Mask Risks
Masks, false safety and real dangersby Boris Borovoy, Colleen Huber, Q Makeeta
Masks, false safety and real dangersby Boris Borovoy, Colleen Huber, Q Makeeta
31 August 2020 Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic, governments and a controlled mainstream press have been bombarding us with numbers. Further analysis though shows that these numbers have been seriously manipulated or distorted, presumably to exaggerate the situation, keep the population in constant fear, and enable governments to implement their restrictive measures and generally do as they like without opposition. Here in Spain this is particularly the case, with the figures that are being released inconsistent, incomprehensible, and incomplete. Positive casesRead More→
Jim Meehan MD | 22 July 2020
Published by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons | 26 September 2020 Source link
Operation Moonshot is the name of the UK government’s newly proposed COVID-19 mass testing scheme. Here are some of the articles published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) concerning this government proposal.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich | 3 October 2020
Jim Meehan MD | 22 July 2020