The Answer

Archbishop Vigano on Nation States Handing Over Sovereignty to the WHO

  21 May 2022   Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano provides a memo warning of the dangers of handing over individual nation-state sovereignty to the WHO.  This is an act of treason by these nation-states.     “In the coming days, the Nations that adhere to the World Health Organization will vote on resolutions regarding the WHO’s management of pandemics. These resolutions will transfer sovereignty regarding the health of citizens to a supranational body that is largely financed by the pharmaceuticalRead More


  Infowars | 20 May 2022   Is China preparing for a land invasion of United States?  Or has it already started? Mike Adams and Jeff Nyquist discuss the leaked Chinese recording which appears to suggest that they are planning an invasion of the mainland USA between June and November of this year.   J.R. Nyquist has been a columnist for WorldNetDaily, SierraTimes and Financial Sense Online. He is author of “Origins of the Fourth World War,” “The Fool and HisRead More

Tulsi Gabbard: Ukraine is not a democracy

      Source: @tulsigabbard

Health update from Dr Zelenko

  22 May 2022      

Global COVID Summit – Declaration IV – Restore Scientific Integrity

  The Global Covid Summit, comprising over 17,000 physicians and scientists, held a press conference on 11 May 2022 highlighting the Summit’s declaration to “Restore Scientific Integrity”. Speakers included Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Harvey Risch, MD, PhD, Dr. Lynn Fynn, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, Dr. Richard Urso and more.         Dr       Watch a doctors roundtable with Dr Malone, Dr Cole and Dr Urso, chaired by Del Bigtree here  Read More

A 2nd DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, by the 50 united states of America

            Text: The 2nd Declaration of Independence Signed July 4, 2020   Source:       Reading   Source:

Biden Laptop Emails

  Here are 128k emails from the Biden Laptop, which is a modern Rosetta Stone of white and blue collar crime under the patina of “the Delaware Way.” Prior to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, a number of ancient languages were mere gibberish and hash marks. Similarly, the emails on the Biden Laptop illuminated previously convoluted webs of the people you see leading the charge for global governance; truly, the emails can be considered a translation tool for Open-SourceRead More


  14 May 2022 Former President Donald Trump Remarks In Austin, TX  

Disinformation problem

        Reporter: “Do you feel like there is a disinformation problem in the United States?” Boebert: “I do […] and it starts with our government. The government pushes disinformation on the American people to control what the American people are doing, to lock down our schools.”     Source: @RedPillPharmacist

MEP Christine Anderson Confronts the WHO Treaty and Calls on Voters to Hold MEPS Accountable

        Dear Fellow Citizens, Here is my current speech in the plenary hall of the EU Parliament on the renegotiation of the WHO treaties, which – once they come into effect – will mean a de facto abolition of all basic democratic principles and will thus ring in the end of the rule of the people in favor of a technocratic dictatorship of the global elites. If you look at the (once again) almost empty plenary hall,Read More

“Propaganda Exposed”


“The Great Awakening”

  30 April 2022       Source:

“We Are The 99%”

          Source: The Daz Band

“2000 MULES”

  A new film by Dinesh D’Souza     This Is Not The End This is only the beginning. Buckle up, we’re about the pull the #RIPCORD.     “Highly respected Dinesh D’Souza, working together with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote, just released a trailer to their new movie, ‘2,000 Mules’, that shows the world exactly how the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen. The movie exposes the lies of the Democrats, RINOs, and Fake News who sayRead More


  Last updated 4 May 2022   If the 2020 US presidential election was rigged against Donald Trump, is it possible the military was prepared well in advance of this election to monitor for fraud? Is there any evidence to indicate that white hats in the American government knew Biden would steal the election and caught him, triggering a continuity of government plan to save the republic? Based on the research of Patel Patriot, DEVOLVED is a series investigating theRead More

Executive Order #10 – Demolish the Satanic Georgia Guidestones

  2 May 2022   Two weeks ago, Kandiss Taylor released 9 Executive Orders that she would sign into law as Governor of Georgia. Since then she has released her Executive Order #10 which promises to demolish the Georgia Guidestones.   Her website states: “For decades, the Global Luciferian Regime has seeped its way into our Government. They demoralized us with humiliation rituals as they tore down our historical monuments, persecuted our children, locked us down in our homes, andRead More

Clay Clark – Elon Musk Exposed

  Thrivetime Show | 28 April 2022         And We Know | 29 April 2022     Disclaimer: This is an extract from the video that has since been taken down from the AWK channel for reasons unknown to us.    

Donald J. Trump Rally in Greenwood, NE – 1 May 2022

      President Trump: “Their whole party is based on misinformation. Everything from Russia Russia Russia – that hoax – to the laptop from hell, to the impeachment hoax #1, impeachment hoax #2, the Mueller bullshit… They are the party of misinformation.”   Joe Biden clip at 25:12    

Why did Nancy Pelosi & Adam Schiff make a “secret visit” to Ukraine to meet with Zelenskyy?

            Fox News Host on Schiff visiting Ukraine with Pelosi: “I saw Adam Schiff there and I think a lot of Americans feel like there’s still a lot of unanswered questions about Ukraine… Kinda weird to have somebody like Adam Schiff who was such a liar when it comes to the Russia Hoax situation… Weird that he is there.”       Source:

‘Devolution’ series by Patel Patriot

  Last updated 25 Aptil 2022   Patel Patriot has published a series of articles on Devolution in which he explains how a shadow government was formed around Trump following the 2020 Presidential election steal, with the aim to defeat the Washington DC ran by the globalist cabal and win back America for its people.   Part 1 – How Did We Get Here?  ​07/02/21 [article] [reading] [links]   Part 2 – The Defense Intelligence Agency and the Defector​ 07/07/21 [article] [reading] [links]Read More

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