The Answer

EU parliament backs labelling gas and nuclear investments as green

  REUTERS | 6 July 2022   BRUSSELS, July 6 (Reuters) – The European Parliament on Wednesday backed EU rules labelling investments in gas and nuclear power plants as climate-friendly, throwing out an attempt to block the law that has exposed deep rifts between countries over how to fight climate change. The vote paves the way for the European Union proposal to pass into law, unless 20 of the bloc’s 27 member states decide to oppose the move, which isRead More


  By MrTruthBomb   Part One – Denazification In this film we will look at the recent history of Ukraine that has led to Putin liberating Ukraine from Deep State Neo Nazis.       Part Two – Red Lines In this video we will look at how the deep state have used false flags and disinformation propaganda to initiate regime change in countries that go against their agendas.       Part Three – The War For The WorldRead More

Max Igan w/ Maria Zeee

  TheCrowhouse | 29 June 2022         Source:  

Mel K w/ Kash Patel

  Mel K Show | 24 June 2022    

Trump’s 2020 Mount Rushmore Speech

  4 July 2022    

Out Of The Shadows – Documentary

  The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the veil on how the mainstream media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda through their content. It aims to expose what is really behind the glamour of Hollywood and wake up the general public by shedding light on how we have all been lied to and brainwashed by hidden common enemy with a sinister agenda.    

Jon Voight: Biden must be impeached/removed immediately

  2 July 2022  

C Engelbrecht – Mules Tracked To NGO’s, Evidence Building, Constitutional Sheriffs Are In Position

  X22 Report | 2 July 2022   Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote tracked the cheaters in the 2020 election. Catherine begins the conversation explaining why and how they used geofencing to track the mules. The technology allows anyone to get back in time to build a pattern of life to track the cheaters. The mules were tracked to NGO’s where they picked up the ballots and got paid. Catherine is now teaming up with Sheriffs to catch theRead More

Epstein’s Black Book

  30 June 2022   Ghislaine Maxwell trial is over and as we wait for the result of her appeal, there is a growing speculation that the names in Epstein’s infamous ‘Black Book’ may at last be revealed for the world to see.         UFC’s Israel Adesanya asks where Ghislaine Maxwell’s client list is       Epstein Docs UNSEALED, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Dershowitz NAMED

RIP Dr. Zev Zelenko

      Statement by Zelenko Labs on the Passing of its Founder Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko 30 June 2022 It is with immense sorrow that we announce the passing of our founder Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko. Dr. Zelenko was a physician, scientist, and activist for medical rights who touched the lives of millions of people. Some were saved as his role as a doctor, and even more were inspired by his words. His “Zelenko Protocol” saved millions and earnedRead More

Groomed – How Schools Sexualise Your Children

  30 June 2022   “Groomed: How Schools Sexualise Your Children” exposes the worrying degree to which politicised, divisive ideologies – including gender theory, critical race theory, queer theory and “transgender toolkits” – are being taught to our children through Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE).       Source:   Credit; Laurence Fox on behalf of The Reclaim Party

Declaration of Betrayal of West Point And the Long Gray Line

    “Concerned Graduates of West Point” May 24, 2022 The Long Gray Line is the assembly of graduates of the United States Military Academy. It serves as a fount of American battle-tested experience, the institutional memory of the Military Academy, and the watchdog of the United States Corps of Cadets. As such, it is the sacred duty of the Long Gray Line to challenge dysfunctional conduct or rogue behavior, such as that which has come to dominate West Point.Read More

How Do You Catch A Criminal? Build The Pattern Of Life, Map The Cheaters

  X22 Report | 25 June 2022   Gregg Phillips works with Catherine Engelbrecht protecting the people vote. Their organization is called True the Vote. Gregg begins the conversation explaining how he is able to track people using geofencing, this is the same technology that the police use and the FBI. They wanted to know how the cheaters were stealing the election so they thought to themselves how do you catch a criminal, map and track them. Now they haveRead More

Prof John J. Mearsheimer: The causes and consequences of the Ukraine war

    Prof. John J. Mearsheimer is an American political scientist and international relations scholar, who belongs to the realist school of thought. He is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. He has been described as the most influential realist of his generation. Mearsheimer is best known for developing the theory of offensive realism, which describes the interaction between great powers as being primarily driven by the rational desire to achieve regional hegemony in an anarchic international system. In accordance with his theory, Mearsheimer believes that China’s growingRead More

Do you remember what happened to David Kelly?

  In this extract from his memoirs, Tom Mangold recounts the real story of what happened to his friend, the world’s leading weapons inspector, Dr David Kelly.   Tom Mangold is a British broadcaster, journalist and author. For 26 years he was an investigative journalist with the BBC’s Panorama.         Source: Open Democracy   #WMD #IraqWar #TonyBlair  

Vladimir Putin’s St. Petersburg Speech

  Putin’s speech was delivered at the 25th annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on 17 June 2022   Putin accused the West of colonial arrogance and trying to crush his country with “stupid” sanctions that amounted to an economic blitzkrieg.     Source:         Transcsip of Putin’s full speech:   “I welcome all participants and guests of the 25th St Petersburg International Economic Forum. It is taking place at a difficult time for the international community whenRead More

Donald J. Trump Rally in Menden, IL – 25 June 2022

          Source: Right Side Broadcasting Network

Destruction of the Old Guards


Lara Logan: If We Don’t Submit, They Have No Chance

  Jerm Warfare | 22 June 2022   “If we believe that the battle is lost, and they’re so overwhelming, and they’re so powerful, and they’re so all around us … What is that really about? It’s about breaking your will to fight. They need you to surrender. They need you to give up hope because there’s too many of us. We outnumber them, and if we don’t give up, if we don’t submit, they have no chance. They justRead More


  George SOROS controlled Ukraine since 2012 and was inserted by the DAVOS GROUP and backed by OBAMA .. UN. NATO CIA( all the same individuals who created the PLANDEMIC and backed the vaccines companies and surpressed the vaccines DEATHS through controlled MEDIA Big Tech)// The Deep state created a cia playbook Colour Revolution in Ukraine in 2014 and used students in the coup. Since then the DEEP STATE had been robbing UKRAINE of is resources and products they produceRead More

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