Dr Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr Cole has conducted over 100,000 Covid-19 lab tests and treated over 350,000 patients over his medical career.
- Corona viruses are seasonal and usually follow a 6-9 month life cycle
- Average COVID-19 age of death 78.6. Average annual US age of death historically 78.6
- Highest risks factors, advanced age, obesity, low vitamin D
- The virus is fragile and is inactivated by sunlight and ventilation (masking outside is insanity)
- There is no such thing as ‘flu and cold season’, only low vitamin D season
- Remdisvir – does not add survival benefit against COVID-19
- Ivermectin – 4 billion doses have been taken safely worldwide and death rate from COVID-19 decreased by 70-90%
- COVID ‘vaccine’ is unproven and long term safety has not been studied