Donald J. Trump Rally in Warren, MI – 1 October 2022
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The Mel K Show | 30 September 2022 Source: Charlie Robinson‘s website
Senator Johnson’s letter to DoD / FDA / CDC 18 August 2022 Patrick Byrne discusses Senator Johnson’s letter Source: SENATOR JOHNSON’S CALL TO ALL DOCTORS Source: Senator Johnson‘s website
Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also to takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in supressing free and open debate onRead More→
The Mel K Show | 25 September 2022 Source: Benjamin Fulford website:
Health Ranger Report | 27 September 2022 Source:
PatriotStreetfighter | 27 September 2022 Source:
Ep. 2885b 27 September 2022 Source credit: X22 Report
27 September 2022 Source:
Health Ranger Report | 26 September 2022 Steve Quale and Mike Adams discuss the current events and their potential escalation into a nuclear war. Source:
Health Ranger Report | 26 September 2022 Illuminati researcher Leo Zagami lays out the transhumanism plan for the END of humanity Source:
Hunter Biden Files, Brandon Evidence Of Treason PatriotStreetFighter | 15 September 2022 George Nasif goes thru evidence of the Biden’s criminal involvement in Ukraine & China Source: Election Fraud Planning Evidence PatriotStreetFighter | 15 September 2022 Source:
Project Camelot | 24 September 2022 Source:
Políticos, empresarios, diplomáticos, jueces yperiodistas al servicio del Nuevo Orden Mundial por Joaquín Abad | 2020
The HighWire | 23 September 2022 Source:
Friends, The subject of this address is the situation in Donbass and the course of the special military operation to liberate it from the neo-Nazi regime, which seized power in Ukraine in 2014 as the result of an armed state coup. Today I am addressing you – all citizens of our country, people of different generations, ages and ethnicities, the people of our great Motherland, all who are united by the great historical Russia, soldiers, officers and volunteers who are fighting on the frontline and doing their combat duty, our brothers and sisters in the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions and other areas that have beenRead More→
Tremregi | 21 September 2022 Putin declares war in a speech to the Russian people and the USA September 21, 2022, President Putin, in a televised speech to the Russian People, that the USA has been at war with Russia since Yeltsin in the 1990s. He assured them, in no uncertain terms that he would not allow the US to destroy the Motherland and announced a further deployment of Russian troops. What will Blinky, Sullivan, Kagan, Nuland,Read More→
Jason Shurka | 20 September Source: What is Shmita? Cycles of time are central to Jewish life. Just as punctuates the week, so too the holidays punctuate the year. Less known, but no less central in the Jewish cycle of time, is Shmita, the “year of release,” which is more widely known as the sabbatical year. The next Shmita falls in the Jewish year 5782, which begins on Sept. 7, 2021. Just asRead More→