Prof. Dr Viseslav Simic: Rarely told History of Serbia (in brief) and what we can all learn from it




QNewsPatriot | 7 August 2023




In Anon Audio Chat 11, SG Anon sits down w/ Dr. Simic (Sima) to discuss the importance of incorporating alterations of history in our overall perspective, and actually verbalizing Truth as oral tradition for the future generations. It was a stimulating discussion.

Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average “Normie” or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is “At Play” in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are all in Good Hands.

SGAnon on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon

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