Tesla or Adaptation of an Angel


Tesla or Adaptation of an Angel: The Lost Interview with Nikola Tesla



Did Nikola Tesla really give this Amazing Interview in the Play called: ‘Tesla: Or Adaptation of an Angel? Also known as: Everything is the Light. The Lost Interview with Nikola Tesla.








In his masterful article The Problem of Increasing Human Energy, first published in Century Illustrated Magazine in June 1900, Tesla discusses the “energy situation” like never before. After discussing every known method of gathering energy from the Natural World, Tesla departs into the unknown. His first discussion is about a machine that can gather heat from the ambient air. He calls it a “Self-acting Engine” since it could run indefinitely from the solar energy stored in the air. He called it “the ideal way of obtaining motive power”.

Tesla worked for years trying to solve all of the technical issues presented by the idea. His work with liquefied air, his discovery of hyper-conductivity at ultra-low temperatures, his bladeless turbine and mechanical oscillator were all spin-offs from his work on the ambient air heat engine. He was convinced that the system could work and that it was absolutely the best way to harness solar energy.

On a world that is warming up, tapping ambient sources of heat in the air, water and ground are the most important technologies to develop at this time.

Over the past decade, wireless technology has become a feasible technological product, but its scale has yet to reach the level at which Tesla originally envisioned. While some companies used the concept to create wireless charging devices for cell phones and small electronic devices, Tesla’s original intent was to provide a wireless network of power for anyone in the world to tap into.

Tesla initially created his Tesla Coil in Colorado Springs on Pike’s Peak to experiment and test his idea of creating a wireless power grid for the world. There he was given free power from the local utility, as well as funding for his lab. Tesla tested his theory at his Pike’s Peak lab, creating electrical arcs that were essentially man-made lightning, seen for miles. Tesla proved that with this invention he could wirelessly power lightbulbs.

This attracted the attention of J.P. Morgan who offered financing for Tesla’s tour de force, the Wardenclyffe tower in New York, a massive magnifying transmitter also known as a high-power harmonic oscillator. The Wardenclyffe tower was built to be 187 feet tall and anchored 300 feet into the ground. When Marconi beat Tesla at wireless radio transmission across the Atlantic, Tesla changed his plan for the Wardenclyffe tower to transmit free energy to all the world.

The energy was created by traditional means and cost money to generate, but Tesla’s tower intended to make it possible to transmit the power for free by creating a channel between the Earth and the ionosphere for anyone to tap into.

Aside from needing more money to accomplish this, J.P. Morgan was threatened at the prospect of free energy. After all, he was a titan of his industry in copper, a major conductor of electricity, as well as a capitalist whose work centered around profiting from others.

It’s evident that Tesla’s unfulfilled vision of wireless energy transmission has not been completely buried, and could still come to fruition in some form or another. Will the government figure out how to use it for destructive purposes, or will an innovator use it for the purpose Tesla intended it for? Free energy for all mankind.



Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm-JZg3wYSQ

Support: Knowledge Is Power

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