Spiro – PCR FRAUD (2020)

    A reminder…       “We are being lied to COVID19-SCAM”. “Imagine a virus so deadly, you need a test to see if you have it. Imagine a vaccine so safe and effective you have to threaten and force people to take it.”   Source:       COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless

Friday Hope: Pumpkin Seed Oil: Squalene Significantly Reduces COVID Mortality

    Squalene is also protective of mitochondrial function due to its powerful antioxidative effects   WMC Research | 1 March 2024       Source:     Support WMC Research

Phony Covid Dissidents – Beware the Dream Team Narrative Police

      Amazing Polly | 16 January 2024       As the WEF and WHO drum up fear of “Disease X” there is a new set of narrative gatekeepers assembling a phony Dream Team of ‘covid dissidents.’ The trouble is most of them supported all the mandates!           Source:         Honest Experts Are Trying to Warn You! Vaccines, Lockdowns, Masks & More 9 December 2020       Thousands of expertsRead More

Leading Bioterror Official Says A Science “Cabal” Is Misdirecting America About A Wuhan Lab Accident: “It’s like denial and deception.”

      ROBERT KADLEC: DICHRON INTERVIEW   Paul D. Thacker | 20 December 2023         Source:

Exposing COVID-19 Crimes

    Permanent Neutrality In An Era Of Biological Weapons-For-Hire   Dr. David Martin, Dornach, Switzerland (September 2023)             Mercola | 9 December 2023   In an October 2023 lecture, David E. Martin, Ph.D., detailed how we can know that SARS-CoV-2 is a manmade bioweapon that has been in the works for 58 years The virus called “coronavirus” was first described in 1965. Two years later, the U.S. and U.K. launched an exchange program whereRead More

Underscoring SARS-CoV-2 and SPED (Spike Protein Endothelial Disease): Autopsies Confirm Angiocentric Disease

    Asymptomatic infection does not mean harmless – far from it: A continuum of hyperaccelerated aging   WMC Research | 27 November 2023       Source:       Support WMC Research

Thanksgiving Hope: Eucalyptus Essential Oil

    A potential natural therapeutic for COVID, Post-COVID Condition and COVID Vaccine Side Effects   WMC Research | 24 November 2023       Source:       Support WMC Research

Friday Hope: ß-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB): Amyloid Inhibition and Improved Mitochondrial Function

    ß-Hydroxybutyrate may be the reason intermittent fasting is beneficial for those with COVID/Long COVID/Spike related pathologies   WMC Research | 17 November 2023       Source:       Support WMC Research

Friday Hope: Sesamin from Sesame Seeds

    Anti-COVID-19, Anti-Inflammatory, and Anti-Osteoarthritis Properties Offer Another Safe, Effective and Natural Therapeutic   WMC Research | 10 November 2023       Source:       Support WMC Research

Friday Hope: TCM: Anisomeles indica (Catmint)

    Another natural source of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 reduction as well as an anti-inflammatory   WMC Research | 3 November 2023       Source:       Support WMC Research

Friday Hope: TCM: Antrodia cinnamomea

    This medicinal fungus may fight SARS-CoV-2 and its Spike Protein on two fronts   WMC Research | 27 October 2023       Source:     Support WMC Research

The Observed Aggressive Cancers are a SYMPTOM of a DNA Disease Induced by the Spike Protein

    Syncytia forming properties of the Spike Protein induces Aneuploidy – a DIRECT cause of Cancers   WMC Research | 26 October 2023       Source:       Support WMC Research

Friday Hope: Maintaining a Healthy Sleep Schedule May Attenuate COVID-19 Severity: More Evidence for Melatonin

    A curious Letter to the Editor from 2020 referenced a preliminary study showing circadian dysthymia as a risk   WMC Research | 20 October 2023       Source:       Support WMC Research

Andrew Bridgen MP – Adjournment Debate on Trends in Excess Deaths

    20 October 2023       Source:

Esteemed Japanese Professor Sounds The Alarm On Omicron

      The HighWire | 9 October 2023       Japanese researcher, Dr. Takayuki Miyazawa, took to the streets of Japan in an historic effort to convey information about research showing the Omicron variant may have been artificially synthesized. Learn how The HighWire has been leading the worldwide media coverage of this important issue.   Source:           Top Japanese Virologist Warns Of Manufactured Omicron Strain   28 September 2023   By Jefferey Jaxen  Read More

Mayo Clinic Website Now Says Hydroxychloroquine CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients

        Source:         GATEWAY PUNDIT | 24 September 2023  

The Murderous Ideologies Behind Covid-19 | 14 September 2023   All viruses are good.  “(Natural) Viruses are detergents. AIDS was invented in a lab at UCLA in 1961-62 to study cancer (funded by DOD). AIDS, Swine Flu and SARS-2 are bioweapons (not viruses) The only way to ‘catch’ a bioweapon is by injection.” – Aajonus Vonderplanitz, PhD.       Source:            


    Childre’s Health Defense   Part 1 – The Problem         Source:

Shocking Failures of Climate and Covid Science Highlighted by Critical New Report

    The Daily Sceptic | 12 September 2023       Source:           Improving Science Advice to Governments By Michael Kelly, Department of Engineering and Trinity Hall, University Cambridge Clive Hambler, Department of Biology, and Hertford College, University of Oxford   Executive Summary We present suggestions for improvement of scientific advice to government, aiming to minimize risks of unintended consequences such as loss of life, cost, and ecological damage. Key improvements would be: maximizing diversityRead More

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