The Answer

Dr Peter McCullough Full Speech at CPAC 2022 in Orlando

  26 February 2022  

Putin targets US bioweapons labs in Ukraine?

            * Biological Threat Reduction Program * Vladimir Putin’s Adviser Says U.S. Is Developing Biological Weapons Near Russia * China, Russia ask UN to check biological warfare strength of US and allies * US accuses Russia of spreading conspiracies about the Wuhan coronavirus, including that it’s a CIA biological weapon * THE SECRET US BIOWEAPONS LABS IN UKRAINE AND GEORGIA

Best Kept Secret

  #TheGreatAwakening – Why Would ‘The Plan’ Require A “Near Death Experience”???       Source:

WWG1WGA Worldwide


U.S. Trucker Contemplates His ‘Founders Moment’ Responsibility

  22 February 2022       Source: Glenn Beck

To Our Magnificent Heroes

  27 January 2022  

Doctors For Covid Ethics Symposium lll

  D4CE | 18 February 2022   Doctors for COVID Ethics are hundreds of doctors and scientists from all corners of the globe. We have written three letters to the European Medicines Agency, urgently warning of short term and long term dangers from COVID-19 vaccines, including clotting, bleeding and platelet abnormalities. We first began warning of blood-related risks before media reports of clotting led to vaccine suspensions around the world. In the absence of crucial safety data, we are demandingRead More

World Economic Forum question shut down in Canadian Parliament

  20 February 2022  

Kash Patel interview with Donald J. Trump

  7 February 2022   In this exclusive interview, President Trump and Kash Patel—who previously served as a top White House aide and Pentagon chief-of-staff—discuss the state of the country, the threat from communist China, the U.S. pullout from Afghanistan, the investigation by Special Counsel John Durham, and much, much more.       Source:            

Did Zuckerberg’s $420 Million Change Result of the 2020 Election?

  31 January 2022 Narrated by Scott Walker of Capital Research Center   Funded by $419 Million from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, The Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and The Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) created a two-tiered election system that treated voters differently depending on whether they lived in Democrat or Republican areas. CTCL demanded the promotion of universal mail-in voting through suspending election laws, extending deadlines that favored mail-in over in-person voting, staffed get-out-the-voteRead More

Belarus President Alexander Lushalenko on Vaccine Mafia

  28 January 2022 Lukashenko made these remarks during his address before Belarus’s national assembly.   “Coronavirus has now become a controlled process. Two years ago I predicted it would come to this. Coronavirus has its own beneficiaries, billionaires all over the world—this is already a fact—they have significantly increased their fortunes. The gap between the very rich and the rest of the population has noticeably increased. The rich have become even richer, and the poor have become even poorer.Read More

Letter from Archbishop Vigano to Church Bishops

  27 January 2022   A CONSIDERATION on my Letter to the President of the USCCB and to the CDF about the experimental gene serum  

Vatican Connection To Plandemic Exposed > China Pays Vatican Billions

  1 February 2022   Vatican taking in billions to push Plandemic and Pro Vaccination Agenda     Source: The Church Militant   Letter from Archbishop Vigano to Church Bishops

X22 Report Spotlight w/ Dr Tenpenny & Clay Clark

  X22 Report | 27 January 2022   Interview with Dr Sherri Tenpenny and Clay Clark COVID ‘vaccines’ are not vaccines. They are bioweapons designed to shut down your innate immune system, increase the amount of cancer, cause cardiovascular diseases, neurological complications, and more. Third booster is shown to take down your immune system permanently so you will become suspetible to any type of virus/bacteria or pathogens. The stated goal of the Great Reset is depopulation, to make people cronicallyRead More

Clif High interviews

  Clif High with Patel Patriot   27 January 2022 The CCP waged this war through slow infiltration of the target nation (USA), hence the difficulty in awakening the people to the reality then unifying them around the world. Interconnected globalist mafia structure will be exposed as well as the interdependent relationship between them and the CCP. Global governance is breaking down and the worldwide protests will turn into a revolution. Information war – Kazakhstan’s central bank’s records are comingRead More

COVID-19: A Second Opinion

  25 January 2022   On January 24, 2022 Senator Ron Johnson invited a group of world renowned doctors and medical experts to the U.S. Senate to provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term. This 38 minute video highlights the 5-hour discussion.      Read More


  25 January 2022   In this brilliant interview, lawyer Anna de Buisseret explains clearly and eloquently how those responsible for causing harm will be held liable under the law in relation to the experimental injections currently being rolled out, especially to young children. She describes how those who have explicitly or implicitly aided and abetted governments in a military grade psychological operation have essentially committed crimes against humanity and that they will inevitably be held accountable, as has happenedRead More

The New World Dis-Order

  GEORGE NEWS | 22 January 2022   NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg takes part in the discussion “New World (Dis-)Order”, organised by the Körber Stiftung and Der Spiegel in Berlin on 18 January 2022.      

Shunyamurti: The Choice is Yours: Avatar or Zombie

  Sat Yoga | 18 January 2022   During the Ecstasy of Cosmic Consciousness retreat, a student asks Shunyamurti: What is motivating the evil beings of Kali Yuga? Shunyamurti offers a summary of the mass psychosis that has taken over the world and the state of consciousness that is available to all who choose to be part of the redemption, not the fall, of the human spirit.        

The Called – Makings For A Perfect Day

  Juan O Savin SITREP Produced by Jennifer Mac   #Marker 1.07.2021  

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