Research & Opinions

The Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks (2017)

  This video lecture by Mike Adams presents the multiple vectors through which “science” and “medicine” continue a covert agenda to exterminate people of African descent from the human gene pool. Going far beyond the Tuskegee medical experiments and Flint, Michigan lead poisoning schemes that specifically targeted blacks which are widely acknowledged in the historical record, it documents the five vectors through which Africans are currently being targeted for elimination from the human gene pool.   This is particularly relevant in the currentRead More

Sonia Smallstorm > Biohacking Mankind With The Demonic

  SGT Report | 17 April 2022   We know the Satanic agenda is depopulation. But would it surprise you to learn that CRISPR technology AND the mRNA Covid biowepons are being used to biohack humanity and redesign mankind with the demonic? Sofia Smallstorm returns to SGT Report to discuss her latest newsletter and research.    

All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars

  Written and narrated by Michael Rivero       Source:

HRR interview with Dr Bryan Ardis (Part 1,2 & 3)

  Health Ranger Report | 12 April 2022 Following the groundbreaking revelation on Stew Peters show, Dr Bryan Ardis explains to Mike Adams in more detail his research into the true origins of COVID, mRNA vaccines and remdesivir, with a number of past and present articles and scientific papers all pointing to the same conclusion.   Part 1       Part 2       Part 3       FOLLOW-UP: Dr. Ardis answers the top questions about “venomRead More

Mike Adams w/ David Wilcock

  Health Ranger Report | 15 April 2022   David Wilcock tells Mike Adams the global cabal will be taken down BEFORE the mid-term elections  

Todd Callender: Genetic-altering Vaccines Could Nullify Human Rights

  TrueNews | 18 February 2022   Todd Callender is actively defending US servicemen from being forced to take the operating system jab. Here he discusses with Rich Wiles the history of the development of mRNA injections and their future in altering human DNA, ending in the nullification of human rights.  

Patriot Streetfighter w/ Venom Theory Originator Dr Tau Braun

  Patriot Streefighter | 12 April 2022  

“Watch The Water” – the true origins of COVID-19

  Stew Peters Network | 11 April 2022   Dr Bryan Ardis brings explosive revelation about the real origins of COVID 19,     The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr Bryan Ardis ( has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evilRead More

Will Zionists Relocate Israel to Ukraine?

  TruNews | 5 April 2022   Could Ukraine become a ‘Big Israel’ as Zelensky says? As wild as the idea sounds, there are news articles that discuss that possibility. The world has entered the twilight zone and nothing can be ruled out as impossible.     Source:       The Jews of Khazaria by Kevin Alan Brook The Jews of Khazaria explores the history and culture of Khazaria—a large empire in eastern Europe (located in present-day Ukraine andRead More

Deep State Blowout, Hunter Biden Laptop, Ukraine War & Looking Glass

  9 April 2022     Alexandra Bruce has had an amazing career from directing popular Music Videos for MTV to authoring books on deep esoteric subjects and UFOs. For the past decade she’s been publishing a wide range of political and spiritual topics at Known as the pulse for Alternative Research, Alexandra’s work at Forbidden Knowledge TV is always insightful and informative. She has a reputation as a cutting edge observer of rising trends who always gets thereRead More

Disney’s Dark Secrets

  10 April 2022         Source: Jay Myers Documentaries  



Genocide Exposed – Part 1


Watch The Water (Teaser)

  5 April 2022   The full Dr Bryan Ardis interview on SARS-CoV-2 origins: coming soon  

The Finders Cult

      01:07 Intro 03:03 Chapter 1: The Incident 07:58 Chapter 2: The Hunt 13:11 Chapter 3: The Cover-up 16:55 Chapter 4: Behind The Scenes 27:14 Chapter 5: Conspiracy 32:04 Chapter 6: Unclassified 50:13 Conclusion     Source: The Cult With CIA Ties | blameitonjorge  

Hollywood, D.C. – a documentary by Sean Stone

  14 March 2022     Sean Stone exposes the long, often hidden relationship, between Washington politics and the media-entertainment complex. Along the way, he exposes the strange disappearance of the Hollywood ‘writer with no hands’ as well as dark side of Hollywood’s pedophile rings. Featuring interviews with Oliver Stone, Greg Palast, Nick Bryant, Jay Dyer, and many more, the question arises – are we, the people, being brainwashed by propaganda coming out of Hollywood?     Source:  

Jordan Maxwell w/Nancy

  A reptilian encounter interview  


        Related article: 28 September 2020   The link below is the list of the children, the name of the company involved, etc.  mentioned in this video:

Awakening The Chakras

  How to Awaken the Chakras: Introduction to Kundalini Energy (Ep. 1)     An in-depth guide to understand the process of awakening the Chakras and Kundalini. This series consists of 9 episodes providing deep insights into the nature of each chakra and practices to activate them consciously. Areas covered are science, psychology, energy work, Astral projection, telepathy, Christianity, Ancient Egypt, esoteric symbolism and more. Discover the power of the cosmos that’s expressed as 7 manifestations of intelligence within you.Read More

Welcome to the Netherlands

  By Janet Ossebaard November 2021     Demanding Justice for Joost Knevel Music: Beethoven, Mondschein Sonate     The Fall Of The Cabal

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