
Astra Zeneca

    The MedGen Spike primers are present in the AZ vaccine   Nepetalactone Newsletter | 28 May 2024       Source:         Why The AZ Vaccine Was Really Withdrawn, What Your Government Isn’t Telling You   Doc Malic | 21 May 2024   Ehden Biber is an information security, cybersecurity, and privacy expert, who in July 2021 exposed on Twitter (via the hashtag #PfizerLeak) the confidential Pfizer/BioNTech Manufacturing and Supply Agreements that governments have agreedRead More

Steve Kirsch: The COVID vaccines should be withdrawn from the market immediately

  The COVID vaccines are adversely effecting women’s reproductive health Here are the graphs showing a huge effect. But the COVID vaccines are underreported compared to previous vaccines so the discrepancy here may be 5.4X larger than they appear.   Steve Kirsch’s newsletter | 23 October 2022   Executive summary   The single VAERS category with the most elevated events in the COVID vaccines has always been women’s reproductive issues. In this article, we show that vaccines in the pastRead More

Dr Ryan Cole – Summary of 50 Autopsies with Spike Protein Images

  Better Way Conference, Vienna, Austria | 19 September 2022         Source credit: Dr Natalia Prego Cancelo           Dr. Ryan Cole’s Images Showing How The Spike Protein Decimates The Body’s Major Organs And Circulatory System   BLOOD VESSELS, CAPILLARIES and ARTERIAL WALLS Here is one of the endothelial cells that lines the inside of your blood vessels. Most of these cells have ACE2 receptors. On the left side, note the nice smoothRead More

La Microscopía Electrónica De Barrido Y De Transmisión Revela La Presencia De Óxido De Grafeno En Las Vacunas Contra El Cov-19

        Actualizado 12 marzo 2022 Por Robert O Young DSc, PhD      

Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene & Parasites in CoV-19 Vaccines

        Last updated 12 March 2022 By Robert O Young DSc, PhD     Abstract   Currently there are four major pharmaceutical companies who manufacture a SARS-CoV-2 now called SARS-CoV-19 vaccine. These manufactures and their vaccine are Pfizer–BioNTech mRNA Vaccine, the Moderna-Lonza mRNA-1273 Vaccine, the Serum Institute Oxford Astrazeneca Vaccine and the Janssen COVID -19 Vaccine, manufactured by Janssen Biotech Inc., a Janssen Pharmaceutical Company of Johnson & Johnson, a recombinant, replication-incompetent adenovirus type 26 expressing theRead More

Graphene Oxide found in Pfizer and AstraZeneca ‘vaccines’

  Stew Peters Show with Dr Jane Ruby First Pfizer, now AstraZeneca. The toxic substance Graphene Oxide that was found in the Pfizer vials by Spanish researchers has now been confirmed to also be the main ingredient in the AstraZeneca vaccine, according to another scientific research group. Link to the original publication by La Quinta Columna in English here.     AstraZeneca Link to the article in Orwell City here.   Pfizer  

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