
Self-Replicating Nanobots Found in both the Vaxxed and UnVaxxed

      Reese Report | 9 May 2024       Source:

Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech

    Reese Report | 7 May 2024       Source:


      SGT Report | 4 March 2024       The graphene, nanotech and even nano-microchips are now being found in dental anesthesia, breast implants and more – it’s a horror show forced on the global population by an insane and evil ruling class that is trying to depopulate our world by any and every means under the sun. Dr. Diane Kazer joins me to expose the truth.     Source:      


      SGT Report | 1 March 2024       Revelation 6:16 “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!” My friend Nathan Reynolds returns to SGT Report to discuss this and much more.     Source:           MODERNA TOO: Boosters Show Signs of Self-Assembling Nanotechnology   Beyond the realm of coincidence, negligence or greed…     Source:

EXPOSED: Is Microsoft SECRETLY Harvesting Your Energy RIGHT NOW? w/Todd Callender

      Man in America | 14 December 2023         Source:

Red Alert Warning: Fema Zombie 5g Apocalypse — Callender | Vliet

      SGT Report | 24 September 2023       Source:

The WHO’s Proposed Amendments Will Increase ManMade Pandemics

        by Meryl Nass, Brownstone Institute | 17 August 2023   This report is designed to help readers think about some big topics: how to really prevent pandemics and biological warfare, how to assess proposals by the WHO and its members for preventing and responding to pandemics, and whether we can rely on our health officials to navigate these areas in ways that make sense and will help their populations. We start with a history of biologicalRead More

Naturopathic doctor Wil Spencer reveals SOLUTIONS to remediate the bodies of the jabbed

    Health Ranger Report | 25 August 2023       Dr. Wil Spencer explains about remediating from the vaccine and shedding and many other bio-weapons-The lies of the AMA world. Now we are finding that the naturopath world is the answer. Please do not go in the hospital for respiratory issues- We can help! From the soil up to your health.   Source:       Patient Advocate Bulldog  


      SGT Report | 10 July 2023       The FACTS: – UN and WEF Using LEO Satellites to Link Digital ID to Bank Accounts – No One Was Told They Were Being Injected With Electromagnetic Devices – Quantum Dot Technology in the Injections is What Enables EMF Communication and Blue Tooth Codes From Human Bodies – Nanotech is Programmed to Manipulate The Electrical Balance In Your Body – Shocking new Tests Showing Hydrogel Programmable Plastic InRead More


    SGT Report | 6 March 2023   Sofia Smallstorm returns to SGT Report to discuss the crimes and treason of Joe Biden, the masonic symbolism surrounding NFL player Damar Hamlin and the fact that the satanic globalists view us as less than animals, they view and treat us as though we are their livestock.       Source:

Dr. Ana Marie Maria Mihalcea warns the Health Ranger about strange blood artifacts in the UNVACCINATED

    Health Ranger Report | 21 February 2023         Source:

Karen Kingston – Big Pharma Unleashed A Bioweapon On The World, It’s Time To Press Criminal Charges

    X22 Report | 3 February 2023       Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst with over 20 years of experience. She’s a contributor to discussion forums and news media with US and global doctors, scientists, and attorneys on the biological effects of the COVID-19 gene editing injections. Karen breaks down what Big Pharma created. They created a bio weapon and the FDA and Big Pharma did not know what would happen if they gave it to people.Read More

Nanotech found in COVID Jabs & strange Structures found in Blood of the Vaccinated

    The Exposé | 6 December 2022   A little more than a week ago, International Crimes Investigative Committee (“ICIC”), hosted by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dr Mike Yeadon, held a discussion with four experts on nanotechnology and self-assembling structures in mRNA injections.  The panel of experts comprised Dr. David Nixon, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, Karen Kingston and Shimon Yanowitz. Yesterday, ICIC Dr. Fuellmich hosted a second discussion, following on from the first, to discuss with Holger Reißner andRead More

Karen Kingston – People Now Connected to the Demonic Realm Through COVID-19 Injections, Nanotech

  Stew Peters Network | 26 October 2022       Karen Kingston joins Maria Zeee to explain the way humans have now been connected to the demonic realm through the nanotech in COVID-19 injections and the quantum field – but there’s more.   The patents show that nanotechnology is embedded into everyday products and every single human has been exposed.     Karen Kingston’s Substack Source:

Dr. Ed Group and Mike Adams discuss SYNTHETIC PARASITES and what works to eliminate them

    Health Ranger Report | 7 November 2022       Dr. Ed Group and Mike Adams discuss secrets of SYNTHETIC PARASITES and what works to eliminate them   – Dr. Ed Group of – Thoughts on clean food, clean supplements – Discussion of synthetic parasites – Heavy metals, conductivity and disabling non-human tech – Hybrid synbio nanoscale computational systems – How the 5G kill grid interacts – Your body’s natural resource for restoring genetic integrity – EliminatingRead More

Todd Challenger – The SYNBIO “Borgification” infiltration of human physiology exposed

    Health Ranger Report | 1 November 2022       The SYNBIO “Borgification” infiltration of human physiology EXPOSED by Todd Callender – The lawsuit against the DoD over vaccine mandates – Why vaxxed people may be PROPERTY of the pharmaceutical cartels – Details on Robert v. Austin, which sued HHS, FDA, DoD – Upcoming 10th circuit hearing in Colorado – The Truth for Health Foundation – The global #TRANSHUMANISM push and the war against humanity – Gene deletionRead More

BardsFM: A Conversation with Dr Lee Merritt

  BardsFM | 25 October 2022     Scott Kesterson in conversation with Dr Lee Merritt Nanotech parasites, graphene, 5G, body purification, and more.     Part 1         Part 2

Karen Kingston uncovers patents revealing “cognitive action” spike protein structures in vaccines

  Health Ranger Report | 23 October 2022       Karen Kingston uncovers patents revealing “cognitive action” spike protein structures in vaccines   – More patents reveal shocking nature of “spike protein” structures in vaccines – Hybrid structures demonstrate “cognitive action” capabilities – Described in patents as “intelligent sensor platforms” that carry out instructions – So-called “spike proteins” seen in electronic microscopy are actually these nanotech platform structures – They are small enough to enter nervous system cells andRead More


  The uncensored documentary about the truth of the pandemic   11 September         Source credit:     Versión español:   Version française:       References:   Event 201 – A Global Pandemic Exercise   WEF – The Great Reset   UN – Agenda 2030   Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation   Wellcome Trust   Avatar 2045 Initiative   Programmable Matter + DNA More

Covid Vaccine 5G Link + Biosynthetic AI Nanotech

  Health Ranger Report | 6 October 2022     – Covid-19 injections contain NEUROWEAPONS embedded in Lipid Nanoparticels (LNP) – Neurological weapons were hidden through Emergency Use Authorization cover-up – Shocking patents confirm it’s all true (patent numbers shown) – Transhumanism assault on humanity now under way, people becoming LESS human – LNPs can be activated via 5G frequencies to achieve physiological changes – Covid “vaccines” appear to be exotic tech INSTALLED in human hosts – CCP-linked AI companyRead More

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