Research & Opinions


  Project Camelot | 7 April 2022         Article by Kerry Cassidy: The info about Christopher Miller taking over as head of the military is correct… Patel Patriot in his Devolution series lays out a very clear path to how Trump has in essence been a gov in exile to allow the Biden/Pelosi crazies to do their worst in order to ‘show the people’ how diabolical those people are. Yes on Jan 21 2022 according to JuanRead More

The Symbolic Connection Between DNA, Pine Cones, the Pineal Gland, and Light

  This Is How It Really Works       Pine Pollen source link here:… Pine Bark source link here:… References: [1]… [2]… [3]… [4]… [5]… [6]… [7]     Source:  


  Project Camelot | 28 May 2022       Source:     About Dr Robert Young       There Are NO NEW DISEASES and NO NEW VIRUSES!       Source:         DR ROBERT YOUNG: GRAPPHENE AND VACCINES 3 March 2022

Geordie Rose: Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence

  Geordie Rose founded D-Wave, the world’s first quantum computing company, and Kindred, the world’s first robotics company to use reinforcement learning in a production environment. He has sold quantum computers and robots that learn to Google, NASA, Lockheed Martin, The Gap, and several US government agencies. He has a PhD in theoretical physics from UBC, was a two-time Canadian national wrestling champion, was the 2010 NAGA world champion in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in both gi and no-gi categories, was namedRead More

Dr Tau Braun on Bioterrorism

  Project Camelot | 28 May 2022   Dr Tau Braun is a U.S. National Counterterrorism & EMS Advisor and Trainer, Chief Scientist, CounterBioterrorism Division, BioChem Engineering, Executive Director of the Violence Prevention Agency, and Clinical Psychologist. In this recording, Dr Tau Braun and Kerry Cassidy discuss a wide range of topics relevant to the recent events including bioweapons, nanotechnology, transhumanism, psychpathy of the ruling class and wilful incompetence of the general populace, etc.         Source:  Read More

Vladimir Vernadsky — Scientific Thought As A Planetary Phenomenon

    Excerpts from the Schiller Institute conference of June 18-19, 2022   The philosophical ideas of Russian-Ukrainian scientist V.I. Vernadsky are as fresh today as they were when Scientific American published Vernadsky’s vision of post-war scientific collaboration in the January 1945 edition of Scientific American. In many respects, science in the West has still to “catch up” to Vernadsky. His reflections on time, space and living matter can still serve as food for thought for scientists today, with hisRead More


  Project Camelot | 26 June 2022   Major Solomon Berg, interviewed here by Kerry Cassidy, was part of an above top secret project called Black Kraken. He is a doctor of Anthropology recruited into the military who spent a year on Mars and eventually was brought on board to handle a captured Sasquatch aka Yeti and established telepathic communication with it and the over-mind of the species. The Squatch as they are actually known, are a nomadic people fromRead More

Tesla or Adaptation of an Angel

  Tesla or Adaptation of an Angel: The Lost Interview with Nikola Tesla     Did Nikola Tesla really give this Amazing Interview in the Play called: ‘Tesla: Or Adaptation of an Angel? Also known as: Everything is the Light. The Lost Interview with Nikola Tesla.       TESLA – FREE ENERGY       In his masterful article The Problem of Increasing Human Energy, first published in Century Illustrated Magazine in June 1900, Tesla discusses the “energy situation”Read More

Lucifer & The FALLEN – From Darkness to LIGHT

        In Hollywood Los Angeles, the city of Lost Angels, countless movies have been created about magical myths and Legends told from ancient times. Myths have fed the imaginations and souls of humans for thousands of years, and helps give us insight on what our TRUE history really might have looked like. Some of the most captivating stories speak of celestial Angels while others speak of those expelled from Heaven, known as “Fallen Angels,” or “the Watchers.”Read More

Senator Mike Gravel at the Citizen Hearing on UFOs

        We shipped this nuclear capability to Israel and one of their tasks was to share it with the Shah… We gave the Shah an experimental Nuclear Reactor (to build bombs)… This is what most Americans don’t know right now. It was the Ayatollah Khomeini who made the decision that the reactor would not be used for any bomb making devices… It was an internal decision by Supreme, the Imam, that they would not do that becauseRead More


  Mattias Desmet is recognized as the world’s leading expert on the theory of mass formation and is the author of Psychology of Totalitarianism. He is also a professor of clinical psychology in the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Ghent University (Belgium) and a practicing psychoanalytic psychotherapist. In this exclusive Plandemic 3 interview, filmmaker Mikki Willis explores this topic more in-depth to discover alarming parallels in the Covid-19 narrative and the totalitarian playbook, as well as time testedRead More

Dr Mattias Desmet, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Peter McCullough discuss Mass Formation Psychosis)

  Tommy’s Podcast | 4 January 2021  

Science, Pseudoscience, and The Germ Theory of Disease – Dr. Jordan Grant (2022 Conference)

  Medicamentus Authentica | 30 June 2022         Dr. Jordan Grant’s unique humor and intellect fuses a potent message, teasing the “germ theory” of disease and poking holes in the paradigm of pseudo-science. After experiencing sickness in his own family, Jordan awakened to huge realizations in research which he consolidated into an organized presentation, leading listeners on an exploration of what “science” really means, breaking down fallacies and dogmas surrounding contagion and infection.      

The End Of Germ Theory

      00:01:21 Dr Rosenau / US Public Health Service failed Spanish Flu contagion experiments 00:08:14 Goat Island / US Public Health Service failed Spanish Flu contagion experiments 00:10:32 Johns Hopkins / Dr Sellard failed Measles contagion experiment…   Source: Spacebusters     Spacebusters channel’s new video covers a plethora of topics relating to the virus theory, from Spanish Flu Goat Island experiments to Chicken Pox, Vaccines, Polio, Virology, COVID, PCR, Measles, RNA and Antibodies. Learn about theRead More

Max Igan w/ Maria Zeee

  TheCrowhouse | 29 June 2022         Source:  

Mel K w/ Kash Patel

  Mel K Show | 24 June 2022    

What Is Killing The Cattle?

  Did a nano-bioweapon activated by 5G caused the mass culling of the cattle? In this 2021 broadcast from Turkey, they talk about nano-infected soil found on the Evergreen container ship seized in the Suez Canal. And why has Bill Gates been spending billioins of dollars to acquire farmlands?     Source:         David DuByne and Mike Adams discuss mass cattle deaths and global crop failures Health Ranger Report | 16 June 2022  

Silent Killers

  Silent Killers: UK Animal Mutilation (2009)   Richard D. Hall of RICHPLANET.NET investigates the subject of animal mutilation in the U.K. In various locations within the U.K., there are incidents of recurring animal deaths. The injuries on the animals are toally in-explicable showing surgical precision. See the evidence and follow the lives of those involved in tracking down the perpetrators. For some reason, the goverment are covering up these cases.           Silent Killers in SussexRead More

Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14

    ANALYSIS OF REPORTS OF UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL OBJECTS by United States Air Force   Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14 was their massive statistical analysis of Blue Book cases to date, some 3200 by the time the report was completed in 1954, after Ruppelt had left Blue Book. Even today, it represents the largest such study ever undertaken.        


  National Press Club, Washington D.C. April 29th – May 3rd, 2013   The Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure set out to accomplish what the U.S. Congress had failed to do for forty-five years – seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time – evidence pointing toward an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.   Forty researchers along with military/agency/political persons of high rank and station came to the National Press Club inRead More

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