The NWO and the Great Reset

The Elite Technocrats Behind The Global ‘Great Reset’

Klaus Schwab & His Great Fascist Reset

by Winter Oak, Off Guardan | 12 October 2020   Born in Ravensburg in 1938, Klaus Schwab is a child of Adolf Hitler’s Germany, a police-state regime built on fear and violence, on brainwashing and control, on propaganda and lies, on industrialism and eugenics, on dehumanisation and “disinfection”, on a chilling and grandiose vision of a “new order” that would last a thousand years. Schwab seems to have dedicated his life to reinventing that nightmare and to trying to turnRead More

George Soros 1998 full 60 minutes interview

Nigel Farage exposes George Soros: The biggest international political collusion in history

European Parliament, Strasbourg, 14 November 2017  

Moderna the Fauci, Gates, Soros Jeffery Epstein Connection

MHRA awarded over £980,000 for collaboration with the Gates Foundation and the WHO

  “We are delighted to announce a new partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organisation that aims to extensively improve the safety monitoring of medicines in low and middle-income countries (LMIC). New medicines and vaccines, for diseases such as malaria and HIV, may be introduced for the first time in LMIC’s where there are weak or no regulatory systems in place for effective safety monitoring. These new treatments have been developed with urgent publicRead More

Understanding The New World Order

The Terror of the Totalitarianism Explained

WEF – Strategic Intelligence

COVID-19 is part of the WEF strategy  

The World Economic Forum – The Great Reset

Corbett Report

Pandemic Chance to Think Big

Prince Charles at the World Economic Forum, January 2020, Davos

The 2020 World Economic Forum – Klaus Schwab

Covid-19 pandemic has only accelerated trends like lack of inclusion, WEF founder says

Davos the Plot to Cancel Trump

Michael J. Matt from The Remnant TV

The UN 2030 Agenda decoded

It’s a blueprint for the global development of humanity under the boot of corporate masters

Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism

Understanding the New World Order

Tim Bryant | 30 March 2016 “A brief glance at history will tell you that emperors and tyrants have been trying to expand their power and influence over greater and greater areas for centuries. It just happens that today it can be done on a global scale like never before…“

The Global Risks Report 2020

World Economic Forum Related press release | 15 January 2020 The Global Risks Report 2020 presents the major risks the world will be facing in the coming year. It stresses the need for a multistakeholder approach to addressing the world’s greatest challenges, and comes ahead of the World Economic Forum’s 50th Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters, where the focus is Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World. Speakers: Borge Brende, President, World Economic Forum Mirek Dusek, Deputy Head of the CentreRead More

The Great Reset: Revitalising Global Partnerships

World Economic Forum | 7 October 2020 The Global Risks Report 2020 warned that an unsettled geopolitical landscape and a retreat from multilateralism threaten our ability to take action on the most pressing risks. As the global response to the COVID-19 crisis continues, how can governments, businesses and individuals rebuild the global partnerships that will be critical to resetting the world’s health, environment and economy?

Organizations directly funded by George Soros and his Open Society Foundations

Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates’ Vaccine Dictatorship Plan – Cites Gates’ Twisted ‘Messiah Complex’

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