Astra Zeneca



The MedGen Spike primers are present in the AZ vaccine


Nepetalactone Newsletter | 28 May 2024


Astra Zeneca - by Anandamide - Nepetalactone Newsletter (1)








Why The AZ Vaccine Was Really Withdrawn, What Your Government Isn’t Telling You


Doc Malic | 21 May 2024


Ehden Biber is an information security, cybersecurity, and privacy expert, who in July 2021 exposed on Twitter (via the hashtag #PfizerLeak) the confidential Pfizer/BioNTech Manufacturing and Supply Agreements that governments have agreed to.


In August 2021, Ehden shed light on the risks tied to the use of codon optimisation technologies in gene therapy products. Ehden continued his exposure through various platforms, including Twitter/X, Substack, and Telegram channels.


In 2023 he exposed the Pfizer/BioNTech’s BNT162B2 preclinical studies were fabricated.


In this conversation, we go through why the AZ vaccine was really withdrawn, and what neither Astra Zeneca nor the Government is telling you.


Watch the video here:

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