
Dr Michael Nehls interviewed by Doc Malik

    Doc Malik | 20 July 2024       Michael graduated from medicine in 1986 in Germany but never practised clinical medicine. Instead, he went into research and now has published several books mainly in German. Michael’s article titled “Unified Theory of Alzheimer’s Disease (UTAD): implications for prevention and curative therapy” was internationally published in the Journal of Molecular Psychiatry. For his breakthrough discovery regarding the development, prevention and therapy of Alzheimer’s disease, he received the 2015 HanseRead More

US_Mil Operator Doc-Dump | DOJ/Pentagon Guidance: Domestic Use US Army | Q-Trump-FBI

    QNewsPatriot | 1 August 2024       Source:

Former government agent Jeffrey Prather confirms how shooting has all the hallmarks of an INSIDE JOB

    Health Ranger Report | 31 August 2024       Source:  

Systemic Inflammation: The Raison d’Être of the Spike Protein

    Like so many malevolent flowers, the Spike Protein “blooms” inflammation in organs, leading to injury and death.   WMC Research | 30 July 2024       Source:       Support WMC Research

Season of Assassination Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell

      DarkJournalist | 27 July 2024       Source:

“We Will Not Be Silenced”

    The Movie YouTube Doesn’t Want You To See         Source: London Real Website: Brian Rose Freedom Platform: We Will Not Be Silenced:

Sergey Lavrov Calls for Multilateral Cooperation Over US “Rules Based Order”

    Michael Rossi Poli Sci | 16 July 2024       Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov speaks at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, condemning what he views as the American-led “Rules Based Order” contributing to instability and conflict around the world.   Lavrov offers four suggestions for multilateral cooperation in order to create a more just, democratic and sustainable world order.     Source:           Putin’s Peace Proposal

Netanyahu Speaks to US Congress – The Future for Israel

      Tremregi | 25 July 2024       Dimitri Lascaris, lawyer, journalist, activist rejoins the show to discuss Bibi’s presentation to the US Congress, the future of Israel, and the status of the Israeli war against the Houthis, PLO, Hezbollah, Hamas, Libya, Iran….and Russia may…     Source:

Friday Hope: A Fibrinolytic Diet: A Potential Adjunct Therapeutic to Ameliorate Spike Protein-Induced Microclots

    Many foods assist in breaking down Fibrin(ogen), a major factor in COVID/Spike Protein-induced microclots.   WMC Research | 26 July 2024         Source:       Support WMC Research


    SGT Report | 18 July 2024     Source:         STOP NATO’S WORLD WAR Dismantle the International Assassination Bureau     Source:  

Friday Hope: Thiamine (Vitamin B1): Improving Endothelial Function Post Spike Protein Exposure

    Vitamin B1 reduces mortality and incidence of thrombosis in those with severe COVID.   WMC Research | 19 July 2024         Source:       Support WMC Research

Friday Hope: Quercetin

    From Possible Therapeutic Considerations in 2020 to Proven Therapeutic Implications in 2024   Quercetin has demonstrated its worth as a major preventative/prophylactic polyphenol in the prevention and treatment of pathologies of SARS-CoV-2 and its Spike Protein.   WMC Research | 12 July 2024         Source:       Support WMC Research

Clif High interviewed by Jean-Claude

    Beyond Mystic | 10 July 2024       Source:

Ashkenazi Jews Are The Power Structure of the U.S. Government, Finance, & Media

      Tremregi | 11 July 2024       Sylvia Demarest has researched the “Power Structure” of the U.S. Government, Finance, & Media and it is overwhelming. Sylvia names those Ashkenazi Jews who have risen to high positions of power in the U.S. Government. The Biden administration is particularly infiltrated by them.   The slur of Anti-Semitism is a ruse, a lie, and a myth used to defame anyone who speaks truth to power about the real innerworkingsRead More


    SGT Report | 8 July 2024     Source:        

The Spike Protein Binds to CD4 T Cells: Impairment and Possible Depletion

    This is almost certainly a key factor in the surge of turbo cancers.   WMC Research | 8 July 2024     Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infects CD4+ T cells in vitro and in vivo.       Source:         Support WMC Research

Friday Hope: Gingko Biloba: A Fibrinolytic and Potential Neurotherapeutic Management of Long COVID

    The fibrinolytic effects may ameliorate the microclots and subsequent fibrosis induced by the Spike Protein.   WMC Research | 5 July 2024         Source:       Support WMC Research

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò issued a grave warning about Pope Francis

      8 July 2024       Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, excommunicated from the Church by order of Pope Francis, issued a grave warning, alleging that the pope is an enthusiastic collaborator in the Great Reset. He claims that the pope’s goal is to dismantle the Church and replace it with an organization inspired by Masonic principles.   He further contends that there is a sinister conspiracy between the deep state and the deep church and reminds usRead More

Reviewing “Persistent Vascular Complications in Long COVID”

    Published last week, the most convincing evidence to date supporting my SPED (Spike Protein Endothelial Disease) hypothesis.   WMC Research | 4 July 2024     Source:       Persistent Vascular Complications in Long COVID: The Role of ACE2 Deactivation, Microclots, and Uniform Fibrosis by Christina-Michailia Sideratou and Christos Papaneophytou Published 27 June 2024     Source:         Support WMC Research

Spiro – PCR FRAUD (2020)

    A reminder…       “We are being lied to COVID19-SCAM”. “Imagine a virus so deadly, you need a test to see if you have it. Imagine a vaccine so safe and effective you have to threaten and force people to take it.”   Source:       COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless

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