Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium
Sioux Falls, South Dakota | 10-12 August 2021 YOUR WAKE UP CALL SCIENTIFIC PROOF Dr Douglas G. Frank, internationally renowned physicist absolutely proves 2020 Election was biggest cyber-crime in world history
Sioux Falls, South Dakota | 10-12 August 2021 YOUR WAKE UP CALL SCIENTIFIC PROOF Dr Douglas G. Frank, internationally renowned physicist absolutely proves 2020 Election was biggest cyber-crime in world history
Scott McKay – Patriot Streetfighter | 11 December 2020 The 2020 Election for the US Presidency was a Military Sting Operation to entrap the perpetrators of the largest widespread criminal voter fraud involving the Democrat Party and their Republican collaborators involving a number of foreign governments and the Biden Campaign. Global Unity Bridge – Come and join the global Patriot Revolution and be a part of bridging worldwide patriots together. Be connected with an international Patriot Zoom PalRead More→
X22 Report | 28 May 2021 We Caught Them All, Audits Will Lead To Decertification Of The Election Source: X22 Report Websites: Let’s Fix Stuff Decision Day
12 May 2021 More than 120 retired US Generals and Admirals wrote to Joe Biden this week questioning him on his mental health. The military leaders also agreed with the myriads of evidence of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election. The generals also admonish the corrupt FBI and Supreme Court for ignoring the election fraud in the 2020 election.
Exposing The Plan To Siege the US Capitol On January 6th, 2021, by Millie Weaver What happened on January 6, 2021 was part of a well prepared contingency plan to disrupt President Trump’s chances of contesting the election results riddled with accusations of fraud. Original video and further report at https://www.millennialmillie.com/post/psyop-the-steal
Patriot Intel Report | 9 February 2021
5 February 2021 The Mike Lindell bombshell evidence of election rigging
by G. Edward Griffin | 20 January 2020
The Marchall Report | 20 January 2021
Former Brigadier General Robert Spalding full interview with Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment | 29 November 2019
Unclassified Memorandum for the Joint Chief of Staff
BardsFM presented by Scott Kesterson with Jim Pugh on the illegal corporate government, Vatican and foreign influence on Washington DC, fencing around (bordering) the DC, FEMA’s role under national emergency, transition from corporation to republic, new asset-backed currency system, and more. (Jim Pugh interview after 11:50) 19 January 2021
SGT REPORT | 18 January 2021
On January 20, 1981, in his inaugural address, President Ronald Reagan gave a message of American strength and spirit, concluding with the written words of a fallen war hero. Reagan’s moving speech introduced a young and obscure American private, Martin A. Treptow, who had been killed in France more than six decades earlier during our country’s first World War. In 1917, Private Treptow enlisted in the Iowa National Guard, which became the 168th Infantry Regiment, 84th Brigade, in the 42dRead More→
The President’s Advisory 1776 Commission January 2021
with Lt. General McInerney and Mary Fanning 29 November 2020
SGT REPORT | 16 January 2020
13 January 2020