By 2030 You’ll own nothing And you’ll be happy
8 predictions for the world in 2030
8 predictions for the world in 2030
Total population: 43.77 million Total doses delivered: 21,092,475 Of which: Pfizer 13,647,075 AstraZeneca 5,397,000 Moderna 1,776,000 Johnson 272,400 People with one dose: 12,966, 552 (27.3% of population) People with two doses: 5,696,827 (12.0% of population) Doses delivered, pending: 2,429,096 (mainly AstraZeneca, on hold)
H.S.H Prince Michael of Liechtenstein, Executive Chairman Industrie und Finanzkontor, Founder & Chairman Geopolitical Intelligence Services AG., talks about democracy based on mutual trust, danger of centralised contol by global entities, the importance of taking a multi-generational view, and self-responsibility in a ever changing world. In Part 2, the topics of discussion include green politics, free society v totalitarian system as we move from decentralised democracy to centralised burocratic technocracy, welfare state, price of our personal data, and political correctness.Read More→
Source: TimTruth The analysis was performed in the months November 2020 to March 2021 on test sticks in sets. SD Biosensor, Abbott and Nadal in an unnamed hospital laboratory from Bratislava, Slovakia. The test swabs were from the sets used in surface testing in Slovakia and in hospitals. Anyone who has at least a standard school microscope and a test microscope can verify the information regarding the test swabs published here. All information about test swabs, DarpaRead More→
Dr Vernon Coleman | 19 April 2021 In this 12 minute video, Dr Vernon Coleman uses the UK Government’s own statistics to prove conclusively that there was never a pandemic and that covid 19 is no more dangerous than the annual flu. Dr Coleman’s website: Dr Coleman’s video channel:
Nick Hudson | March 2021 PANDA (Pandemics – data and analysis) is a multidisciplinary group seeking to inform policy. It is a collective of leading scientists, actuaries, economists, data scientists, statisticians, medical professionals, lawyers, engineers, and businesspeople working as a collective to replace bad science with good science. Their key principles are that lockdowns run contrary to pre-COVID science (endorsed by the WHO and other medical bodies), that imposing restrictions on healthy people runs contrary to pre-COVID science, that poorRead More→
Baruch Vainshelboim | 22 November 2020 This peer-reviewed study done by Stanford University demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that face masks have absolutely zero chance of preventing the spread of COVID-19. Conclusion ‘The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. WearingRead More→
Dr Jim Meehan
8 December 2020 Infection is not the disease. COVID-19 is upper respiratory infections that have not been treated appropriately. Disease is sickness. We don’t diagnose disease by tests. Dr Judy Mikovits is an American molecular biologist and former medical researcher who worked at the National Cancer Institute in Frederick MD for 20 years.
Dr Richard Fleming | 15 March 2021 SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Gain-of-Function, Treatments and Vaccines Evidence shows that this virus is engineered with Gain of Function (GoF) including mechanisms creating an Inflammo Thrombotic Response (ITR) with mRNA Reverse Transcription (RT) into cell DNA with Prion-like structures presence in the virus spike protein.
NewsWars – 3 April 2021 Alex Jones breaks down the shocking information contained in the so-called SPARS 2025-2028 document which details another horrifying worldwide pandemic scenario and how governments can better impose control over their citizens and merge cooperative efforts into a global government body.
SPARS Pandemic Scenario Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security – October 2017 The Center’s SPARS Pandemic exercise narrative comprises a futuristic scenario that illustrates communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures (MCMs) that could plausibly emerge in the not-so-distant future. Its purpose is to prompt users, both individually and in discussion with others, to imagine the dynamic and oftentimes conflicted circumstances in which communication around emergency MCM development, distribution, and uptake takes place. While engaged with a rigorous simulated health emergency, scenarioRead More→
Dr Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr Cole has conducted over 100,000 Covid-19 lab tests and treated over 350,000 patients over his medical career. Corona viruses are seasonal and usually follow a 6-9 month life cycle Average COVID-19 age of death 78.6. Average annual US age of death historically 78.6 Highest risks factors, advanced age, obesity, low vitamin D The virusRead More→
‘There are NO randomized, controlled trials (RCT) with verified outcomes that show a benefit to healthcare workers or community members for wearing a mask or a respirator. There is no such definitive study. Likewise, no study exists that shows a benefit from a broad policy to wear masks in public (documented below)…’
by Bill Sardi | 26 March 2021 ‘You see the mindless, frightened masses dutifully wearing face masks while walking their dog and not a human being within 100 yards, and while driving in their car alone. And while shopping, if a face mask of another shopper droops below their nose they fearfully run to complain to the store manager. Yet few people know of anyone who is reported to have died of COVID-19 personally. Where I am headed with thisRead More→
12 March 2021 Source: |
Prof. Dolores Cahill | 15 January 2021 Prof. Dolores Cahill PhD is currently the most censored Irish citizen. Videos of her presentations and interviews are being censored by the media and major websites like Google/YouTube/Facebook/RTE/BBC/Sky. Source:
CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report | 5 March 2021 ‘During March 1–December 31, 2020, state-issued mask mandates applied in 2,313 (73.6%) of the 3,142 U.S. counties. Mask mandates were associated with a 0.5 percentage point decrease (p = 0.02) in daily COVID-19 case growth rates 1–20 days after implementation and decreases of 1.1, 1.5, 1.7, and 1.8 percentage points 21–40, 41–60, 61–80, and 81–100 days, respectively, after implementation (p<0.01 for all) (Table 1) (Figure). Mask mandates were associated withRead More→