Research & Opinions


  Project BLUE BOOK – Unidentified Flying Objects General Information Reference Report relating to Project BLUE BOOK U.S. Air Force Fact Sheet on UFO’S and Project BLUE BOOK Reference Report relating to Majestic 12 {MJ-12} Information of the “Roswell Incident”   General Information The United States Air Force retired to the custody of the National Archives its records on Project BLUE BOOK relating to the investigations of unidentified flying objects. Project BLUE BOOK has been declassified and the records areRead More

A Prison On Earth | Alien Conspiracy Documentary

        A Prison on Earth: Beyond The New World Order – In the shadows of other dimensions, there lays a nefarious force waging war upon humans for millennia from the space between spaces – a dark force that governs not just our thoughts and actions but our very souls. The very advent of time began the slave master hierarchy between us and those unseen forces behind our every action and thought. They built and created “rules” andRead More

The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé (2021)

      Source:       This documentary is Dr. Greer’s answer to the current government and media disinformation campaign promoting 3 big lies: 1. We do not know what these UAPs/ UFOs are. WE DO. 2. Humans cannot make craft that can maneuver like UFOs. WE CAN and WE DO. 3. The UFOs are a threat. THEY ARE NOT. @Majestic 12 Hub      

Special Presidential Briefing for President Barack Obama

  THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT | 23 January 2009   “Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change.” Robert F. Kennedy 1966 Speech       Source:  

Jordan Peterson on his Twitter Ban

  1 July 2022       Source:

Paul Harvey: If I were the Devil…

  Paul Harvey was an American radio broadcaster. He originally broadcast this on 3 April 1965.     Source:       Freedom to Chains Although this too was broadcast more than 50 years ago, it remains relevant today.     FULL TRANSCRIPT Now then, what makes a nation strong? Taxes? (Heh) There’s nothing new about those either, the first income tax was paid by Abraham. It was written on a rock by the hand of Divinity and handed toRead More

Prof John J. Mearsheimer: The causes and consequences of the Ukraine war

    Prof. John J. Mearsheimer is an American political scientist and international relations scholar, who belongs to the realist school of thought. He is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. He has been described as the most influential realist of his generation. Mearsheimer is best known for developing the theory of offensive realism, which describes the interaction between great powers as being primarily driven by the rational desire to achieve regional hegemony in an anarchic international system. In accordance with his theory, Mearsheimer believes that China’s growingRead More


  Gregory Mannarino | 26 June 2022         Traders Choice    

Do you remember what happened to David Kelly?

  In this extract from his memoirs, Tom Mangold recounts the real story of what happened to his friend, the world’s leading weapons inspector, Dr David Kelly.   Tom Mangold is a British broadcaster, journalist and author. For 26 years he was an investigative journalist with the BBC’s Panorama.         Source: Open Democracy   #WMD #IraqWar #TonyBlair  


  14 May 2021         Source:

David DuByne w/ Mike Adams – Mass Cattle Deaths and Global Crop Failures

  Health Ranger Report | 16 June 2022         Related article: Cattle deaths explained? NASA warns of deadly magnetosphere “rifts” that allow intense solar radiation to wipe out large numbers of animals on Earth

The Communist and Masonic Infiltration of America and the Catholic Church

  by Dr James Wardner         Additional details:       Unholly Alliances  

Juan O Savin: Revenge of the Fallen

  FALLEN ANGELS, CHILDREN OF CAIN, NEPHILIM, SATAN, DEMONS, TRANSHUMANISM & NWO It does not matter whether or not this is true, what matters is that the “13 Family Bloodlines” believe it. They call themselves the “Children of Cain” & believe that “Satan is their Father”. They also believe their Bloodlines are of an “Alien Race” that is superior to us. These Bloodline Families operate under a belief system of “Satanic Hidden Knowledges” that include Symbolism, Numbers, Planetary Alignments &Read More

Transhumanism according to Elon Musk, Grimes, Harari

  Thrivetime Show | 8 June 2022       Watch the original May 2020 Song Darkseid recorded by Grimes w/ 潘PAN (Lyric Video) today at: Learn the TRUTH About Elon Musk Today At:     Source:

“What is a Woman?”

  “What Is a Woman?” is a documentary made by Daily Wire host Matt Walsh and released on the first day of Pride Month.           ‘What Is a Woman’ Exposes Disturbing Transgender Agenda   “I’ve heard people say that there are no differences between male and female. Those people are idiots.” Thus begins Daily Wire host Matt Walsh’s new “What Is a Woman?” documentary, which highlights the left’s ever-growing reluctance and inability to define gender. Think thatRead More

Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug

  NIH National Library of Medicine   Ivermectin is a macrolide antiparasitic drug with a 16-membered ring that is widely used for the treatment of many parasitic diseases such as river blindness, elephantiasis and scabies. Satoshi Omura and William C. Campbell won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of the excellent efficacy of ivermectin against parasitic diseases. Recently, ivermectin has been reported to inhibit the proliferation of several tumor cells by regulating multiple signaling pathways.Read More

Operation Paperclip

  In the fall of 1944, the United States and its allies launched a secret mission code-named Operation Paperclip. The aim was to find and preserve German weapons, including biological and chemical agents, but American scientific intelligence officers quickly realized the weapons themselves were not enough. They decided the United States needed to bring the Nazi scientists themselves to the U.S. Thus began a mission to recruit top Nazi doctors, physicists and chemists — including Wernher von Braun, who wentRead More

What is the ‘Bilderberg Group’? | Decoded

  Is there such a thing as the New World Order? Hollywood actor @amrwaked investigates whether the Bilderberg Group – a group of political and economic elites – is trying to control the world through capitalism.       Source:

Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony (2016)

  Celebrations on 1 June 2016 marked the opening of the 57 km Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland.   Highlights     Full video     Source:

The Book of the Cave of Treasures

  The Book of the Cave of Treasures is a sixth century Christian sacred history written by a Jacobite. The text is attributed to Ephrem Syrus, who was born at Nisibis soon after AD 306 and died in 373, but it is now generally believed that its current form is 6th century or newer. The assertion that the Cave of Treasures was written in the 4th century is supported by the general contents of the work. This book and The BookRead More

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