Christopher James w/ Mike Adams – A Warrior Answers The Call
A Warrior Calls | 22 December 2022 Source:
A Warrior Calls | 22 December 2022 Source:
Translated by Michael L. Rodkinson, 1918
“The Shadow State“, a feature documentary by The Epoch Times, takes a deep dive inside the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) industry, an emerging multitrillion-dollar power structure that unites governments with corporations in the march toward a brave new world of climate and social justice. See how it works, what its goals are, and who is driving it. Will this new global alliance bring us a cleaner, more peaceful, more equitable future, or will it bringRead More→
The Newburgh Sting, directed by David Heilbroner, HBO Documentary Films, 2014 The Newburgh Sting is an in-depth exposure of the FBI entrapment of four men from Newburgh New York, an impoverished town of about 30,000 some 60 miles north of New York City, on charges of attempting to bomb two synagogues in the Bronx and to shoot down jets leaving Stewart Air National Guard Base. The documentary, released by HBO, uses hundreds of hours of video footage, photographs,Read More→
DEL HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE HEIDELBERG, EN ALEMANIA Carlos Esteban, La Gazeta | 18 diciembre 2022 De todas las informaciones prohibidas a lo largo de esta interminable pandemia, ninguna se ha ridiculizado, demonizado y censurado como la posible relación entre la vacunación masiva con productos génicos y sus efectos secundarios, inusualmente graves y numerosos. O, por decirlo según el sentir popular, con la repentinitis. Pero la verdad va poco a poco abriéndose paso. Lo último ha sido un estudioRead More→
One of the most striking discrepancies between how we currently understand our history, and how it was understood and presented by those of previous eras, is in the extent of the connection between the ancestors of modern western mankind to ancient Mesopotamia, Persia, India, Greece and Macedonia and Troy, the Steppes.. and one could go on. Nearly every source authored prior to the mid 1900’s that touches on the subject matter and the origins of European peoples,Read More→
CDC Policy: avoid autopsies; German Study Explains What They Were Hiding by Igor Chudov | 2 December 2022 When our health officials talk about Covid vaccine victims, we always hear the same story: Deaths are unrelated to vaccination Myocarditis is mild, and nobody dies of it They refuse to autopsy the victims This gaslighting became an art form for Covid vaccine advocates, with fact-checkers and social networks suppressing any discussion. We instinctively knowRead More→
The Mel K Show | 19 December 2022 Source:
The following is an extract from an article by Jim Holt published by Gateway Pundit on 20/12/2022. Read the original article here Dr. Malone Says the ‘Most Important Dataset of the Pandemic was Just Released’ Following Data from Health Insurance Shows 4 Times Increase in Sudden Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts Esteemed Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccines, calls this the most important dataset of the Pandemic. Tom Lausen is a data activist. Via ARead More→
Book Introduction: The Prophet is a book of 26 prose poetry fables written by the Lebanese-American poet and writer Kahlil Gibran. It tells the story of a prophet named Al Mustafa, who lived in the city of Orphalese for 12 years and is about to board a ship which will carry him home. He is stopped by a group of people, with whom he discusses topics such as life and the human condition. Chapters:Read More→
Truth and Art TV | 19 December 2022 Source: Support Truth and Art TV
18 December 2022 “The effects of this shot are cumulative. So my advice is to never ever get one of these shots again. And if you did get one, get your D-Dimer levels checked for microclotting and troponin checked for myocarditis. These problems could be asymptomatic and result in chronic disease or death in two to five years if you don’t do something about it.” Source: Myocarditis fromRead More→
Tremregi | 12 December 2022 Convicted of tax evasion in Russia, ran off with millions. Singlehandedly with the help of anti-Russian Democrats passed the Magnitsky Act to punish Russians. His anti-Putin, Anti-Russia lies played right into the hands of the US Deep State, CIA, State Department narrative. Browder did more to harm the US than anyone. His lies led to Russiagate, The Mueller Report, and the lost election and amplified the intense Russophobia, disinformation andRead More→
Tremregi | 13 December 2022 Radio journalist Don DeBar discusses major geopolitical events nobody is talking about. Can the hegemon sustain it? What will it take for Americans to wake up? Source:
An Old Man in a Chair | 9 November 2022 Source: Vernon Coleman websites
A significant finding. Is Spike Protein Endothelial Disease (SPED) actually Spike Protein Tumor Microenvironment Disease? Walter M Chestnut | 15 December 2022 As the readers of my Substack know, I recently realized that what I have been calling Spike Protein Endothelial Disease (SPED) may actually be the initial step in the Spike Protein establishing the Tumor Microenvironment within the tissues it invades. Please read my previous post detailing this pathogenesis. What I find amazing, andRead More→
14 December 2022 Source: Ole Dammegard – Light On Conspiracies Leo Zagami
18 March 2021 Little know history of Switzlerand’s involvement in sponsoring Hitler. The intrigue of CERN, Bank of International Settlements (BIS), and Davos located in Switzerland all connected to the Purbright Institute. Source: