Karen Kingston reveals COVID-19 vaccines to be DELIBERATE BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS



Health Ranger Report | 23 May 223




Source: https://www.brighteon.com/2701ab6f-dfdd-470e-b019-cd151d7398c9






DEMAND: Immediately Stop Access to COVID-19 Injections Across All Florida Counties


This is a draft template is for the urgent DEMAND that local law enforcement and governments remove COVID-19 bioweapon injections from their county. In this example template, I use Florida V-Safe statistics, insurance data, and state law to notify Florida county officials that enabling the access to chemical, biological, or radioactive weapons is a Class 2 Felony.


The draft DEMAND letter presents 12 key points of evidence and laws that county government and law enforcement are complicit in a crime if they do not remove the COVID-19 bioweapon injections, and strongly recommends county government and law enforcement take actions to inform local residents of the risks for injury, harm and disease caused by the COVID-19 injections.


Ideally, community members would meet in-person with their county commissioners, law enforcement, sheriffs, school boards, and others in positions of authority to review this information, provide affidavits and/or other testimony of those injured by the injections, and then send a confirmed-receipt email as follow-up, or letter via certified mail.


I will continue to work with activists and sheriffs across America to provide information and resources that are critically needed to protect our communities and children.


Draft Florida Demand Letter Template




Source: https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/demand-immediately-stop-access-to




The Kingston Report



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