
Rio+20 – The Future We Want

11 September 2012 The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development – or Rio+20 – took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 20-22 June 2012. It resulted in a focused political outcome document which contains clear and practical measures for implementing sustainable development.In Rio, Member States decided to launch a process to develop a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will build upon the Millennium Development Goals and converge with the post 2015 development agenda.

Rio+20 – Sustainable Development Goals

One of the main outcomes of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), held in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012, was the agreement by Member States to launch a process to develop a set of sustainable development goals (SDGs). Rio+20 did not elaborate specific goals but stated that the SDGs should be limited in number, aspirational and easy to communicate. The goals should address in a balanced way all three dimensions of sustainable development and be coherent withRead More

The UN 2030 Agenda decoded

It’s a blueprint for the global development of humanity under the boot of corporate masters

The Coronacirus War on Children

Stealing Our Children With Brainwashing & Propaganda


Sweden No Lockdown Approach – Andy Burnham challenges Tier 3 restrictions

Dr Ben Tapper – More people have died this year from suicide than from CORINA

Eduard Bernays and Group Psychology Manipulating the Masses

Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism

The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight


Dr Mike Yeardon

Carl Henegham – False positive is a really important issue

Dr Christiane Northrup Discusses the Covid-19 Vaccine

The Numbers Game in Spain

31 August 2020 Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic, governments and a controlled mainstream press have been bombarding us with numbers. Further analysis though shows that these numbers have been seriously manipulated or distorted, presumably to exaggerate the situation, keep the population in constant fear, and enable governments to implement their restrictive measures and generally do as they like without opposition. Here in Spain this is particularly the case, with the figures that are being released inconsistent, incomprehensible, and incomplete. Positive casesRead More

Understanding the New World Order

Tim Bryant | 30 March 2016 “A brief glance at history will tell you that emperors and tyrants have been trying to expand their power and influence over greater and greater areas for centuries. It just happens that today it can be done on a global scale like never before…“

World Economic Forum – The Global Risk Report 2020

15th Edition

The Global Risks Report 2020

World Economic Forum Related press release | 15 January 2020 The Global Risks Report 2020 presents the major risks the world will be facing in the coming year. It stresses the need for a multistakeholder approach to addressing the world’s greatest challenges, and comes ahead of the World Economic Forum’s 50th Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters, where the focus is Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World. Speakers: Borge Brende, President, World Economic Forum Mirek Dusek, Deputy Head of the CentreRead More

The Great Reset: Revitalising Global Partnerships

World Economic Forum | 7 October 2020 The Global Risks Report 2020 warned that an unsettled geopolitical landscape and a retreat from multilateralism threaten our ability to take action on the most pressing risks. As the global response to the COVID-19 crisis continues, how can governments, businesses and individuals rebuild the global partnerships that will be critical to resetting the world’s health, environment and economy?

Dr Andrew Kaufman on COVID-19 false positive test resuts

Coronavirus Fraud Scandal — The Biggest Fight Has Just Begun

Dr Joseph Mercola | 17 October 2020 The original article:https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/10/17/coronavirus-fraud-biggest-crime-against-humanity.aspx The original video by Dr Reiner Fuellmich:

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