 CDC Knew Early On In The Pandemic That Unexplained Excess Deaths in 2020 Were Beyond Those Directly Attributed To COVID-19. by  Bill Sardi | 23 January 2021      

New Study Indicates Lockdowns Didn’t Slow the Spread of Covid-19

First published 5 January 2021 A team of Stanford University researchers recently published a study in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation concluding that harsh lockdown policies have had minimal impact on preventing the spread of Covid-19 compared to lighter policies.

Democide – The #1 Cause of Death Worldwide

The New Normal – UK Documentary

A great documentary that investigates The Fourth Industrial Revolution, what the 1% has to gain and the rest of us are about to lose. Video created by –  

HART – Mission Statement

‘HART is a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts with a strong and broad, multidisciplinary evidence base. We aim to provide a credible SECOND OPINION for politicians, the media, businesses and the wider public.’     Website:

Corona children studies “Co-Ki”: First results of a Germany-wide registry on mouth and nose covering (mask) in children

Background: Narratives about complaints in children and adolescents caused by wearing a mask are accumulating. There is, to date, no registry for side effects of masks. Methods: At the University of Witten/Herdecke an online registry has been set up where parents, doctors, pedagogues and others can enter their observations. On 20.10.2020, 363 doctors were asked to make entries and to make parents and teachers aware of the registry. Results: By 26.10.2020 the registry had been used by 20,353 people. InRead More

Lockdown: a deadly, failed experiment

by Fraser Myers at Spiked | 27 December 2020  

Kevin McKenan – PCR testing insights

‘I don’t think enough of the public understands the boundaries of this PR test and so it’s getting unfortunately it is turned into a scoreboard on percent positivity as to whether or not countries locked down harder or lower.’

Study of Almost 10 Million Finds NO ASYMPTOMATIC COVID SPREAD

Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China This article appeared in Nature Communications | 20 November 2020 ‘Stringent COVID-19 control measures were imposed in Wuhan between January 23 and April 8, 2020. Estimates of the prevalence of infection following the release of restrictions could inform post-lockdown pandemic management. Here, we describe a city-wide SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening programme between May 14 and June 1, 2020 in Wuhan. All city residents aged six years orRead More

WHO Says Covid-19 Asymptomatic Transmission Is ‘Very Rare’

WHO Changes Definition of “Herd Immunity” to Eliminate Pre-COVID Consensus

by Paul Joseph Watson | 23 December 2020     Link to WHO site:

Why you shouldn’t believe the COVID vaccine is effective

by Jon Rappoport | 21 December 2020     Source:

Does wearing a mask cause diagnostic tests to read false-positive for COVID?

by Jon Rappoport | 23 July 2020  

Spain – total deaths by year

17 December 2020

WHO Information Notice for IVD Users

In a statement released on 14 December 2020 the World Health Organization finally owned up to what 100,000’s of doctors and medical professionals have been saying for months: the RT-PCR test used to diagnose COVID-19 is a hit and miss process with way too many false positives.  

Tracking down the Origin of CCP Virus

The Epoch Times | 8 April 2020  

COVID-19 – Masks don’t protect, social distancing does nothing, tests are also useless

Leaked Video: Top Canadian Pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Tells Alberta Government COVID Is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”   18 November 2020 Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta and Chairman of a Medical Biotechnology company SELLING THE COVID-19 TEST: “There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. This is the biggest hoax everRead More

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